Title: Barriers to Screening
1Barriers to Screening BCCEDP CRC Project
2Iowa Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection
Program Colon Cancer Education Pilot Project
- Goal Increase awareness about the importance of
colon cancer screening among IA BCCEDP
participants and providers.
- 11 IA counties selected that have a higher rate
of late-stage colon cancer than the rest of the
state (Adair, Buena Vista, Pocahontas, Cedar,
Cerro Gordo, Franklin, Fayette, Floyd, Hamilton,
Kossuth, Scott) - Obtain baseline status of colon cancer screening
among BCCEDP participants
- February, 2008 663 surveys mailed to BCCEDP
eligible women aged 50-64 - Pre/663 questionnaires mailed 12
returned/address 267 returned - 41 response rate
- Develop and disseminate public education
materials and maps indicating where BCCEDP
participants could receive free or low cost CRC
screening. - March, 2008 Cover letter, CDC brochure Colon
Cancer Screening Saves Lives free/low cost CRC
screening map mailed to 663 participants
6Free/Low Cost CRC Screening Locations
- Develop and disseminate provider education
materials to also include the map of free
screening programs - March, 2008 How to Increase Colorectal Cancer
Screening Rates in Practice A Primary Care
Clinicians Evidence-Base Toolbox and Guide and
the free/low cost CRC map were mailed to 171
- May, 2008 Conduct a post intervention survey to
assess status on colon cancer screening among
BCCEDP participants - Post/664 questionnaires mailed 20
returned/address 288 returned - 45 response rate
9(No Transcript)
10Where do you prefer to get your health
- My doctor's nurse 27.0
- My doctor 86.5
- My family 17.2
- Telephone help/hotline 1.9
- Magazine articles 18.4
- Television 9.4
- Public library 2.2
- Radio 1.1
- My pharmacist 9.0
- Internet groups 1.5
- Internet sources 19.1
- Health-related reading 20.6
- Other 16.5
Friends say test was unpleasant
11Do you have a health clinic or doctors office in
which you receive primary health care?
12Reasons which have/would keep you from being
Want a screening but can't afford one
13PRE Q only In regard to receiving
information about colorectal cancer screening,
would you say
- Are already knowledgeable/do not need more
information at this time 24.0 - Have already received information 18.4
- Will get information within the next month 4.9
- Will get information within six months 6.0
- Will get more information at some point in the
future 23.2 - Do not plan to get more information 3.4
- Don't know/am not sure 25.1
When I got the first mailing I did everything it
ended up I did have a pre-cancer.
14If your doctor suggested that you get a
colorectal cancer screening test, how likely
would you be to get one? (1
I would absolutely get the screening test to
5 I would not get the screening test )
My big disappointment was that I took the test
with the card that was sent in the mail and I
never received a report back.
15POST ONLY - Did you receive the CRC information?
(n282) Yes 65.7 No 11.1 I do not
remember receiving the information 20.8
POST ONLY - If indicated received, did you read
the materials (n200) Yes, read everything
63 No 6.2
16Demographic Information
Age on last birthday? (N260)
Race (N264)
Ethnicity (N235)
17What were women telling us?
If I could afford it I would do so. Thank you
for caring.
Right with the co-pay I would have to pay 2500
along with it. I can't afford to get a
screening. it's all out my pocket in every way.
The place I would have to go are far away. I am
the only person that works, can't afford fuel to
get there. I can't afford to take off work.
I didn't know the other 2 tests existed.