Title: Accelerator Physics Topic VIII Coherent Synchrotron Radiation
1Accelerator PhysicsTopic VIIICoherent
Synchrotron Radiation
- Joseph Bisognano
- Engineering Physics
- Synchrotron Radiation Center
- University of Wisconsin
2Coherent Synchrotron Radiation
- Since the spectrum of synchrotron radiation in
free space extends down to arbitrarily long
wavelengths, a bunched beam would couple to
angular frequencies of order 1/bunch time length - This was a major concern in the early days of
talk about storage rings, since the coherent
power scales as (Ne)2 rather than Ne 2
Shielding to the Rescue!
Current frequency distribution
S is normalized power spectrum (SYLee)
3Basic Principle
E(1), E(2) Energy E(1)2 E(2)2
5A Picture
6Shielding of CSR
- In terms of a resistive coupling, the free space
impedance is
/Z/n/ 300 n-2/3 ohms - Shielding sets in at n lt ?(R/h) -3/2 h is
distance from conducting wall, and
/Z/n/ peaks out at 150 h/R, 130 ohms resistive,
85 ohms reactive - This shielding prevents long bunches from
radiating as a unit only incoherent radiation - As machines have evolved to picosecond and
subpicosecond bunches, with linac recirculation
arcs and bunch compressors, coherent radiation is
now important - This shielding is not the same as the cutoff
frequency in a waveguide it involves the bending
radius in addition to chamber dimensions
7A Simple Analysis of CSR
R0radius of pillbox Rb radius of particle
orbit 2bheight of pillbox
8Potential Greens Function
We solve for modes and look for condition that
particle velocity matches the phase velocity of
the mode
9Boundary Condition
10Resonance Condition
11Some Typical Values
12What Does It Do? Good
13Maybe Useful
14What Does It Do? Evil
15Bunch Compression
Voltage ramp
16Bunch Compressors
Bentson, et al EPAC 2002
17Dispersion and Emittance Growth
Bentson, et al EPAC 2002
18LCLS Bunch Compressor
Bentson, et al EPAC 2002
19 Dynamical Effects of CSR
Presence of modulation
(microbunches) in bunch density
CSR may become significant
Collective forces associated with CSR induce
Instability feeds back, enhances
20Properties of CSR Impedance
- Shielding cut off
- Peak value
21Storage Ring Microwave Instablity
Similar instability in bunch compressors from
finite R56-microbunching
22Microwave Instability
23Observations of CSR - NSLS VUV RingCarr et al.
NIM-A 463 (2001) p. 387
Spectrum of CSR Signal (wavelength 7 mm)
Current Threshold for Detection of
Coherent Signal
24Observations of CSR - NSLS VUV RingCarr et al.
NIM-A 463 (2001) p. 387
Detector Signal vs. Time
- CSR is emitted in bursts.
- Duration of bursts is
- Separation of bursts is of the order of few ms
but varies with current.