Title: PASS (putative active sites with spheres)
1PASS (putative active sites with spheres)
- Fast prediction and visualization of protein
binding pockets with PASS - G. Patrick Brady Jr. Pieter F.W.Stouten
- Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 14
383-401, 2000 KLUWER/ESCOM - Presented by Mareike-Danica Moritz
- Overview over PASS
- Introduction
- Methods
- Tests
- Discussion
- Conclusion
3Overview over PASS
- Characterization of buried volume in proteins
binding sites (BS) - Based upon size, shape burial extent of these
volumes - Tested by predicting known BS of proteins in PDB
- ? PASS as an front-end to fast docking
- Analysis of a moderate-size protein in under 20s
- ? suitable for molecular modeling, protein
database analysis, aggressive virtual screening
efforts - Output standard PDB files, suitable for any
modeling package script files
- 3D geometry of ligands dictated by size shape
of protein cavities (hand in a glove) - ? sterical fit as minimal requirement for drug
activity - Surface representation infer buried vol. from
often occuled void space ? methods for direct
display important - increasingly tempting interfacing molecular
docking virtual screening tools with functional
genetics ? threading / homology modeling - PASS virtual screening visualization aid for
manual molecular modeling
5Methods Probe sphere (PS) Calculation (Overview)
- Cavities in protein structures are filled with
set of spheres - Filling layers of spheres, 3-point-Conolly like
sphere geometry - 1st layer calculated with protein as substrate
- Additional layers accreted onto previously found
PS - Only PS with low solvent exposure are retained
- When accretion layer produces no new buried PS
the calculation finishes
6Methods calculation of PS
- Reading PDB coordinates of target protein
- Assigning elemental atom radii
- Compute 1st layer
- - looping over all unique triplets of protein
atoms - - if close enough together calculation of the
two locations at - which a PS may lie tangential to all 3 protein
atoms - Probe must survive 3 filters
- - 1. no overlap with any atoms of the accretion
substrate - - 2. not clash with any protein atoms
- - 3. buried within the protein
7Methods calculation of PS
- Weeding of PS no probe centres closer together
than R(weed) 1Å ! ? no clumping of additional
layers - - Iterative accretion onto existing layers
- - retention of the set of all PS from previous
PS layers - ? new accretion substrate
- - min centre-to-centre distance (defined) from
each protein - atom
- No newly-found PS survive the filters ? accretion
phase stops
8Methods calculation of PS
- Results of the calculations
- 1. Cavities filled with a set of fairly evenly
spaced PS, all - buried, no sterical clashes with the protein
- 2. Probes lying along protein surface are packed
in ideal steric - contact with 3 protein atoms
9Methods calculation of PS
10Methods Active site point (ASP) determination
- Final set of PS ? identification of small number
of ASPs - ASPs
- - represent potential binding sites for ligands
- - selection regions that contain many spheres
with high burial - counts (BC) ? central probes
- Assignment of probe weights (PW) for each probe
- Final ASPs
- - cycling through the probes in descending order
of PW - - only those with PW PW(min) are kept
- - separated by min distance P(ASP)8Å
- - rank-ordering to PW values of ASPs
- ?PASS predicting binding sites (BS)
11PASS output
- PDB file with the final set of PS
- PDB files of ASPs
- PDB file for each ligand that optionally was read
in - Additional
- Visualization scripts for several popular
molecular modeling packages (Insight III, Rasmol) - Scripts simplify visualization by automatically
loading, rendering, coloring the protein, PS,
ASPs, ligand(s) - Detailed runtime information
- Coordinates of bound ligands
- For each ligand Computation of distances from
each ASP to nearest ligand atom and ligand center
of mass - Command-line options
12Results (Test Complex)
- Test 30 protein-ligand complexes drawn from PDB
- Chosen by diversity, resolution, inclusion in
previous theoretical studies, existence of
corresponding apo-protein X-ray structures in PDB - Hydrogen-free PASS parameters
- Binding site hit computed by coordinates of the
known ligand(s)
13Results (Test Complex)
- PASS successfully identifies the locations
of known BS in complexed protein structures - Correct location of pockets in all but 3 of the
32 trials - 11 times found multiple BS hits for a given
ligand - In 19 (of 32) trials the top-ranking ASP
represents a BS hit - In 26 trials one of the top 3 ASPs is a hit
- ?PASS identification of protein cavity in
seconds - ?Correlation between ASP rank (i.e.PW) and
volume of the corresponding group of PS
14Results (Test apo-proteins)
- More realistic 20 apo-protein structures from
PDB (corresponding to table 3) - Determination of known BS (binding site)
positions - - superposing native complexed structures
- - calculation proximity of ASPs to known ligand
- ? computation BS hits
- Protein deformation by ligand
- - calculation of rmsd between superposed
structures - - use only residues lying in the BS
15Results (Test apo-proteins)
- ?PASS is able to predict BS locations when only
the apo X-ray structure is known! - Similarity of observed hit rates ? presence of a
ligand in the structural data not necessary for
al successful cavity detection algorithm? - More mode enhanced set of probes ASPs
16Results Experimental Test (Mattos Ringe)
- Comparison with experimental data organic
solvents in elastase crystals - PASS was run over elastase
- Graphically superimposed resulting ASPs with
Ringe et al.s organic probes and bound ligands - Results
- - several clusters of organic probes
- - i.a. large grouping in the active site (S1
pocket) - - only one organic probe within 8Å of top or 2nd
ranked ASP - - PASS places an ASP near 4 of the 5 largest
clusters of - probes
17Results Organic probes more predictive than ASPs??
- Contrast no ASP near S4 pocket but cluster of
organic probe! - Ringe small, often polar molecules on surface ?
PASS ASPs (large, apolar only cavity of
critical size can sustain an ASP) - ?PASS and Ringe et al. appear comparably
predictive of known BS in elastase -
18Discussion PASS in a virtual screening environment
- Hit rates (table 4) ? PASS as front-end to
virtual screening - screening tool fast enough ? docking against
multiple sites ? run separate screening
calculations ? in most cases identification of
optimal binding mode ( 71 hit rate of top 2
ASPs) - Selection of the true BS more detailed
Docking routine - ? for different ASP regions possibility of
comparison of the affinity of a ligand
19Results PASS in a virtual screening environment
- Screening small set of probe molecules against
all ASPs, comparison of top binders - ? identification of the stickiest region of
the protein - ? screening large database against this region
- ? construct combinatorial libraries
- ? characters to select site with the highest
probability to - have affinity for a given class of
compounds - Tempting aspects of PASS speed
- - fast analysis of entire structural databases
(PDB, Corporate) - - suitable bridge between 3D structural modeling
ligand - docking
20Results PASS as an interactive visualization tool
- PASS less than 20s for calculation of a
moderate-sized protein ? interactive usage in a
molecular modeling environment utility as
visualization tool for drug design - PASS PDB-files can be loaded and rendered
separately - Or PASS visualization ? full display of PASS
output - ASP coloring PW denoted ? PS colored by
- - burial count (BC)
- - group identity -group
- - layer of accretion in which each was identified
21 Results PASS as an interactive
visualization tool
22Discussion PASS as an interactive visualization
- Advantage
- ASPs displayed relative to the protein, centrally
located in cavities ? quick identification of
residues in modulating binding - PASS visualization scripts automatically define
6, 8, 10Å residue-based subsets around each ASP ?
facilitate coloring and specific display of these
23Discussion PASS as an interactive visualization
- PASS identifies multiple ASPs
- Computation of difference map (bound ? unbound
forms) ? identification visualization of
packing contacts in protein crystals or
multimeric forms ? PASS can identify interfacial
pockets - PS representing buried volume can be viewed
manipulated as a solid object ? visualization of
shape complementary of a protein surface - Ligands only bind to regions possessing enough
buried volume to accommodate them ? buried volume
as quantity of central importance in drug design
24Discussion PASS as interactive visualization tool
- Property-based coloring of PS ? information
equivalent to what is color-coded onto protein
surface display ? color according to
electrostatic potential - No automated interaction-based coloring in PASS
25Discussion Comparative study regular grid ? PASS
- Grid
- - coordinates of points lying in cavities ?
identify boundaries - - disadvantage consumes memory unnecessarily
uncertainties - - advantage purely algorithmic
- - uses only 3-point geometry to obtain points
lying in cavity regions - ( sterical optimal packing)
- - might expect spotty distribution of probes
poorly shaped buried - volume
- - practical experience produces smooth
well-shaped buried volume - - 3-point geometry helps minimize number of
points required to fill - protein cavities
26Discussion Comparative study sea-level
- Some operate by filling fully enclosed volumes ?
artificial definition of sea-level - Others definition as byproduct of the algorithm
itself - Kuntz et al. - Connolly surface ? sphere growth
- - angular condition for spheres (concave, flat,
convex) - - radial constraint for spheres (5Å)
- PASS size solvent accessibility as quantified
by burial counts ? sea-level - PASS rates favorably with all published methods
in Speed ease of use (less familization
training) - Fastest CPU times belong to LIGSITE, but time
increases strongly as grid spacing is reduced.
PASS nearly the same speed (20s)
- Disadvantages
- 3-point geometry ? no identification of cavities
in flat (i.e. aromatic) proteins - Prescribed distance of 8Å ? no identification of
cavities in very small proteins - Output input as PDB files ? no exact allegation
of charge of ligand/protein
- Simple cavity detection tool
- Utility in virtual screening interactive
molecular modeling environments - Reliably predicts the location of known BS ?
utility as front-end to fast docking virtual
screening - Visualize buried volume in a protein (price 30s)
- Suggests alternate BS
- Simplifies detailed visualization of potential
binding hot spots - http//www. rcsb.org/pdb/software-list.html
- http//www.ccl.net/chemistry
- G. Patrick Brady Jr. F.W. Stouten, Fast
prediction and visualization of protein binding
pockets with PASS, Journal of Computer-Aided
Molecular Design,14 383-401, 2000 - Ringe, D. Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol., 5 (1995) 825
- Ruppert, J., Welch, W. and Jain, A.N. Protein
Sci., 6 (1997) 524 - Connolly, M.L., J.Appl. Crystallogr., 16 (1983)