Title: Development and Implementation of a
1Development and Implementation of a Model
Program Strategy to Link Transportation,
Infrastructure, and Land Use Planning for the
Berkeley, Charleston, Dorchester Region of
South Carolina
2Growth Options in the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorches
ter Region
3The vision for the BCD project is a
metropolitan region that encourages sustainable
growth patterns and is proactive (not reactive)
to growth trends.
1. Develop Broad Group of Project Partners 2.
Analyze Regional Growth Patterns 3. Calculate
Environmental and Infrastructure Benefits and
Costs 4. Investigate and Provide Information
Concerning Strategies and Techniques
4BCD Region CHATS/MPO Region
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620 Year Time Change (1973-1994) Urban
255 Population 41 Urbanization is
Outpacing Population growth By a ratio of
7The vision for the BCD project is a
metropolitan region that encourages sustainable
growth patterns and is proactive (not reactive)
to growth trends.
1. Develop Broad Group of Project Partners 2.
Analyze Regional Growth Patterns 3. Calculate
Environmental and Infrastructure Benefits and
Costs 4. Investigate and Provide Information
Concerning Strategies and Techniques
8Use of Satellite Imagery to Measure Urban Change
9Urban Growth in the Region
10Forecasting Future Development Patterns
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13The vision for the BCD project is a
metropolitan region that encourages sustainable
growth patterns and is proactive (not reactive)
to growth trends.
1. Develop Broad Group of Project Partners 2.
Analyze Regional Growth Patterns 3. Calculate
Environmental and Infrastructure Benefits and
Costs 4. Investigate and Provide Information
Concerning Strategies and Techniques
14Calculate Environmental and Infrastructure
Benefits and Costs
Develop Methodologies to.
- Assess environmental costs and benefits of
various development types. - Water Quality
- Air Quality
- Wildlife Habitat
- Green Space
- Community Character
- Assess infrastructure costs and benefits of
variousdevelopment types. - Road Construction
- Water and Sewer Services
- Police and Fire Protection
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18The vision for the BCD project is a
metropolitan region that encourages sustainable
growth patterns and is proactive (not reactive)
to growth trends.
1. Develop Broad Group of Project Partners 2.
Analyze Regional Growth Patterns 3. Calculate
Environmental and Infrastructure Benefits and
Costs 4. Investigate and Provide Information
Concerning Strategies and Techniques
19Develop Broad Group of Project Partners
Partnering Committee
- Local and Regional Governments
- State and Federal Governmental Agencies
- Community Preservation and Urban Design
Interest Groups - Development Community
- Environmental Community
- Local Businesses and Industries
- Utility and Transportation Organizations
- --
20Variety of Planning Processes
- MPO Playing catch-up
- CDBG Grants
- Regional Water Quality Planning Struggling
with capacity and NPS - Water and Sewer Commissions
- Schools
- Recreation Commissions
- Local Governments
- State
- Federal
21Held a 2-day Land Use Workshop in Fall 1999
Published a Land Use Tool Book that Describes
Land Use Techniques and Terms
22Quarterly Electronic Newsletter
web page www.BCDCOG.com