Title: Chinese Cryosphere Information System
1Chinese Cryosphere Information System
Li Xin
Cold and Arid Regions Environment and Engineering
Research Institute, CAS
21. Introduction Cryosphere and Climate Change
32. Structure of CCIS
4Hardware and Software Environment in CCIS
UNIX Workstation
NT Workstation
Applications in different environment
53. Main Case Study Areas of CCIS
Qinghai-Tibet Highway
Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Urumqi River Basin, Tienshan Mountains
63.1 CCIS Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
8Map of Frozen Ground
9Vegetation Map of the QTP
103.2 CCIS Regions along the Qinghai-Tibet highway
11Database of frozen Soil Engineering Properties
along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway
123.3 CCIS Urumqi River Basin in the Tienshan
13DEMs of Glacier
144. Spatial Interpolation of Climatic Variables
- Missing data estimation
- Data gridding
15Classification and Procedure of Spatial
- Geometric method
- Statistical method
- Geostatistical method
- Functional method
- Stochastic simulation
- Physical model simulation
- Combined method
16Meteorological Stations in the Qinghai-Tibet
17Inverse Distance Weighting
18Interpolation results of inverse distance square
19Trend Surface
20Interpolation results of trend surface
21Kriging method
22Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis
- The mathematical expectation of the difference
between two points separated by distance h is
- The variance of the difference between two points
separated by distance h is minimized as
- Hence, the semi-variance can be calculated from
data samples by the following equation
23Basic variogram models
24Cokriging method
- cokriging introduces a new hypothesis, the
variance of the difference between two variables
is minimized
- The equation of cross-variogram is as follows
25Fit of simple and cross-variogram
26Interpolation results of cokriging
27Combined method
- Assuming that spatial variable consists of three
components one structural component, one
stochastic and spatial correlated component, and
one stochastic noise or residual. Let x denotes a
two-dimensional or three-dimensional vector,
spatial variable Z(x) can be expressed as
28Lapse rates of different latitudinal and
altitudinal zones in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
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30a sum of nugget, linear and Gaussian variogram
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- Spatial interpolation is a very important spatial
analysis tool in GIS. As for the cryospheric
regions with sparsely and irrationally
distributed meteorological stations, spatial
interpolation is a basic method for the study of
spatial distribution of climatic variables and
also a prerequisite for the establishment of
cryospheric models based on GIS. - There is no absolutely optimal spatial
interpolation method there is only relatively
optimal interpolation method in special
situation. Hence, the best spatial interpolation
method should be selected in accordance with the
qualitative analysis of the data, exploratory
spatial data analysis and repeated experiments.
345. Response of Permafrost to Global Change on the
Qinghai-Tibet Plateau - A GIS Aided Model
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36Altitude Model
37Data Flow in the Altitude Model
Geo thermal Regime
GCM Scenarios
38DEM of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
39Diagram of HADCM2
40The Air Temperature Rise on the Qinghai-Tibet
Plateau in 2049
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42Nelson Frost Number Model
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- The Gaussian function that describes high
altitude permafrost distribution will not change
according to the climate warming. - If air temperature increases 1?C, the vertical
zonation will rise a certain height agreeing on
the lapse rate, the lower limit of the
high-altitude permafrost will rise the same
height. Therefore, a relation can be established
between the air temperature rise (?T) and the
increased height of permafrost lower limit (?H).
The relation is
- Lakes, glaciers, deserts will not change
45Permafrost Change when Air Temperature Rise 0.51C
Permafrost Change when Air Temperature Rise 1.10C
Permafrost Change when Air Temperature Rise 2.91C
46Permafrost Change on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
476. Other Models
486.1 Solar Radiation Model over Rugged Terrain
- Duration of possible sunshine Odefined as the
set of duration when the sloping grid can receive
direct solar radiation during the entire day. - Isotropic view factor Visodefined as the ratio
of the area of the visible part to the area of
semi-sphere on a sloping grid. It stands for the
influence of the surrounding terrain to the
isotopic diffuse radiation. - Circum-solar view factor V1defined as the ratio
of the exoatmospheric radiance obstructed by
surrounding and self-shadowing to the
exoatmospheric radiance obstructed only by
self-shadowing. It stands for the influence of
the surrounding terrain to the circum-solar
diffuse radiation. - Shape factor Fijdefined as the ratio of the
energy reached another sloping grid to the energy
emitted from the source sloping grid.
49Duration of Possible Sunshine
50Obstruction of solar radiation by the surrounding
51Ray trace algorithm
52Isotropic View Factor
53Shape Factor
55Spectral reflectance Inverse
--with a Windows 95 Style User Interface
56Obstruct in winter
Obstruct in summer
57Result - Net Solar Radiation
586.2 Relationship between mass balance, solar
radiation and air temperature
59Relationship between mass balance, solar
radiation and air temperature of Glacier No. 1
- Bj84471.3T 37.3Ip
- correlation coefficient (R)0.9121 R20.8320
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61lt-5?C Extreme Stable type -5?C to -3?C Stable
type -3?C to -1.5?C Sub-stable type -1.5?C to
-0.5?C Transit type -0.5?C to 0.5?C Unstable
type gt0.5?C Extreme unstable type
6.3 Change of Permafrost-Engineering Properties
along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway (Tutuhe )
62The change of permafrost stability alongthe
Qinghai-Tibet Highway
636.4 A Distributed Calculation Method for Glacier
Volume Change
64Calculation of glacier mass balance using GIS