Title: Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry Chem 241
1Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry Chem 241
Bill Vining 232 Physical Sciences
Building 436-2698 viningwj_at_oneonta.edu
2Inorganic Chemistry
- One of the three descriptive chemistries
- Organic Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Theoretical and Practical Chemistries
- Physical Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry
3Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry for the rest of
the elements.
4Chem 241 Topics
- Origin of the Elements
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Stability
- Practical Nuclear Chemistry
- Chemical Formation of the Earth and Ore
- Obtaining the Elements Extraction
- Methods for Metals and Nonmetals
- Properties of the Main Group Elements
- The elements themselves
- Oxides, halides of the elements
- Bonding and Properties of Metals
5Chem 241 Topics
- Chemistry in Water
- Charge Density
- Enthalpy, Entropy and Solubility
- Acid-Base Properties
- Atmospheric Chemistry
- Global Warming
- Acid Rain
- Ozone
- Coordination Chemistry
- Complex Types
- Bonding
- Symmetry in Chemistry
- Spectroscopy
6Official Stuff
Course Website http//employees.oneonta.edu/vinin
gwj/chem241/ Text Online pdf http//employees.o
neonta.edu/viningwj/chem241/text/ Grading
Three exams 300 points Final Exam,
Cumulative 100 points Homework 100
points Poster Session 50 points Homework
OWL Starting Next Week http//owl.oit.umass.edu C
hoose Chemistry General, UMass Amherst, then
choose SUNY Oneonta, Chem 241 Login SUCO your
email up to the _at_ sign (mine would be
SUCOviningwj) Password your A00 number
7First Topic
Where do all these elements come from? How are
they made? Are they made?
8Our Guide
9What aspects of this should we explain?
10What will our explanations depend on?
Thermodynamics relative stability
Kinetics rate and mechanism
11General Decrease in Abundance with Atomic Number
12Even gt Odd
13Peak at Fe
14Peak at Pb
15Trough at Be
16Missing Tc and Pm and Above N 83
17Nucleosynthesis of the Elements
Why does this happen only in stars?
Hydrogen Burning 1H 1H ? 2H e
ve 2H 1H ? 3He ? 3He 3He ? 4He
41H ? 4He 2e 2ve
18Helium Burning 4He 4He ? 8Be 8Be 4He ? 12C ?
12C ? 3 4He ? 12C ?
Is this easier or harder than hydrogen burning?
19Carbon Burning, etc. 12C 4He ? 16O ? 16O
4He ? 20Ne ? 20Ne 4He ? 24Mg ? 12C 12C ?
24Mg ? 12C 12C ? 23Na 1H 12C 12C ? 20Ne
Go back to initial Questions. Can we answer any?
20The ?-Process 20Ne ? ? 16O 4He 20Ne 4He ?
24Mg ? 2 20Ne ? 16O 24Mg ? 40Ca 4He ?
44Ti ? 44Ti e- ? 44Sc v 44Sc ?
44Ca ? v 44Ca 4He ? 48Ti ?
21Neutron Capture-Beta Decay
22(No Transcript)