Title: Lecture II: Gas Giant Planets
1 Lecture II Gas Giant Planets
- The Mass-Radius diagram - interiors
- Equations of State and Phase transitions
- Phase separation
- Hot Jupiters
2The Giant Planets
3HD 209458b a Hot Jupiter
4HD 168443b highly eccentric one
5More diversity than expected ?...
Some of the Hot Jupiters do not match well models
based on Jupiter Saturn
Charbonneau et al (2006) w Bodenheimer et
al.(2003), Laughlin et al. (2005) models and
Burrows et al. (2003 2006)
7Properties of planets small stars
Models Baraffe et al. four different ages
0.5, 1, 3, 5 Gyr
Red Pont et al. (2005) OGLE-TR-122
8Stellar Mass and Age
Stellar evolution track for 3 metallicities and
Helium content
Age 7 Gyrs
Stars evolve from bottom zero-age main sequence
Lines of constant stellar radii
HD 209458
Our Sun
Cody Sasselov (2002)
9 HAT-P-1b the lightest
planet yet
RA 22 h 58 m Dec 38o 40 I 9.6 mag
G0 V Ms 1.12 MO Porb 4.46 days Mp 0.53
10HAT-P-1 ADS 16402B
The HR diagram and evolutionary tracks fits
Bakos et al. (2006)
11 Interiors of Giant Planets
- Our own Solar System Jupiter Saturn
- Constraints M, R, age, J2, J4, J6
- EOS is complicated
- mixtures of molecules, atoms, and ions
- partially degenerate partially coupled.
- EOS Lab Experiments (on deuterium)
- Laser induced - LLNL-NOVA
- Gas gun (up to 0.8 Mbar only)
- Pulsed currents - Sandia Z-machine
- Converging explosively-driven - Russia (up to
1.07 Mbar)
12The giant planets - interiors
13Phase diagram (hydrogen)
Guillot (2005)
14 Interiors of Giant Planets
- New hydrogen EOS Experiment
- Russian Converging explosively-driven system
(CS) - Boriskov et al. (2005)
- matches Gas gun Pulsed current (Z-machine)
results - deuterium is monatomic above 0.5 Mbar - no phase
transition - consistent with Density Functional Theory
calculation (Desjarlais)
15Interiors of Giant Planets
Jupiters core mass and mass of heavy elements
For MZ - the heavy elements are mixed in
the H/He envelope
Saumon Guillot (2004)
16Interiors of Giant Planets
Saturns core mass and mass of heavy elements
Saumon Guillot (2004)
17 Interiors of Giant Planets
- Core vs. No-Core
- How well is a core defined?
- Saturn metallic region can mimic core in J2
fit (Guillot 1999) - Core dredge-up - 20 MEarth in Jupiter, but MLT
convection ? - Overall Z enrichment
- Jupiter 6x solar
- Saturn 5x solar
- a high C/O ratio from Cassini ?? (HD 209458b?
Seager et al 05)
18Interiors of Hot Jupiters
Hot Jupiters could capture high-Z planetesimals
if parked so close early
OGLE-TR-56b has Vorb 202 km/sec, Vesc 38
DS (2003) w updates
19 Hot Jupiters Internal heating
- Tidal heating
- small ones require cores enrichments larger
than those of Jupiter and Saturn (Burrows et al.
2006) - large ones - their low densities are still
difficult to explain - additional sources of heat
- high-opacity atmospheres
20 Interiors of Hot Jupiters
- Core vs. No-Core
- Core - leads to faster contraction at any age
- the case of OGLE-TR-132b gt high-Z and large
core needed ? - the star OGLE-TR-132 seems super-metal-rich
(Moutou et al.) - Cores nature vs. nurture ? - capturing
planetesimals. - Evaporation ? - before planet interior becomes
degenerate - enough - implications for Very Hot
Jupiters - the case of HD 209458b (Vidal-Madjar et al.
2003) ? - Overall Z enrichment
- After the initial 1 Gyr leads to more
21Summary Hot Jupiters
- Our gas giants - Jupiter Saturn
- have small cores
- are enriched in elements heavier than H (and He)
- The Hot Jupters we know
- most need cores enrichment
- six or so need tidal heating or a similar
heating source - Is the core-accretion model in trouble ?
- not yet,
- but we should understand Jupiter and Saturn
22A Problem with Saturn ?...
Its current luminosity is 50 greater than
predicted by models that work for Jupiter
Saturn reaches its current Teff (luminosity) in
only 2 Gyr !
Fortney Hubbard (2004)
23 A Problem with Saturn ?
- One idea for resolving the discrepancy - phase
separation of neutral He from liquid metallic H
(Stevenson Salpeter 1977) - for a saturation number fraction of the solute
(He), phase separation will occur when the
temperature drops below T - x exp (B - A/kT)
- where x0.085 (solar comp., Y0.27),
Bconst.(0), A1-2 eV (pressure- dependent
const.), - therefore T 5,000 - 10,000 K
24A Problem with Saturn ?...
Phase diagram for H He
Fortney Hubbard (2004)
Model results Stevenson (75) vs. Pfaffenzeller
et al. (95) - different sign for dA/dP !
25A Problem with Saturn ?...
New models
Fortney Hubbard (2004)
Model results The modified Pfaffenzeller et al.
(95) phase diagram resolves the
discrepancy. Good match to observed helium
depletions in the atmospheres of Jupiter
(Y0.234) Saturn (Y0.2).
26Evolution Models of Exo-planets
Cooling curves
Fortney Hubbard (2004)
Models All planets have 10 ME cores no
irradiation. The models with He separation have
2 x higher luminosities.
27Evolution Models of Exo-planets
Could the very low-density puffy planets be
heated by phase separation ?
Phase separation of other elements Ne, O
28 Issues
- Sizes of extrasolar planets are already precise
- but beware of biases systematic errors!
- Models are based on Jupiter Saturn
- Perhaps, Hot Very Hot Jupiters are more Z
enriched - because of history - excessive migration through
disk, or - because of orbit - manage to capture more
planetesimals ? - Implications for the core-accretion model
- it requires at least 6 ME for Mcore of Jupiter
Saturn - invoke Jupiter core erosion (e.g. Guillot 2005)
29 Conclusions
- Sizes of extrasolar planets are already precise
- beware of biases systematic errors
- Models are based on Jupiter Saturn
- Perhaps, Hot Very Hot Jupiters are more Z
enriched - because of history - excessive migration through
disk, or - because of orbit - manage to capture more
planetesimals ? - Implications for the core-accretion model
- it requires at least 6 ME for Mcore of Jupiter
Saturn - invoke Jupiter core erosion (e.g. Guillot
2005), - use the He settling for Saturn (Fortney
Hubbard 2003)
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