Title: The Firm: Demand and Supply
1The Firm Demand and Supply
- Microeconomia III (Lecture 3)
- Tratto da Cowell F. (2004),
- Principles of Microeoconomics
2Moving on from the optimum...
- We derive the firm's reactions to changes in its
environment. - These are the response functions.
- We will examine three types of them
- Responses to different types of market events.
- In effect we treat the firm as a Black Box.
market prices
output level input demands
3The firm as a black box
- Behaviour can be predicted by necessary and
sufficient conditions for optimum. - The FOC can be solved to yield behavioural
response functions. - Their properties derive from the solution
function. - We need the solution functions properties
- again and again.
Firm Comparative Statics
Conditional Input Demand
Response function for stage 1 optimisation
Output Supply
Ordinary Input Demand
Short-run problem
5The first response function
- Review the cost-minimisation problem and its
solution - Choose z to minimise
m S wi zi subject to q ? f(z), z0 i1
C(w, q) min S wizi
f(z) ³q
- Cost-minimising value for each input
- Hi is the conditional input demand function.
- Demand for input i, conditional on given output
level q
zi Hi(w, q), i1,2,,m
A graphical approach
vector of input prices
may be a well-defined function or may be a
Specified output level
6Mapping into (z1,w1)-space
- Start with any value of w1 (the slope of the
tangent to Z).
- Repeat for a lower value of w1.
- ...the conditional demand curve
- Constraint set is convex, with smooth boundary
- Response function is a continuous map
Now try a different case
7Another map into (z1,w1)-space
- Now take case of nonconvex Z.
- Start with a high value of w1.
- Repeat for a very low value of w1.
- Points nearby work the same way.
- But what happens in between?
- Constraint set is nonconvex.
Multiple inputs at this price
- Response is a discontinuous map jumps in z
- Map is multivalued at the discontinuity
no price yields a solution here
8Conditional input demand function
- Assume that single-valued input-demand functions
exist. - How are they related to the cost function?
- What are their properties?
- How are they related to properties of the cost
Do you remember these...?
Link to cost function
9Use the cost function
Optimal demand for input i
- Recall this relationship?
- Ci(w, q) zi
- ...yes, it's Shephard's lemma
conditional input demand function
- So we have
- Ci(w, q) Hi(w, q)
- Link between conditional input demand and cost
Second derivative
- Differentiate this with respect to wj
- Cij(w, q) Hji(w, q)
- Slope of input demand function
Two simple results
10Simple result 1
- Use a standard property
- 2(?) 2(?)
- wi wj wj wi
- second derivatives of a function commute
- So in this case
- Cij(w, q) Cji(w, q)
- The order of differentiation is irrelevant
- Therefore we have
- Hji(w, q) Hij(w, q)
- The effect of the price of input i on conditional
demand for input j equals the effect of the price
of input j on conditional demand for input i.
11Simple result 2
- Slope of conditional input demand function
derived from second derivative of cost function
- Use the standard relationship
- Cij(w, q) Hji(w, q)
- We can get the special case
- Cii(w, q) Hii(w, q)
- Because cost function is concave
- Cii(w, q) ? 0
- The relationship of conditional demand for an
input with its own price cannot be positive.
and so...
12Conditional input demand curve
- Consider the demand for input 1
- Downward-sloping conditional demand
- In some cases it is also possible that Hii0
H11(w, q) lt 0
- Corresponds to the case where isoquant is
kinked multiple w values consistent with same z.
Link to kink figure
13For the conditional demand function...
- Nonconvex Z yields discontinuous H
- Cross-price effects are symmetric
- Own-price demand slopes downward.
- (exceptional case own-price demand could be
Firm Comparative Statics
Conditional Input Demand
Response function for stage 2 optimisation
Output Supply
Ordinary Input Demand
Short-run problem
15The second response function
- Review the profit-maximisation problem and its
solution - Choose q to maximise
pq C (w, q)
p Cq (w, q) pq ³ C(w, q)
- Price equals marginal cost
- Price covers average cost
- profit-maximising value for output
q S (w, p)
- (again it may actually be a correspondence)
output price
input prices
16Supply of output and output price
- marginal cost equals price
- Use the supply function for q
- Cq (w, S(w, p) ) p
- Gives an equation in w and p
Differential of S with respect to p
- Differentiate with respect to p
- Cqq (w, S(w, p) ) Sp (w, p) 1
- Use the function of a function rule
Positive if MC is increasing.
- Rearrange
- 1 .
- Sp (w, p)
- Cqq (w, q)
- Gives the slope of the supply function.
17The firms supply curve
- The firms AC and MC curves.
- For given p read off optimal q
- Supply response is given by qS(w,p)
- Case illustrated is for f with first IRTS, then
DRTS. Response is a discontinuous map jumps in q
Multiple q at this price
- Map is multivalued at the discontinuity
no price yields a solution here
18Supply of output and price of input j
- Use the FOC
- Cq (w, S(w, p) ) p
- Same as before price equals marginal cost
- Differentiate with respect to wj
- Cqj(w, q) Cqq (w, q) Sj(w, p) 0
- Use the function of a function rule again
- Rearrange
- Cqj(w, q)
- Sj(w, p)
- Cqq(w, q)
- Supply of output must fall with wj if marginal
cost increases with wj.
Remember, this is positive
19For the supply function...
- Supply curve slopes upward.
- Supply decreases with the price of an input, if
MC increases with the price of that input. - Nonconcave f yields discontinuous S.
- IRTS means f is nonconcave and so S is
Firm Comparative Statics
Conditional Input Demand
Response function for combined optimisation
Output Supply
Ordinary Input Demand
Short-run problem
21The third response function
- Recall the first two response functions
- Demand for input i, conditional on output q
zi Hi(w,q)
q S (w, p)
zi Hi(w, S(w, p) )
- Use this to define a new function
- Demand for input i (unconditional )
Di(w,p) Hi(w, S(w, p) )
input prices
output price
- Use this relationship to analyse further the
firms response to price changes
22Demand for i and the price of output
- Take the relationship
- Di(w, p) Hi(w, S(w, p)).
function of a function rule again
- Differentiate with respect to p
- Dpi(w, p) Hqi(w, q) Sp(w, p)
- Di increases with p iff Hi increases with q.
Reason? Supply increases with price ( Spgt0).
- But we also have, for any q
Hi(w, q) Ci(w, q) Hqi (w, q) Ciq(w, q)
- Substitute in the above
- Dpi(w, p) Cqi(w, q)Sp(w, p)
- Demand for input i (Di) increases with p iff
marginal cost (Cq) increases with wi .
23Demand for i and the price of j
- Again take the relationship
- Di(w, p) Hi(w, S(w, p)).
function of a function rule yet again
- Differentiate with respect to wj
- Dji(w, p) Hji(w, q) Hqi(w, q)Sj(w, p)
- Use Shephards Lemma again
Hqi(w, q) Ciq(w, q) Cqi(w, q)
- Use this and the previous result on Sj(w, p) to
give a decomposition into a substitution effect
and an output effect
Ciq(w, q)Cjq(w, q) Dji(w, p) Hji(w, q) ?
???????? Cqq(w, q) .
24Results from decomposition formula
- Take the general relationship
- The effect wi on demand for input j equals the
effect of wj on demand for input i.
Ciq(w, q)Cjq(w, q) Dji(w, p) Hji(w, q) ?
???????? Cqq(w, q) .
- Now take the special case where j i
Ciq(w, q)2 Dii(w, p) Hii(w, q) ? ????
Cqq(w, q).
- If wi increases, the demand for input i cannot
25Input-price fall substitution effect
conditional demand curve
- value to firm of price fall, given a fixed
output level
price fall
Notional increase in factor input if output
target is held constant
Change in cost
26Input-price fall total effect
- Substitution effect of input-price of fall.
- Total effect of input-price fall
price fall
Change in cost
27The ordinary demand function...
- Nonconvex Z may yield a discontinuous D
- Cross-price effects are symmetric
- Own-price demand slopes downward
- Same basic properties as for H function
Firm Comparative Statics
Conditional Input Demand
Optimisation subject to side-constraint
Output Supply
Ordinary Input Demand
Short-run problem
29The short run...
- This is not a moment in time but
- is defined by additional constraints within the
model - Counterparts in other economic applications where
we sometimes need to introduce side constraints
30The short-run problem
- We build on the firms standard optimisation
problem - Choose q and z to maximise
m S wizi i1
P pq
- subject to the standard constraints
q f (z)
q ³ 0, z ³ 0
- But we add a side condition to this problem
zm zm
- Let q be the value of q for which zm zm
would have been freely chosen in the unrestricted
cost-min problem
31The short-run cost function
- The solution function with the side constraint.
C(w, q, zm ) min S wi zi
zm zm
- Short-run demand for input i
- Follows from Shephards Lemma
_ _
Hi(w, q, zm) Ci(w, q, zm )
- Compare with the ordinary cost function
- By definition of the cost function. We have
if q q.
C(w, q) C(w, q, zm )
- Short-run AC long-run AC.SRAC LRAC at q q
Supply curves
C(w, q) C(w, q, zm ) _______ _________
q q
32MC, AC and supply in the short and long run
- AC if all inputs are variable
- MC if all inputs are variable
- AC if input m is now kept fixed
- MC if input m is now kept fixed
- Supply curve in short run
- SRAC touches LRAC at the given output
- SRMC cuts LRMC at the given output
- The supply curve is steeper in the short run
33Conditional input demand
- The original demand curve for input 1
- The demand curve from the problem with the side
- Downward-sloping conditional demand
- Conditional demand curve is steeper in the short
H1(w, q, zm)
34Key concepts
- Basic functional relations
- price signals ? firm ? input/output responses
demand for input i, conditional on output supply
of output demand for input i (unconditional )
And they all hook together like this
35What next?
- Analyse the firm under a variety of market
conditions. - Apply the analysis to the consumers optimisation