UAMG 3053 CommunicationTechnology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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UAMG 3053 CommunicationTechnology


1 : imperial government, authority, or system ... Penelope Cruz, Antonio Banderas, Jennifer Lopez, Shakira and Christina Aguilera ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: UAMG 3053 CommunicationTechnology

UAMG 3053CommunicationTechnology
  • Week 8 9
  • Culture in Cyberspace

  • 1 imperial government, authority, or system
  • 2 the policy, practice, or advocacy of
    extending the power and dominion of a nation
    especially by direct territorial acquisitions or
    by gaining indirect control over the political or
    economic life of other areas broadly the
    extension or imposition of power, authority, or

Modern Imperialism
  • To Malaysia, British and Japan were once our
    imperial governments. Our resources were taken by
    them as their own and they reorganized our social
    structure directly
  • But in modern day, we are looking at the
    international communication and trying to link
    Communication Imperialism to cultural Imperialism
    and media Imperialism

Modern Imperialism
  • Johan Galtung, a structuralist, tried to link
    international communication to cultural
  • Five types of imperialism economic, political,
    military, communication, and cultural
  • Imperialism can be introduced in any one of these
    five forms and the spread to the others

Modern Imperialism
  • The instant communication afforded by
    tele-satellites and the movement of enormous data
    and information across national facilitates
    control of the North over the South
  • For structuralists, the international
    communication system is said to be vertical
    from North to South and there is no horizontal
    communication taking place

Modern Imperialism
  • 1. High levels of industrial capacity and
    technological innovation exist only in the
    developed economies of North America
  • 2. Western news agencies which dominate
    international news gathering and dissemination
    (AFP, AP, UPI, and Reuters)

  • Nonaligned nations demanded for a New
    International Economic Order (NIEC) during a
    special session of the General Assembly in the
    United Nations meeting
  • There are imbalances in international relations
    that allegedly enrich the North and perpetuate
    dependency for the South

  • That led to the demand of a New World Information
    Order (NWIO) from the Third World nations
  • The demand of NWIO was meant to balance
    international inequalities in the flows of
    information, news, and communication technologies

  • The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and
    Cultural Organization (UNESCO) funded The
    MacBride Commission to review the totality of
    the problems of communication in modern society

1978 and 1980
  • 1978 - The Commission published Interim Report
  • 1980 - The Commission published a Final Report

  • The MacBride Report intensified some of the
    hostilities on both sides (North and South) of
    these debates
  • To defend the status quo and to defend a free
    market in international news, the Reagon
    Administration withdrew from UNESCO

  • Despite the report, problems in international
    communication remain unresolved
  • E.g. the West in general and the United States in
    particular often suffer from their lack of
    information in regard to the true nature of
    events in much of the world

  • At the same time, the centers of East-West
    conflicts are shifting from North Atlantic to
    Third World context (i.e., Afghanistan, Central
    America, and southern Africa)

The New Order in International Relations
  • 1950s and 1960s the rise of nationalism and the
    end of colonialism most of the Third World
  • Many less developed countries (LDC) gained
    political independence but their national
    autonomy (self-government) continued to be
    compromised through other means

The New Order in..
  • Many LDCs remain dependent on their former
    imperial states for trade, technology, expertise,
    and cultural resources
  • The proposal for an NIEO addresses four key areas
    to promote rapid development in the Third World,
    while simultaneously reducing the dependency of
    the LDCs on the West

Four keys of NIEO
  • 1. LDCs were to be given absolute sovereignty
    over their natural resources, including the right
    of nationalization
  • 2. Preferential treatment was to be given to
    Third World goods in Western markets
  • 3. Grant, gifts, and other transfers of advanced
    technologies from the west to the Third World
    were to be vastly increased and funded by the
    wealthy industrialized nations
  • 4. New controls were to be placed on
    multinational corporations (MNCs) which operate
    in the Third World

  • NWIO followed NIEO because LDCs still rely on
    foreign sources for news and communication
  • The technology necessary for modernizing a
    national agency or broadcasting studio is
    primarily a Western export

Four keys of NWIO
  • 1. Absolute sovereignty for LDCs over all of
    their information resources
  • 2. Preferential treatment for Third World news in
    Western markets
  • 3. Direct grants and other gifts of advanced
    communication technologies from the West to the
    Third World
  • 4. The breakup of the Western transnational news
    agencies (TNNAs AFP, AP, Reuters, and UPI)

Two dimensions in the flow of information
  • Stevenson Cole (1984)
  • The East and West flow -
  • The dominant and industrialized countries of the
    capitalist West and the socialist countries of
    Eastern Europe along with the former Soviet

Two dimensions ..of flows
  • The North and South flow -
  • - the industrialized countries of the Northern
    Hemisphere and the developing, mainly nonaligned
    nations of the Third World, located
    psychologically if not always geographically in
    the Southern half of the globe

Three Schools of Thoughts on International
  • A) The Conservatives backed by U.S. government
    politically most powerful group of thoughts
  • They denied that imbalances in international
    information flows are due to the activities of
    governments and media in the West

The Conservatives..
  • They see the imbalances in news flow as being
    caused by certain natural characteristics of
    information gathering and dissemination
  • Deny the charges that a free market of
    information and a free press have adverse effects
    on underdeveloped nations

The Conservatives
  • Stress on the positive aspects of a free market
    in news and information Western technologies
    serve as a tools of development for the Third
  • Defend the status quo in International
    communication and argue against governmental
    control of the mass media either the Soviet
    form of censorship and government controls, or
    the American tradition of press freedom

The Reformists
  • Receives much broader international support that
    conservatives from many Western journalists and
    media executives
  • Admits that imbalances in information flows are
    due to the Wests near-monopoly of newswires and

The Reformists
  • Recognized the harmful social and political
    effects that result from the unregulated actions
    of Western TNNAs
  • Believe that the current international order can
    be made more effective and equitable through a
    series of incremental adjustments

The Reformists
  • Believe much can be done on the current context
  • E.g., reduction of costs of communication for
    LDCs (lower newsprint costs)
  • E.g., Western assistance to train journalists
    from LDCs, and increased coverage of Third World
    nations in the Western press

The Reformists
  • Reformists proposed to advocate more coverage of
    ongoing projects for social, political, and
    economic development
  • Development journalism to replace spot news
    which concentrated on episodic events such as
    riots, coups, and disasters

The Reformists
  • two-way form, horizontal, interactive flow, a
    process of give and take
  • Called for a mix of governmental controls and
    free press institutions

The Structuralists
  • Neo-Marxist journalists, Third World diplomats,
    and theorists like Herbert Schiller and John
  • Believe that the source of global informational
    imbalance can be found in the Wests desire to
    retain hegemony over formerly colonized areas
  • To Schiller, communication dominance has replaced
    more direct forms of political and military

The Structuralists
  • Control of communication and information is also
    said to be the means by which Western MNCs
    promote their economic interests at the expense
    of the developing nations
  • John Galtung, a structuralist, tries to connect
    communication imperialism and cultural
    imperialism the former leads to the latter

The Structuralists
  • Divided nations into a) the center (developed)
    and b) the Periphery (underdeveloped)
  • The center dominated the network of communication
  • The center owns the major news agencies
  • The center provides the definition of what is
    newsworthy for the Periphery

The Structuralists
  • Journalist and media users in the Periphery come
    to see events with center eyes
  • These factors erode the cultural identify,
    national sovereignty, and political independence
    of developing states

The Structuralists
  • Structuralists view the current order in
    international communication as extremely unjust
    and beyond redemption
  • Argued that a new order is need to replace the
    current international system

The Structuralists.
  • Place a much heavier emphasis on balance than
  • To achieve political and economic autonomy, Third
    World or underdeveloped nations must become
    technologically self-sufficient

Tutorial 10 - Questions
  • In brief, explanation what is Cultural
    Imperialism and how does the imbalance flows of
    information effects the underdeveloped nations?
  • Explain the two dimension of flows of
    information. Do these two dimensions of flow
    still exist?
  • Do you agree with the conservatives, the
    reformists, or the structuralists?
  • Based on your extra reading, what will the
    dependency of East Europe media suggest?

UAMG 3053CommunicationTechnology
  • Week 8 9
  • Culture in Cyberspace

Two Conceptions of News
  • What is News? Much of the scholarly and
    diplomatic debate about NWIO revolves around this
    simple question.
  • News as commodity
  • News as social goods

News as commodity
  • In Western context news is treated as a
  • Western media provide international news in the
    form of merchandise rather than a service
  • News stories are selected for their impact,
    exoticism, and ability to entertain

  • Contents of international news are determined by
    market interests
  • News, historically, serves a particular economic
    interests and catered to specific cultural taste
  • A news report tells what, when, where, why, who,
    and how (later)
  • A well-written news story should be brief,
    to-the-point, and clear good news reporting

News as social goods
  • New as social good developed during the 20th
    century campaign for decolonization
  • LDCs tried to improve and broaden their
    industries, educational institutions, and general
    social welfare all at the same time

Social goods
  • All national assets, including information, came
    to be seen as resources held in common, under
    absolute sovereign control of the state
  • Information was to be employed as a tool for
    rapid development

Cultural Imperialism and Media Imperialism
  • Cultural Imperialism Theory, developed by Herbert
    Schiller in the late 1960s and early 1970s
  • Cultural Imperialism is about the struggle and
    shift of power and control that lead to
    domination and the erosion of local culture.
  • Stated that global mass media are basically
    dominated by Western nations

Cultural Imperialism
  • It suggested a one way (imbalance, vertical) flow
    of information
  • Western nations control flows of international
    news and information, allowing them to undermine
    the cultures of the rest of the world

Cultural Imperialism
  • To Petras (1999), imperialism is a systematic
    penetration and domination of the cultural life
    of the popular classes by the ruling class of the
    West in order to reorder the values, behavior,
    institutions, and identity of the oppressed
    people to conform with the interest of the
    imperial classes (p. 140).

Cultural Imperialism
  • Western domination over the media also means the
    ability of Western media to impose Western views
  • Western media serve as a vehicle from Western
    values, Western norms, and Western culture
  • Along with news and entertainment, Western media
    carry to the LDCs images of a more prosperous
    life and more exciting lifestyles

Cultural Imperialism
  • Third World nations are dependent upon the West
    for their international news and entertainment
    broadcasting, they allegedly become molded in the
    Wests cultural image
  • Western way of life is said to effect social,
    political, and economic changes on the Third
    World nations

Cultural Imperialism
  • E.g., it stimulates desire on Western culture
    demands for a more westernized lifestyle increase
    the demands of Western goods lead to increased
    importation of Western commodities and increased
    dependency by LDCs on their Northern trading

Cultural Imperialism
  • Anthony Smith, the flow of media exports acts as
    a kind of ideological prerequisite for the flow
    of other material exports the condition of
    cultural imperialism
  • Referred by Thomas McPhail as electronic
    colonialism the dependency relationship
    established by the importation of communication
    hardware, foreign-produced software, along with
    engineers, technicians, and related information

Assimilation and Acculturation
  • Melting Pot or Salad?
  • Rethinking acculturation and assimilation
  • Acculturation defined as the cultural changes
    resulting from contact with various societies
    over time.
  • Generally regarded as one strategy of
    acculturation, assimilation has been understood
    as a process of melding, whereby one culture
    changes its cultural characteristics entirely in
    order to acquire the culture of the host society.

  • E.g Hispanic population in United States
  • Chinese in Canada
  • Indonesians in Malaysia
  • Cultural historians have begun to explore the
    extent to which Hispanics are changing American
  • As Hispanics adopt American ways, their own
    traditions exert a growing influence on American
    culture, from tastes in food and popular music to
    the economic and politics.

  • Hispanic youth tuned into popular American
    culture, its fashion, music, television and films
    and connected to the Internet.
  • E.g signs of assimilation point to the recent
    study by Nielson Media Research in 2000 found
    that younger Hispanics prefer watching TV in
    English even in household where adults speaks
  • These signs of assimilation require a more
    nuanced view. It also noted that Hispanic youth
    now see regularly see many Latino icons in
    popular movie actors and pop stars such as
    Penelope Cruz, Antonio Banderas, Jennifer Lopez,
    Shakira and Christina Aguilera

  • Media consumption Among Hispanics
  • Spanish-language media outlets catering both
    Spanish only speakers as well as Hispanics who
    speaks English.
  • Spanish radio station in U.S increased from 210
    in 1992 to 550 in 2000.
  • By adding this acquisition to TV and Internet
    audiences, communication companies hope to
    increase market penetration.

  • Magazines Latina, Latin Style, Hispanic
    Business and Hispanic Network
  • Internet networks Spanish-language version such
    as AOL Espanol

  • In summary, Hispanics acculturation in the U.S
    presents a mixed picture.
  • Exposure to popular American culture through
    multimedia channels together with the economic
    advantages generally associated with
    acculturation- has contributed to Hispanic
    assimilation, especially the 2nd and 3rd
    generation Hispanics.

Tutorial 10 - Questions
  • In your opinion, what are the factors that helps
    to contribute assimilation and acculturation
    among minorities?
  • What are the two conceptions of News

  • Curran, J. (2002). Media and Power. New York
  • Meyer, W.H. (1988). Transnational Media and Third
    World Development. New York Greenwood Press.
  • Petras, J. (1999). Globalization A critical
    analysis. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 29, 3-37.

  • Schiller, H. J. (1973). Communication and
    cultural domination. White Plains, NY
    International Arts and Sciences Press.
  • Stevenson, R.L., Cole, R.R. (1984). Issues in
    foreign news. In R.L. Stevenson D.L. Shaw
    (Ed.), Foreign News and the New World Information
    Order (pp. 5-20). Ames, IA The Iowa State
    University Press.
  • Green, L. (2001). Chapter 9. Pg 153.
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