Title: Julie Dobson Ulverston Victoria High School, Cumbria
1Julie DobsonUlverston Victoria High School,
- using art to learn maths using maths to create
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10- How do these numbers
- 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55....
11 12www.maths2art.co.uk
13Digit-Sum Spirals
- 149 gt 149 14 gt 14 5
- So the digit sum of 149 is 5
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15Now draw the spiral
2nd digit sum 7
7 squares right
6 squares down
8 squares up
3rd digit sum 6
Dont stop until you get back to the start
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17Digit-sum spiral for multiples of 8
18- List the first 20 or so multiples of the number
you are working with, - then find the digit sum for each number,
- now use the digit sums to draw the digit-sum
- Sarah Bonnell multiples of 1, 8 and 10
- Helsby multiples of 2 and 7
- Nunthorpe multiples of 3, 6 and 9
- St Augustines multiples of 4 and 5
19For further investigation What happens if you
try to draw a digit-sum spiral using numbers
greater than 10? Using square numbers? Cube
numbers? Fibonacci numbers?
20Random Art
21How was this picture created by rolling dice?
22Select a small rectangle within your sheet of
isometric paper
Choose 6 colours, and roll the dice to decide the
colour for each triangle (1 blue, 2 red
etc.) Add colour systematically, working left to
right, top to bottom.
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24Roll 2 diceand add
I roll 3 and 1 the first time The x coordinate is
4 I roll 5 and 3 the second time The y
coordinate is 8 I plot (4,8)
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28- What would your own original piece or random art
be like? - What methods would you use to generate your
image? - How many colours would you need?
29Are these images art?
30Another avenue to explore
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35Part II of this videoconference will take place
at 10.30 am on Tuesday 4th July I look
forward to seeing the work you do over the next
few weeks