Title: The Name of the Rose
1The Name of the Rose
- Classifying the International Monetary System
Scott UrbanSt Antonys College, Oxford
- Ever since the United States suspended the
convertibility of the dollar into gold in 1971,
the major currencies have once again been
permitted to fluctuate against one another much
as they did in the 1930s. - Golden Fetters, 395
- because in the 1970s the world has embarked on
a general float of exchange rates, I thought it
might be interesting to know more about the last
period when most exchange rates were unpegged. - Drummond, The Floating Pound, 1
- In the interwar period, the return to the gold
standard was short-lived, ending with the Great
Depression. The return was preceded by
widespread floating as was the period following
it. - Bordo 2003, 6
5Exchange-rate regime classificationorigins
- Bretton Woods (post-WW2)'par values' (official
pegs to US) - Nixon closes gold window (1971)second amendment
(1976) 'exchange arrangements' - De jure classifications
- Calvo and Reinhart (2000) 'Fear of
Floating''Everybody pegs but nobody admits it!'
6Exchange-rate regime classificationorigins
- Bretton Woods (post-WW2)'par values' (official
pegs to US) - Nixon closes gold window (1971)second amendment
(1976) 'exchange arrangements' - De jure classifications
- Calvo and Reinhart (2000) 'Fear of
Floating''Everybody pegs but nobody admits it!'
7Exchange-rate regime classificationorigins
- Bretton Woods (post-WW2)'par values' (official
pegs to US) - Nixon closes gold window (1971)second amendment
(1976) 'exchange arrangements' - De jure classifications
- Calvo and Reinhart (2000) 'Fear of
Floating''Everybody pegs but nobody admits it!'
8Exchange-rate regime classificationorigins
- Bretton Woods (post-WW2)'par values' (official
pegs to US) - Nixon closes gold window (1971)second amendment
(1976) 'exchange arrangements' - De jure classifications
- Calvo and Reinhart (2000) 'Fear of
Floating''Everybody pegs but nobody admits it!'
9Exchange-rate regime classificationapproaches
- Inference from policy reserves
10Exchange-rate regime classificationapproaches
- Inference from policy reserves
11Exchange-rate regime classificationapproaches
- Inference from policy reserves
12Exchange-rate regime classificationapproaches
- Inference from policy reserves
13Exchange-rate regime classificationapproaches
- Inference from policy reserves
14Exchange-rate regime classificationapproaches
- Inference from policy reserves
- Reliability of reserves data (Thailand 1997)
- Valuation changes
- Management of reserve portfolio
- Interest-rate policy
15Exchange-rate regime classificationapproaches
- Inference from policy reserves
- Reliability of reserves data (Thailand 1997)
- Valuation changes
- Management of reserve portfolio
- Interest-rate policy
16Exchange-rate regime classificationapproaches
- Inference from policy reserves
- Reliability of reserves data (Thailand 1997)
- Valuation changes
- Management of reserve portfolio
- Interest-rate policy
17Exchange-rate regime classificationapproaches
- Inference from policy reserves
- Reliability of reserves data (Thailand 1997)
- Valuation changes
- Management of reserve portfolio
- Interest-rate policy
18Exchange-rate regime classificationapproaches
- Inference from policy reserves
- Reliability of reserves data (Thailand 1997)
- Valuation changes
- Management of reserve portfolio
- Interest-rate policy
19Exchange-rate regime classificationapproaches
- Inference from outcome exchange-rate
- Credible floats enjoy incredible stability!?
'false positive' for a peg - Peg-change ? high variance statistic
- In other words devaluation ? float!
20Exchange-rate regime classificationapproaches
- Inference from outcome exchange-rate
- Credible floats enjoy incredible stability!?
'false positive' for a peg - Peg-change ? high variance statistic
- In other words devaluation ? float!
21Exchange-rate regime classificationapproaches
- Inference from outcome exchange-rate
- Credible floats enjoy incredible stability!?
'false positive' for a peg - Peg-change ? high variance statistic
- In other words devaluation ? float!
22Exchange-rate regime classificationapproaches
- Inference from outcome exchange-rate
- Credible floats enjoy incredible stability!?
'false positive' for a peg - Peg-change ? high variance statistic
- In other words devaluation ? float!
23Exchange-rate regime classificationapproaches
- Inference from outcome exchange-rate
- Credible floats enjoy incredible stability!?
'false positive' for a peg - Peg-change ? high variance statistic
- In other words devaluation ? float!
24Exchange-rate regime classification'flexibility'
CR2000 ('Fear of floating') ? s2e / (s2i
s2F)e is change in exchange rate i is
discount rate (level) F is change in
reserves The index is a variance ratio
25Exchange-rate regime classification'flexibility'
Poirson 2001 ('FLT index')
ratio of change in exchange-rate change in
reserves, scaled by M0
- League of Nations, Monthly Bulletin of Statistics
(various issues) - League of Nations, Statistical Year-book (various
issues) - League of Nations, Review of World Trade 1938
- Economist
- Bank of England archive 'Red books'
- IMF International Financial Statistics
- National authorities
28Quality check reserve statistics
29Quality check reserve statistics
30Quality check reserve statistics
31Quality check currency in circulation
32Quality check reserve statistics
33Quality check reserve statistics
35(No Transcript)
36Red N60Grey N25
37Mean value of flexibility index per period
38Poirson index
39 Poirson 2001 index modern period --------------
Percentiles Smallest 1 0
0 5 .0028324 0 10
.0197399 0 Obs
146 25 .1354935 0 Sum
of Wgt. 146 50 .349629
Mean 4.524667
Largest Std. Dev. 19.5573 75
.9843689 61.14288 90 5.14071
69.94834 Variance 382.488 95
17.59775 110.321 Skewness
6.966895 99 110.321 184.4557
Kurtosis 57.17034
40 Poirson 2001 index modern period --------------
Percentiles Smallest 1 0
0 5 .0028324 0 10
.0197399 0 Obs
146 25 .1354935 0 Sum
of Wgt. 146 50 .349629
Mean 4.524667
Largest Std. Dev. 19.5573 75
.9843689 61.14288 90 5.14071
69.94834 Variance 382.488 95
17.59775 110.321 Skewness
6.966895 99 110.321 184.4557
Kurtosis 57.17034
41 Poirson 2001 index 1930s --------------------
Percentiles Smallest 1 .000038
.0000283 5 .0000788 .000038 10
.0002857 .0000471 Obs
115 25 .0025916 .0000607 Sum of
Wgt. 115 50 .0285736
Mean 9.540972
Largest Std. Dev. 39.47082 75
.5425414 129.1733 90 4.833831
177.5537 Variance 1557.946 95
76.9855 183.2627 Skewness
5.087103 99 183.2627 291.6033
Kurtosis 30.55277
42 Poirson 2001 index 1930s --------------------
Percentiles Smallest 1 .000038
.0000283 5 .0000788 .000038 10
.0002857 .0000471 Obs
115 25 .0025916 .0000607 Sum of
Wgt. 115 50 .0285736
Mean 9.540972
Largest Std. Dev. 39.47082 75
.5425414 129.1733 90 4.833831
177.5537 Variance 1557.946 95
76.9855 183.2627 Skewness
5.087103 99 183.2627 291.6033
Kurtosis 30.55277
43 Poirson 2001 index modern period --------------
Percentiles Smallest 1 0
0 5 .0028324 0 10
.0197399 0 Obs
146 25 .1354935 0 Sum
of Wgt. 146 50 .349629
Mean 4.524667
Largest Std. Dev. 19.5573 75
.9843689 61.14288 90 5.14071
69.94834 Variance 382.488 95
17.59775 110.321 Skewness
6.966895 99 110.321 184.4557
Kurtosis 57.17034
44 Poirson 2001 index 1930s --------------------
Percentiles Smallest 1 .000038
.0000283 5 .0000788 .000038 10
.0002857 .0000471 Obs
115 25 .0025916 .0000607 Sum of
Wgt. 115 50 .0285736
Mean 9.540972
Largest Std. Dev. 39.47082 75
.5425414 129.1733 90 4.833831
177.5537 Variance 1557.946 95
76.9855 183.2627 Skewness
5.087103 99 183.2627 291.6033
Kurtosis 30.55277
45 Poirson 2001 index 1930s --------------------
Percentiles Smallest 1 .000038
.0000283 5 .0000788 .000038 10
.0002857 .0000471 Obs
115 25 .0025916 .0000607 Sum of
Wgt. 115 50 .0285736
Mean 9.540972
Largest Std. Dev. 39.47082 75
.5425414 129.1733 90 4.833831
177.5537 Variance 1557.946 95
76.9855 183.2627 Skewness
5.087103 99 183.2627 291.6033
Kurtosis 30.55277
46 Poirson 2001 index modern period --------------
Percentiles Smallest 1 0
0 5 .0028324 0 10
.0197399 0 Obs
146 25 .1354935 0 Sum
of Wgt. 146 50 .349629
Mean 4.524667
Largest Std. Dev. 19.5573 75
.9843689 61.14288 90 5.14071
69.94834 Variance 382.488 95
17.59775 110.321 Skewness
6.966895 99 110.321 184.4557
Kurtosis 57.17034
47CR2000 index'Fear of floating'
48 'Fear of floating' index modern
period -------------------------------------------
------------------ Percentiles
Smallest 1 0 0 5
.0000359 0 10 .0005422
0 Obs 161 25
.1026475 0 Sum of Wgt.
161 50 .4960451 Mean
1.248075 Largest
Std. Dev. 2.886232 75 .9984185
11.25288 90 2.552471 13.38458
Variance 8.330333 95 4.309496
14.2846 Skewness 5.417827 99
14.2846 25.63474 Kurtosis
49 'Fear of floating' index modern
period -------------------------------------------
------------------ Percentiles
Smallest 1 0 0 5
.0000359 0 10 .0005422
0 Obs 161 25
.1026475 0 Sum of Wgt.
161 50 .4960451 Mean
1.248075 Largest
Std. Dev. 2.886232 75 .9984185
11.25288 90 2.552471 13.38458
Variance 8.330333 95 4.309496
14.2846 Skewness 5.417827 99
14.2846 25.63474 Kurtosis
50 'Fear of floating' index 1930s -------------
Percentiles Smallest 1 0
0 5 1.75e-08 0 10
3.47e-06 0 Obs
137 25 .0007691 1.86e-10 Sum
of Wgt. 137 50 .0250113
Mean 10.45745
Largest Std. Dev. 55.30851 75
.5997505 83.59766 90 5.255409
203.6352 Variance 3059.031 95
44.54796 231.807 Skewness
8.200124 99 231.807 563.8833
Kurtosis 77.28336
51 'Fear of floating' index 1930s -------------
Percentiles Smallest 1 0
0 5 1.75e-08 0 10
3.47e-06 0 Obs
137 25 .0007691 1.86e-10 Sum
of Wgt. 137 50 .0250113
Mean 10.45745
Largest Std. Dev. 55.30851 75
.5997505 83.59766 90 5.255409
203.6352 Variance 3059.031 95
44.54796 231.807 Skewness
8.200124 99 231.807 563.8833
Kurtosis 77.28336
52 'Fear of floating' index modern
period -------------------------------------------
------------------ Percentiles
Smallest 1 0 0 5
.0000359 0 10 .0005422
0 Obs 161 25
.1026475 0 Sum of Wgt.
161 50 .4960451 Mean
1.248075 Largest
Std. Dev. 2.886232 75 .9984185
11.25288 90 2.552471 13.38458
Variance 8.330333 95 4.309496
14.2846 Skewness 5.417827 99
14.2846 25.63474 Kurtosis
53(No Transcript)
54(No Transcript)
55(No Transcript)
56Exchange-rate-only approachesReinhart Rogoff
2002Shambaugh 2004
57RR2002 approach
- What is the probability that the exchange rate
moves within a 2 band over any 12-month period? - (Shambaugh) Allow for one breach during period
(to address 'false positive' issue)
58RR2002 approach
- What is the probability that the exchange rate
moves within a 2 band over any 12-month period? - (Shambaugh) Allow for one breach during period
(to address 'false positive' issue)
59Modern period
60PR (exchange rate chg gt 2) rolling 12-month
sample using relevant bilateral rate, not
counting peg changes
61PR (exchange rate chg gt 2) rolling 12-month
sample using relevant bilateral rate, not
counting peg changes
62PR (exchange rate chg gt 2) rolling 12-month
sample using relevant bilateral rate, not
counting peg changes
64PR (exchange rate chg gt 2) rolling 12-month
sample using relevant bilateral rate, not
counting peg changes
65PR (exchange rate chg gt 2) rolling 12-month
sample using relevant bilateral rate, not
counting peg changes
66PR (exchange rate chg gt 2) rolling 12-month
sample using relevant bilateral rate, not
counting peg changes
67PR (exchange rate chg gt 2) rolling 12-month
sample using relevant bilateral rate, not
counting peg changes
68PR (exchange rate chg gt 2) rolling 12-month
sample using relevant bilateral rate, not
counting peg changes
69PR (exchange rate chg gt 2) rolling 12-month
sample using relevant bilateral rate, not
counting peg changes
70PR (exchange rate chg gt 2) rolling 12-month
sample using relevant bilateral rate, not
counting peg changes
71Next Steps
- Third dimension for classificationTime-series
properties of the exchange rate - Market-set price (i.e. a 'float') should be an
AR(1) process ('random walk') - Regress er on er_lag, use coefficient as index
- Even better
72Next Steps
- Third dimension for classificationTime-series
properties of the exchange rate - Market-set price (i.e. a 'float') should be an
AR(1) process ('random walk') - Regress er on er_lag, use coefficient as index
- Even better
73Next Steps
- Third dimension for classificationTime-series
properties of the exchange rate - Market-set price (i.e. a 'float') should be an
AR(1) process ('random walk') - Regress er on er_lag, use coefficient as index
- Even better
74Next Steps
- Third dimension for classificationTime-series
properties of the exchange rate - Market-set price (i.e. a 'float') should be an
AR(1) process ('random walk') - Regress er on er_lag, use coefficient as index
- Even better
75Next Steps
- Third dimension for classificationTime-series
properties of the exchange rate - Market-set price (i.e. a 'float') should be an
AR(1) process ('random walk') - Regress er on er_lag, use coefficient as index
- Even better
76Next Steps
- Rich econometrics literature to test for presence
of AR(1) (i.e. unit root) - Dickey-Fuller test H0 series contains unit root
- KPSS 1992 H0 series is stationary
- Difficult
- Tests severely affected by specification, e.g.
number of lag - Rolling regressions produce test statistic with
little seeming correspondence to regime type
77Next Steps
- Rich econometrics literature to test for presence
of AR(1) (i.e. unit root) - Dickey-Fuller test H0 series contains unit root
- KPSS 1992 H0 series is stationary
- Difficult
- Tests severely affected by specification, e.g.
number of lag - Rolling regressions produce test statistic with
little seeming correspondence to regime type
78Next Steps
- Rich econometrics literature to test for presence
of AR(1) (i.e. unit root) - Dickey-Fuller test H0 series contains unit root
- KPSS 1992 H0 series is stationary
- Difficult
- Tests severely affected by specification, e.g.
number of lag - Rolling regressions produce test statistic with
little seeming correspondence to regime type
79Next Steps
- Rich econometrics literature to test for presence
of AR(1) (i.e. unit root) - Dickey-Fuller test H0 series contains unit root
- KPSS 1992 H0 series is stationary
- Difficult
- Tests severely affected by specification, e.g.
number of lag - Rolling regressions produce test statistic with
little seeming correspondence to regime type
80Next Steps
- Rich econometrics literature to test for presence
of AR(1) (i.e. unit root) - Dickey-Fuller test H0 series contains unit root
- KPSS 1992 H0 series is stationary
- Difficult
- Tests severely affected by specification, e.g.
number of lag - Rolling regressions produce test statistic with
little seeming correspondence to regime type
81Next Steps
- Rich econometrics literature to test for presence
of AR(1) (i.e. unit root) - Dickey-Fuller test H0 series contains unit root
- KPSS 1992 H0 series is stationary
- Difficult
- Tests severely affected by specification, e.g.
number of lag - Rolling regressions produce test statistic with
little seeming correspondence to regime type
82Next Steps
- Rich econometrics literature to test for presence
of AR(1) (i.e. unit root) - Dickey-Fuller test H0 series contains unit root
- KPSS 1992 H0 series is stationary
- Difficult
- Tests severely affected by specification, e.g.
number of lag - Rolling regressions produce test statistic with
little seeming correspondence to regime type
83Next Steps
- Develop an algorithm for classification for the
world monetary system as a whole - Take account of PPPq EP/P
- In face of a shockdo domestic prices adjust,
or exchange rates? - 1930s would look like Nineteenth century
84Next Steps
- Develop an algorithm for classification for the
world monetary system as a whole - Take account of PPPq EP/P
- In face of a shockdo domestic prices adjust,
or exchange rates? - 1930s would look like Nineteenth century
85Next Steps
- Develop an algorithm for classification for the
world monetary system as a whole - Take account of PPPq EP/P
- In face of a shockdo domestic prices adjust,
or exchange rates? - 1930s would look like Nineteenth century
86Next Steps
- Develop an algorithm for classification for the
world monetary system as a whole - Take account of PPPq EP/P
- In face of a shockdo domestic prices adjust,
or exchange rates? - 1930s would look like Nineteenth century
87Next Steps
- Develop an algorithm for classification for the
world monetary system as a whole - Take account of PPPq EP/P
- In face of a shockdo domestic prices adjust,
or exchange rates? - 1930s would look like Nineteenth century
88Next Steps
- Develop an algorithm for classification for the
world monetary system as a whole - Take account of PPPq EP/P
- In face of a shockdo domestic prices adjust,
or exchange rates? - 1930s would look like Nineteenth century
89Next Steps
- Develop an algorithm for classification for the
world monetary system as a whole - Take account of PPPq EP/P
- In face of a shockdo domestic prices adjust,
or exchange rates? - 1930s would look like Nineteenth century
90The Name of the Rose
- "It is remarkable how the worlds short history
of floating exchange rates has affected popular
thinking about what is eternally normal and
proper in the economic system. Floating exchange
rates have proved a source of tremendous periodic
instability, yielding repeated currency
crises." - Benn Steil, director of international economics
Council on Foreign Relations
91The Name of the Rose
- Ferocious debate afoot over the 'international
financial architecture' and 'global imbalances' - 1930s cited as prima facie evidence of
instability of floating systems - The name we attached to the international
monetary system in the 1930s does matter - 1930s should be seen as evidence in the case for
floating currencies
92The Name of the Rose
- Ferocious debate afoot over the 'international
financial architecture' and 'global imbalances' - 1930s cited as prima facie evidence of
instability of floating systems - The name we attached to the international
monetary system in the 1930s does matter - 1930s should be seen as evidence in the case for
floating currencies
93The Name of the Rose
- Ferocious debate afoot over the 'international
financial architecture' and 'global imbalances' - 1930s cited as prima facie evidence of
instability of floating systems - The name we attached to the international
monetary system in the 1930s does matter - 1930s should be seen as evidence in the case for
floating currencies
94The Name of the Rose
- Ferocious debate afoot over the 'international
financial architecture' and 'global imbalances' - 1930s cited as prima facie evidence of
instability of floating systems - The name we attached to the international
monetary system in the 1930s does matter - 1930s should be seen as evidence in the case for
floating currencies
95The Name of the Rose
- Ferocious debate afoot over the 'international
financial architecture' and 'global imbalances' - 1930s cited as prima facie evidence of
instability of floating systems - The name we attached to the international
monetary system in the 1930s does matter - 1930s should be seen as evidence in the case for
floating currencies
96Thank You