Title: How Cute is MRCUTE
1How Cute is MRCUTE?
- Moodle Repository
- Create Upload Tag Embed
Peter KilcoyneMrCute Project Directorpkilcoyne_at_w
Richard GoddardMrCute Project Managerrichard_at_lea
MrCute is a JISC-funded joint project
byWorcester College of Technology and Learning
Objectivity UKin cooperation withXtensis Ltd
(NLN)Jorum, the UK national Teaching and
Learning Repository.
2What is MrCute?
- A search system for learning materials both
inside and outside an institution - An optional add-on repository for Moodle
- A way of storing and sharing materials outside
specific courses
3Reasons behind development of MrCute
- Create fully functional OS repository module for
Moodle - Increase sharing within an institution
- Make repository resources available to all users
of Moodle (inc students) - Allow searching of Jorum and NLN resources
(increase usage and awareness) - Usability (work with tutors with low IT skills
and confidence)
4Benefits of MrCute
- minimise server space usage
- encourage sharing
- enable site wide use of materials without further
upload - allow non technical teachers to create IMS
learning packages - access NLN materials and other repositories
- easier version control
- Searching of JORUM and NLN repositories
5What does MrCute look like?
- You can see a quick video introduction on YouTube
at - www.youtube.com/watch?vVCTIBYOASsA
- (or search YouTube for MrCute Moodle)
- Live demonstration
- MrCute 2 Moodle( beta version)
- Moodleman Video
- Moodleman YouTube
- Alternatively, view screenshots
- or skip alternatives.
6 New options in Add a resource
7Finding in the local and/or national repositories
8Sample results display
9Name and summary automatically completed
10 11Creating a new learning package
12 13 14Repository Search Block
15Join in
- Download and use MrCute 2 (beta) from
http//tinyurl.com/mrcute - Collaborate at test stages of MrCute 2
16Successes so far
- Funded twice (so far) by JISC
- finalists in the 2009 IMS Global Learning Impact
Awards - Growing user community across UK and the world
(Portugal, Spain, USA, Pakistan, New Zealand,
Australia, Finland, Germany, Canada, Egypt,
Honduras, Turkey and Holland)
17MrCute 3?
- Stand alone (non moodle version)
- Rating system
- Drag and drop
- Further integration with other repositories
18End of presentation
Peter KilcoyneMrCute Project Directorpkilcoyne_at_w
Richard GoddardMrCute Project Managerrichard_at_lea