Title: When Wind and Mind Connect
1 Fresh Wind
- When Wind and Mind Connect
- Mk 827-33
2What is the Purpose of the Cross?
- Finding the Meaning of True Personhood in the
Passion of Jesus
3Divisions in the Life of JesusPassion
Narratives with long introductions
- a) Infancy and Childhood (none here)
- b) Early Galilean Ministry (Mk 1-4)
- c) Later Galilean Ministry (Mk 5-8)
- Pivot at Mark 8/Matt 16/Lk 9
- d) Withdrawal and Special Training (8-10)
- e) Ministry in Perea and Judea (none here)
- f) Passion Week (Mk 11-16)
4Caesarea Philippi as Pivot114-830 Cause
- began to teach
- Once at 41
- And here
- 831-1620 Effect
- (cf. Mt 4171621-23Lk 920-22)
5Overview of Pivot in Mark
6Background Materials
- i) Galilee of the Gentiles
- ii) The Disciples in Context
- (1) Segregationists No one different
- (2) Haters of Rome
- (3) Some Wealthy
- (4) Apocalyptic Jews kingdom by power
- (5) Slow Learners
7 The Via Dolorosa Begins
- i) Caesarea Philippi
- ii) Two-Part Exam
- (1) Pass Who am I to them?
- Who am I to you? Messiah
- And he began to tell
- (2) Fail - What He came to do
8Satan in Scripture
- Heb. satan opponent, adversary, enemy or
accuser - Applied to humans and even to God
- (Num 2222)
- Only in Job and I Chron 21 and Zech 3 does Satan
appear as a proper noun - No cosmic adversary until 2nd century BC
9Dealing with a satanic mind
- Mind (Phroneo) occurs in some crucial
passages - Perspective
- Mindset
- Direction mind takes
- To take someones side
- To think in a certain way
- Setting ones interest in a consuming direction
- Orientation, Way of thinking,
10 What the Disciples Lack
- (1) Spiritual Understanding
- The Results of not being minded like God
- 834 Messiahship of Jesus
- 92-6 Mt. of Transfiguration
- 910 Meaning of rising again
- 911-13 Son of Man
11 What the Disciples Lack
- The connection between Mind and
- (2) Spiritual Power Mk. 914-19
- 315 Appointed with Authority
- 613,30 Actually express that in ministry
- 919-29 How long must I be with you?
- put up with you?
- - 938-40 Jealous, envious of those who do
12 What the Disciples Lackcontinued
- Is there a connection between Mind, Power and.
- (3) Love for Each Other
- Mk 831-32 merely bewildered? 95 good
for us - 931-34
- 1033-37
13iii) What the Disciples Lackcontinued
- Minded like God, Power, Love each other and
- (4) Love for Any One Else
- Mk.1048
- Lk 951-55
- Mk 1013 (Mt 1913) to the Rich Young Ruler!
14iii) What the Disciples Lackcontinued
- (5) Love for Jesus Mk.1431
- Mk. 1427-31? 50
15Structure Causation
- 831-33 Jesus teaches on his own death
- Cause Shock!
- 834-91 Jesus teaches on disciples cross
- Effect Shock!
- Effect of the person of Christ being revealed
- No Mind like His, No Spirit Like His
16Structure Constant Contrast
- 831-91 Jesus view of death vs. Peters
- 92-8 Jesus transfig. vs. disciple dullness
- 99-13 Jesus on resurrection vs. debate
- 914-25 Jesus power vs. disciple impotence
- 926-29 Jesus faith vs. faithlessness
- Etc.- are there any good stories??!!!
- It is a heart orientation, a perspectival flaw
that affects everything it touches
17Two major Emphases 831-1620
- Passion and Resurrection
- The Focus, Center and Only Answer
- Implications of these on disciples
- Underlying theme throughout
- Both are tied to the purpose of the Cross
18Deny Yourself and Lose your Life
- Aorist tense do it immediately (crisis)
- Lk 923 daily (process)
- What must one do?
- v. 35 Inner life or self (figurative
or physical)? - v. 36-37 Not seeking material/physical gain
- v. 38 Not being ashamed
19The Meaning of the Son of Man831,38
- Daniel 7 apocalyptic figure
- Jesus seems to use it to focus his humanity
- It involves humiliation (31, no use of Christ by
Jesus) - It involves exaltation (31, 38, 91)
- These are not mutually exclusive to Jesus
- It explains Gods will and the atonement
20Principles of the Lost Life
- It is not selflessness of created personhood
- It is the refusal of the desires of the self
when in conflict with the will of God - It is a conscious decision
- It is a life which understands/ embraces
suffering - It produces life
- Saving life means that Jesus must lose His
- It is an act which arises out of the being of love
21When Mind and Spirit must meet
- Relationship between Justification and
Sanctification - Can Never Separate
- Jesus from the Holy Spirit
- Cross from Pentecost
- New Birth from New Mind and Spirit
22Purpose of the Cross cont.What Kind of Person
does the Passion and Pentecost produce?
- (1) New Spiritual Insight
- "Don't you understand"
- Acts 214ff. cf. to Mt.1617
- (2) New Spiritual Power "In the name of Jesus
Christ" - Acts 18
- Acts 243
- Acts 36,11
- Acts 512-17
23Purpose of the Cross continued
- (3) New Other Orientation "It seemed good to the
Holy Spirit..." - Acts 114
- Acts 244-46
- Acts 432-35
- Acts 61-7
- Acts 131ff
- Acts 151-21
24Purpose of the Cross continued
- (4) Boundary-Crossing Love "Of one accord"
- ch.8
- ch.10
- ch.11
- ch.28
- (5)Undying Commitment "They had been w. Jesus"
- Acts 413-20.
- Note the names, Stephen, Philip, Ananias (ch.9),
Peter, Barnabas, and James. - Acts 313-20 the Name
25(No Transcript)
26Wednesday January 25 Session 4
- Prayer with the Passion of Jesus Mark
27Segments of Materials Outline of Thought
- The Coming of Jesus 11-13
- Jesus Presents His Claim in Galilee 114-36
- Jesus Presents His Claim to His Disciples
313-1052 - Jesus Calls the Twelve 313-66Jesus Involves
the Twelve 67-821 - Jesus Instructs the Twelve 822-1052
- Jesus Presents His Claim in Jerusalem
111-1337Movement to His Goal!
28Mark 11
- Context Passion Week (111-1620 8 days)
- Recurrence Three entries 1, (12),15, 27
- Triumphal Entry 1-11
- Barren Fig Tree 12-14
- Cleansing the Temple 15-19
- Power in Faithful Prayer 20-25
- Withered Fig tree
- Peters comment
- Jesus Statements on Faith and Prayer
29Is this a new facet of His Life?
- Go and take a colt!
- Receives messianic worship
- Goes to the temple and looks around
- He became hungry
- Curses a fig tree
- Casts out moneychangers and dove sellers
- Allowed no one to carry goods through
- Look at the fig tree! Have faith in God!
30Why so negative?
- Impotence of the Spirituality of the Temple
- Threat
- Foreshadows the destruction of the Temple
- This is not anger at a part of creation
- Cf. Storm and the real issue beneath
- Augustines insight
- Living life full of leaf
31Here is where Jesus teaches on Prayer
- (11 clear references using the actual word
prayer) - Jesus Prayer Life135 Jesus arose early and
went to a lonely place - 646 Bids disciples cross sea and He goes to
pray - Gethsemane1432 Sit here until I have prayed
- 1435 Fell to the ground and began to pray
- 1438 Keep watching and keep praying
- 1439 And again He went away and prayed
32Jesus on Prayer cont.
- Correction regarding prayer
- 929 Of demon poss. boy, this kind cannot come
out by anything but prayer - 1117 House of prayer
- Negative Uses
- 1240 For appearances offer long prayers
- 1318 Pray that it may not happen in winter
33Jesus on Prayer cont.
- Positive
- 1124 Pray and ask (once in Mk)
- 1125 Praying
- He does bless (641,87, 1016
- No Lords Prayer, or teach us how
- No Jn 14-17
- This is it in Mark
- Power of God behind the withered tree
34Structure of the Passage
- Recurrences
- Actions Rides, looks, curses, cleanses, teaches
- stumps
- Location Jerusalem, Bethany,
- Temple (11,15-17, 27)
- Horticulture 8,13,20,21
35Structure (cont.)
- Recurrence of Contrast
- Accepted 1-11
- Opposed 12-18
- Accepted 19-26
- Opposed 27-32
36Thursday, January 25 Session 4
- A Passion For Him and for His Mk 143-9
37What is the central meaning of the Cross?
- Themes thus far
- Person and Passion
- Absolute Trust in His Person
- Denial of Self-Person and Passion
- Belief in the Power of the Cross
38Bethany in the Life of Jesus
- i) Home of Lazarus, Mary, Martha
- ii) Passover
- iii) Triumphal Entry
39 Women and Jesus
- i) Supporters (Lk. 83)
- ii) Improprieties for a Rabbi
- (1) Samaritan Woman
- (2) Syro-Phonecian Woman
- (3) Woman with Issue of Blood
- (4) Anointing in Lk 7
- (5) Passion Week
- Widow with Mite
- Anointing of Mary?
- Tomb/Appearance
- The Gender Contrast in Mark (7------14)
- Contrast of Chapters 14 and 15
40Comparison of Anointings A Rehearsal of the
Mark 143-9 Matt 266-13 John
12 1. Passover 1. Passover
1. Passover in in
in 2 days 2 days 6 days
2. After Entry 2. After Entry
2. Before Entry 3. Plot Kill
3. Plot Kill 3. Arrest 4.
Simons 4. Simons 4.
Martha/Lazarus 5. Reclining 5.
Reclining 6. Woman 6. Woman
6. Mary 7. Alabaster 7. Alabaster
7. Pint 8. Expensive 8.
Expensive 8. Expensive 9. Nard
9. Nard
41Broke Jar
- Mark 143-9 Matt 266-13 John 12
- Head Head Feet
- Wiped
- House Filled
- Some Disciples Judas
- Let Her Alone " " " " " "
- Beautiful Thing " "
- Poor Poor Poor
42Did What She Could
- Mark 143-9 Matt 266-13 John 12
- Anointed my Prepare Me Keep body it
for for the day of my - Beforehand
- for the burial Burial Burial
- Wherever...
43 Unique Elements in Mark's Account Goal of the
Cross is not about me
- i) "Wherever the Gospel is Preached..."
- (1) "reproached her"
- (a) The typical value system 3,3-7.
- always viewed as a waste
- (b) A different value system
- Relation over/issue in/feeds Function
- "always have poor"
44The Goal of the Cross Involves All of Me
- "She Broke the Bottle"
- 1st Cent. Usages
- Perfume
- Embalming
- Jars in Tombs
- Defense is unusual - "let her alone
- "why trouble her?"
- Motive "a beautiful (good) thing on me"
- Manner "She has done what she could"
- Meaning Anointed my body
45The Goal of the Cross is to Identify me with the
Person and Passion of Jesus
- Unique Occurence
- Draw attention to it
46- She smashed it to smithereens!
- Symbol of something else?
47A comparison of two daysThe Goal of the Cross