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Lecture 4 Fundamentals


Earthquake Loads. where. Cv = Seismic coefficient based on soil profile and Av. Ca = Seismic coefficient based on soil profiled and Aa ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture 4 Fundamentals

Lecture 4 - Fundamentals
  • January 22, 2003
  • CVEN 444

Lecture Goals
  • Loading (continued)
  • Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • Concrete Properties
  • Steel Reinforcement

Earthquake Loads
  • Inertia forces caused by earthquake motion
  • F m a
  • Distribution of forces can be found using
    equivalent static force procedure (code, not
    allowed for every building) or using dynamic
    analysis procedures

Earthquake Loads
Inertia forces caused by earthquake motion.
Equivalent Static Force Procedure for example, in
ASCE 7-95 V Cs W where V Total lateral
base shear Cs Seismic response
coefficient W Total dead load
Earthquake Loads
Total Dead Load, W 1.0 Dead Load 0.25
Storage Loads larger of partition loads or 10
psf Weight of permanent equipment contents
of vessels 20 or more of snow load
Earthquake Loads
where Cv Seismic coefficient based on soil
profile and Av Ca Seismic coefficient based on
soil profiled and Aa R Response modification
factor (ability to deform in inelastic range) T
Fundamental period of the structure
Earthquake Loads
where T Fundamental period of the
structure T CT hn 3/4 where CT 0.030 for
MRF of concrete 0.020 for other concrete
buildings. hn Building height
Earthquake Map
Roof Loads
  • Ponding of rainwater
  • Roof must be able to support all rainwater that
    could accumulate in an area if primary drains
    were blocked.
  • Ponding Failure
  • ? Rain water ponds in area of maximum
  • ? increases deflection
  • ? allows more accumulation of water ? cycle
    continues? potential failure

Roof Loads
  • Roof loads are in addition to snow loads
  • Minimum loads for workers and construction
    materials during erection and repair

Construction Loads
  • Construction materials
  • Weight of formwork supporting weight of fresh

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • Concrete Composite material composed of
    portland cement, fine aggregate (sand), coarse
    aggregate (gravel/stone), and water with or
    without other additives.
  • Hydration Chemical process in which the cement
    powder reacts with water and then sets and
    hardens into a solid mass, bonding the aggregates

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • Heat of Hydration Heat is released during the
    hydration process.
  • In large concrete masses heat is dissipated
    slowly temperature rises and
    volume expansion later cooling causes
    contraction. Use special measures to
    control cracking.

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • 1. Proportioning Goal is to achieve mix with
  • Adequate strength
  • Proper workability for placement
  • Low cost
  • Low Cost
  • Minimize amount of cement
  • Good gradation of aggregates (decreases voids and
    cement paste required)

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • Water-Cement Ratio (W/C)
  • Increased W/C Improves plasticity and fluidity
    of the mix.
  • Increased W/C Results in decreased strength due
    to larger volume of voids in cement paste due to
    free water.

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • Water-Cement Ratio (W/C) (cont..)
  • Complete hydration of cement requires W/C
  • Need water to wet aggregate surfaces, provide
    mobility of water during hydration and to provide
  • Typical W/C 0.40-0.60

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • Water/Concrete table

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • Proportions have been given by volume or weight
    of cement to sand to gravel (ie. 124) with W/C
    specified separately
  • Now customary to specify per 94 lb. Bag of
    cement wt. Of water, sand gravel
  • Batch quantity wt. per cubic yard of each

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • 2. Aggregates
  • 70-75 of volume of hardened concrete
  • Remainder hardened cement paste, uncombined
    water, air voids
  • More densely packed aggregate give better
  • strength
  • weather resistance (durability)
  • Economical

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • 2. Aggregates
  • Fine aggregate sand (passes through a No. 4
    sieve 4 openings per inch)
  • Coarse aggregate gravel
  • Good gradation
  • 2-3 size groups of sand
  • Several size groups of gravel

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • Maximum size of coarse aggregate in RC
    structures Must fit into forms and between
    reinforcing bars(318-99, 3.3.2)
  • 1/5 narrowest form dimension
  • 1/3 depth of slab
  • 3/4 minimum distance between reinforcement bars

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • Aggregate Strength
  • Strong aggregates quartzite, felsite
  • Weak aggregates sandstone, marble
  • Intermediate strength limestone, granite

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
In the design of concrete mixes, three principal
requirements for concrete are of importance
  • Quality
  • Workability
  • Economical

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • Quality of concrete is measured by its strength
    and durability. The principal factors affecting
    the strength of concrete , assuming a sound
    aggregates, W/C ratio, and the extent to which
    hydration has progressed. Durability of concrete
    is the ability of the concrete to resist
    disintegration due to freezing and thawing and
    chemical attack.

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • Workability of concrete may be defined as a
    composite characteristic indicative of the ease
    with which the mass of plastic material may
    deposited in its final place without segregation
    during placement, and its ability to conform to
    fine forming detail.

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • Economical takes into account effective use of
    materials, effective operation, and ease of
    handling. The cost of producing good quality
    concrete is an important consideration in the
    overall cost of the construction project.

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • The influence of ingredients on properties of

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • 3. Workability
  • Workability measured by slump test
  • Layer 1 Fill 1/3 full. 25 stokes
  • Layer 2 Fill 2/3 full. 25 stokes
  • Layer 3 Fill full. 25 stokes
  • Lift cone and measure slump (typically 2-6 in.)

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
Slump test - The measurement of the consistency
of the mix is done with the slump-cone test. The
recommend consistency for various classes of
concrete structures .
Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • 4. Admixtures
  • Applications
  • Improve workability
  • Accelerate or retard setting and hardening
  • Aid in curing
  • Improve durability

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • 4. Admixtures
  • Air-Entrainment Add air voids with bubbles
  • Help with freeze/thaw cycles, workability, etc.
  • Decreases density reduces strength, but also
    decreases W/C
  • Superplasticizers increase workability by
    chemically releasing water from fine aggregates.

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • 5. Types of Cement
  • Type I General Purpose
  • Type II Lower heat of hydration than Type I
  • Type III High Early Strength
  • Higher heat of hydration quicker
    strength (7 days vs. 28 days for Type I)

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
  • 5. Types of Cement
  • Type IV Low Heat of Hydration
  • Gradually heats up, less distortion (massive
  • Type V Sulfate Resisting
  • For footings, basements, sewers, etc. exposed to
    soils with sulfates.

Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
Failure Mechanism of Concrete
Shrinkage Microcracks are the initial shrinkage
cracks due to carbonation shrinkage, hydration
shrinkage, and drying shrinkage.
Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
Failure Mechanism of Concrete
Bond Microcracks are extensions of shrinkage
microcracks, as the compression stress field
increases, the shrinkage microcracks widen but do
not propagates into the matrix. Occur at 15-20
ultimate strength of concrete.
Concrete Mixing and Proportioning
Failure Mechanism of Concrete
Matrix Microcracks - are microcracks that occur
in the matrix. The propagate from 20 fc. Occur
up to 30-45 ultimate strength of concrete.
Matrix microcracks start bridge one another at
75. Aggregate microcracks occur just before
failure (90).
Concrete Properties
  • 1. Uniaxial Stress versus Strain Behavior in

Concrete Properties
The standard strength test generally uses a
cylindrical sample. It is tested after 28 days
to test for strength, fc. The concrete will
continue to harden with time and for a normal
Portland cement will increase with time as
Concrete Properties
  • Compressive Strength, fc
  • Normally use 28-day strength for design strength
  • Poissons Ratio, n
  • n 0.15 to 0.20
  • Usually use n 0.17

Concrete Properties
  • Modulus of Elasticity, Ec
  • Corresponds to secant modulus at 0.45 fc
  • ACI 318-02 (Sec. 8.5.1)
  • where w unit weight (pcf)
  • 90 pcf lt wc lt155 pcf
  • For normal weight concrete
  • (wc ? 145 pcf)

Concrete Properties
  • In-Class Exercise
  • Compute Ec for fc 4500 psi for normal weight
    (145 pcf) concrete using both ACI equations

Concrete Properties
  • Concrete strain at max. compressive stress, ?o
  • For typical ? curves in compression
  • ?o varies between 0.0015-0.003
  • For normal strength concrete, ?o 0.002

Concrete Properties
  • Maximum useable strain, ?u
  • ACI Code ?u 0.003
  • Used for flexural and axial compression

Concrete Properties
Typical Concrete Stress-Strain Curves in
Concrete Properties
Types of compression failure
There are three modes of failure. a Under axial
compression concrete fails in shear.
b the separation of the specimen into columnar
pieces by what is known as splitting or columnar
fracture. c Combination of shear and splitting
Concrete Properties
  • 2. Tensile Strength
  • Tensile strength 8 to 15 of fc
  • Modulus of Rupture, fr
  • For deflection calculations, use
  • Test

ACI Eq. 9-10
Concrete Properties
  • 2. Tensile Strength (cont.)
  • Splitting Tensile Strength, fct
  • Split Cylinder Test

Concrete Properties
  • 2. Tensile Strength (cont.)

(Not given in ACI Code)
Concrete Properties
  • 3. Shrinkage and Creep
  • Shrinkage Due to water loss to atmosphere
    (volume loss).
  • Plastic shrinkage occurs while concrete is still
    wet (hot day, flat work, etc.)
  • Drying shrinkage occurs after concrete has set
  • Most shrinkage occurs in first few months (80
    within one year).
  • Cycles of shrinking and swelling may occur as
    environment changes.
  • Reinforcement restrains the development of

Concrete Properties
Shrinkage of an Unloaded Specimen
Fig. 3-21, MacGregor (1997)
80 of shrinkage occurs in first year
Concrete Properties
  • Shrinkage is a function of
  • W/C ratio (high water content reduces amount of
    aggregate which restrains shrinkage)
  • Aggregate type content (modulus of Elasticity)
  • Volume/Surface Ratio

Concrete Properties
  • Shrinkage is a function of
  • Type of cement (finely ground)
  • Admixtures
  • Relative humidity (largest for relative humidity
    of 40 or less).
  • Typical magnitude of strain (200 to 600) 10-6
  • (200 to 600 microstrain)

Concrete Properties
  • Creep
  • Deformations (strains) under sustained loads.
  • Like shrinkage, creep is not completely

Concrete Properties
  • Magnitude of creep strain is a function of all
    the above that affect shrinkage, plus
  • magnitude of stress
  • age at loading

Concrete Properties
  • Creep strain develops over time
  • Absorbed water layers tend to become thinner
    between gel particles that are transmitting
    compressive stresses
  • Bonds form between gel particles in their
    deformed position.

Concrete Properties
  • Tri-axial Compression
  • Confined Cylinder
  • Improved strength and ductility versus uniaxial
  • Example spiral reinforced
  • F1 longitudinal stress at failure
  • F3 lateral pressure

Concrete Properties
  • Tri-axial Compression

Fig. 3-15, MacGregor (1997)
Steel Reinforcement
  • 1. General
  • Standard Reinforcing Bar Markings

Steel Reinforcement
  • 1. General
  • Most common types for non-prestressed members
  • hot-rolled deformed bars
  • welded wire fabric

Steel Reinforcement
  • Areas, Weights, Dimensions

Steel Reinforcement
  • 2. Types
  • ASTM A615 - Standard Specification for Deformed
    and Plain-Billet Steel Bars
  • Grade 60 fy 60 ksi, 3 to 18
  • most common in buildings and bridges
  • Grade 40 fy 40 ksi, 3 to 6
  • most ductile
  • Grade 75 fy 75 ksi, 6 to 18

Steel Reinforcement
  • 2. Types
  • ASTM A616 - Rail-Steel Bars
  • ASTM A617 - Axle-Steel Bars
  • ASTM A706 - Low-Alloy-Steel Bars
  • more ductile GR60 steel
  • min. length of yield plateau ?sh/?y 5

Steel Reinforcement
  • 3. Stress versus Strain
  • Stress-Strain curve for various types of steel
    reinforcement bar.

Steel Reinforcement
  • Es Initial tangent modulus 29,000 ksi
    (all grades)
  • Note GR40 has a longer yield plateau
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