Title: COMP171 Tutorial 5
1COMP171 Tutorial 5
- Sorting Algorithms Wrap-Up
- Review of Lower Bound of Sorting and Radix Sort
- Exercises related to sorting algorithms
3Review of Lower Bound of Sorting
- Theorem all comparison sorts are ?(n log n)
- Corollary Heap-sort and Merge-sort are
asymptotically optimal comparison sorts - Proof?
4Review of Lower Bound of Sorting
- Decision trees provide an abstraction of
comparison sorts - A decision tree represents the comparisons made
by a comparison sort. Everything else ignored
5Review of Lower Bound of Sorting
6Review of Lower Bound of Sorting
- Decision trees provide an abstraction of
comparison sorts - A decision tree represents the comparisons made
by a comparison sort. Everything else ignored - What do the internal nodes represent?
- What do the leaves represent?
- How many leaves must there be? n!
- What do a sorting procedure correspond to?
- What is the asymptotic height of any decision
tree for sorting n elements? - Answer ?(n log n)
7Review of Simple Counting Sort
- Also a simple case of bucket sort
- For standard counting sort, refer to
Introduction to algorithms, 2nd Ed., Ch.6.
8Review of Simple Counting Sort
- Why dont we always use counting sort?
- Because it depends on range k of elements
- Could we use counting sort to sort 32 bit
integers? Why or why not? - Answer no, k too large (232 4,294,967,296)
9Review of Radix Sort
- Sort from the least significant bit to the most
significant bit using counting sort.
10Review of Radix Sort
- In general, radix sort based on counting sort is
- Fast
- Asymptotically fast (i.e., O(n))
- Simple to code
- A good choice
- Can radix sort be used on floating-point numbers?
- Generally NO
- For specific representations YES
- First base then mantissa
- Not applicable to all floating point
11Review of Lower Bound of Sorting
- Why comparison sorts?
- Complexity is worse than linear ?
- So many to choose from ?
- Answer
- In place sorting storage issues
- Elements that do not have KEYs
- E.g. Sorting fruits
- E.g. Sorting students by height when no exact
height is available
12Sorting Algorithms
- Demo
- Animation of sorting algorithms
- http//math.hws.edu/TMCM/java/xSortLab/
- http//www.cs.ubc.ca/harrison/Java/sorting-demo.
html - http//www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/bwbecker/sortingDemo/
- http//www2.hawaii.edu/copley/665/HSApplet.html(
heap sort) - http//pages.stern.nyu.edu/panos/java/Quicksort/
(quick sort)
13Sorting Algorithms Comparison
14Sorting Algorithms Comparison
15Sorting Algorithms Comparison
- Sorting a Linked-List?
- Simple Sorts(Selection, Insertion, Bubble)
- YES ( Singled / Doubled Linked-List )
- Quick Sort
- YES (Doubled / Singled with a modified PARTITION
) - Heap Sort
- NO
- Merge Sort
- YES ( Singled / Doubled Linked-List )
- Radix Sort
- YES ( Need an extra array )
16Timing Comparisons
17Timing Comparisons
- O(n log n) Sorting Algorithms
18Complexity Comparison
- Comparing the functions 10n2 and 30 n log(n) for
small values of n.
19Timing Comparisons
- Sorting contest
- http//www.iti.fh-flensburg.de/lang/algorithmen/s
20How to sort
- 1. Distinct Integers in Reverse Order
- Radix Sort is best, if space is not a factor.
- Insertion Sort O(n2) also worst case
- Selection Sort always O(n2)
- Bubble Sort O(n2) also worst case
- Quicksort
- Simple Quicksort O(n2) worst case
- Median-of-3 pivot picking, O(n log n)
- Heapsort always O(n log n)
- Mergesort always O(n log n)
- Radix Sort O(nk) O(n).
21How to sort
- 2. Distinct Real Numbers in Random Order
- Quicksort is best. Heapsort is good. Mergesort is
also good if space is not a factor. - Insertion Sort O(n2)
- Selection Sort always O(n2)
- Bubble Sort O(n2)
- Quicksort O(n log n) in average case (instable)
- Heapsort always O(n log n) (instable)
- Mergesort always O(n log n) (stable)
- Radix Sort not appropriate for real numbers.
22How to sort
- 3. Distinct Integers with One Element Out of
Place - Insertion Sort is best.
- If the element is later than its proper place
then Bubble Sort (to the smallest end) is also
good. - Otherwise, Radix Sort.
23How to sort
- 3. Distinct Integers with One Element Out of
Place - Insertion Sort O(n)
- Selection Sort always O(n2)
- Bubble Sort
- Later O(n).
- Earlier O(n2).
- Quicksort
- Simple Quicksort O(n2) close to the worst case
- Median-of-3 pivot picking, O(n log n)
- Heapsort always O(n log n)
- Mergesort always O(n log n)
- Radix Sort O(kn) O(n).
24How to sort
- 4. Distinct Real Numbers, Almost Sorted
- Insertion Sort is best, Bubble Sort almost as
good - Insertion Sort Almost O(n).
- Selection Sort always O(n2)
- Bubble Sort Almost O(n).
- Quicksort depending on data, somewhere between
O(n2) and O(n log n) - Heapsort always O(n log n)
- Mergesort always O(n log n)
- Radix Sort Not appropriate for real numbers.
25Why so many sorting algorithms?
- Different sorting algorithms for different
purposes - In-place and stable sorting
- Dont just rely on asymptotic analysis think on
a case-by-case basis! - STL sort in ltalgorithmgt package
- Implemented as Introsort (a combination of
Quick-sort, Heap-sort and insertion sort) - Less than 16 elements insertion sort
- If recursion of quick-sort goes too deep, use
heap sort
26Sorting Application Example
- Problem
- Find 100 distinct elements in an 1 million sized
unsorted array
27Sorting Application Example
- Approach 1
- Direct search (sequential)
- worst case
- 100 1,000,000
- 100 million comparisons.
28Sorting Application Example
- Approach 2
- First, sort the array using Heapsort or
Quicksort - O(n log n) 19.9 million operations
- Then, do 100 binary searches
- O(100 log n) 1993 operations.
- Total is about 20 million operations.
- O(n log n 100 log n) O(n log n).
29Sorting Application Example
- Approach 3
- First, sort the elements to be searched
- 100 log 100 664 operations (negligible)
- Then, for each of the n elements, perform a
binary search on the 100 sorted elements to see
if it matches - O(n log 100) 1,000,000 x 6.64
- 6.64 million operations.
- O(100 log 100 n log 100) O(c1 n.c2) O(n).
30Q A?