BST Data Structure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BST Data Structure


BST Operations: Insert ... BST Operations: Delete. The Delete operation consists of two parts: ... BST Operations: Delete. CASE #3, continued. The node to be ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: BST Data Structure

BST Data Structure
  • A BST node contains
  • A key (used to search)
  • The data associated with that key
  • Pointers to children, parent
  • Leaf nodes have NULL pointers for children
  • A BST contains
  • A pointer to the root of the tree.

BST Operations Insert
  • BST property must be maintained
  • Algorithm sketch
  • To insert data with key k
  • Compare k to root.key
  • If k lt root.key, go left
  • If k gt root.key, go right
  • Repeat until you reach a leaf. That's where the
    new node should be inserted.
  • Note keep track of prospective parent along the

BST Operations Insert
  • Running time
  • The new node is inserted at a leaf position, so
    this depends on the height of the tree.
  • Worst case
  • Inserting keys 1,2,3,... in this order will
    result in a tree that looks like a chain
  • Tree has degenerated to list
  • Height linear
  • Note also that such a tree is worsethan a linked
    list since it takes upmore space (more pointers)

BST Operations Insert
  • Running time
  • The new node is inserted at a leaf position, so
    this depends on the height of the tree.
  • Best case
  • The top levels of the tree are filled up
  • The height is then logn where n is the numberof
    nodes in the tree.

BST Operations Insert
  • The height of a complete (i.e. all levels filled
    up) BST with n nodes is logarithmic. Why?
  • Level i has 2i nodes, for i0 (top level)
    through h (height)
  • The total number of nodes, n, is thenn
    2021...2h (2h1-1)/(2-1)
    2h1-1Solving for h gives us h ? logn

BST Operations Insert
  • Analysis conclusion
  • An insert operation consists of two parts
  • Search for the position
  • best case logarithmic
  • worst case linear
  • Physically insert the node
  • constant

BST Operations Insert
  • What if we allow duplicate keys?
  • Idea 1 Always insert in the right subtree
  • Results in very unbalanced tree
  • Idea 2 Insert in alternate subtrees
  • Makes it difficult to search for all occurrences
  • Idea 3 All elements with the same key
    are inserted in a single node
  • Good idea!
  • Easy to search, does not affect balance any more
    than non-duplicate insertion.

BST Operations Insert
  • What if we allow variable number of children?
    (n-ary tree)
  • Idea Use a vector/list of pointers to children.

BST Operations Search
  • Take advantage of the BST property.
  • Algorithm sketch
  • Compare target to root
  • If equal, return success
  • If target lt root, search left
  • If target gt root, search right
  • Running time
  • Similar to insert

BST Operations Delete
  • The Delete operation consists of two parts
  • Search for the node to be deleted
  • best case constant (deleting the root)
  • worst case linear
  • Delete the node
  • best case?
  • worst case?

BST Operations Delete
  • CASE 1
  • The node to be deleted is a leaf node.
  • Easy!
  • Physically remove the node.
  • Constant time
  • We are just resetting its parent's child pointer
    and deallocating memory

BST Operations Delete
  • CASE 2
  • The node to be deleted has exactly one child
  • Easy!
  • Physically remove the node.
  • Constant time
  • We are just resetting its parent's child pointer,
    its child's parent pointer and deallocating

BST Operations Delete
  • CASE 3
  • The node to be deleted has two children
  • Not so easy
  • If we physically delete the node, we'll have to
    place its two children somewhere. This seems to
    require too much tree restructuring.
  • But we know it's easy to delete a node that has
    at most one child. What if we find such a node
    whose contents can be copied over without
    violating the BST property and then physically
    delete that node?

BST Operations Delete
  • CASE 3, continued
  • The node to be deleted, x, has two children
  • Idea
  • Find the x's immediate successor, y. It is
    guaranteed to have at most one child
  • Copy the y's contents over to x
  • Physically delete y.

BST Operations Delete
  • Finding the immediate successor
  • We know that the node has two children. Due to
    the BST property, the immediate successor will be
    in the right subtree.
  • In particular, the immediate successor will be
    the smallest element in the right subtree.
  • The smallest element in a BST is always the
    leftmost leaf.

BST Operations Delete
  • Finding the immediate successor
  • Since it requires traveling down the tree from
    the current node to a leaf, it may take up to
    linear time in the worst case.
  • In the best case it will take logarithmic time.
  • The time to perform the copy and delete the
    successor is constant.

Binary Search Trees
  • Traversing a tree visiting its nodes
  • Three major ways to traverse a binary tree
  • preorder
  • visit root
  • visit left subtree
  • visit right subtree
  • postorder
  • visit left subtree
  • visit right subtree
  • visit root

When applied on a BST, it visits the nodes in
order from smaller to larger
  • inorder
  • visit left subtree
  • visit root
  • visit right subtree

Binary Search Trees
void print_inorder(Node subroot ) if (subroot
! NULL) print_inorder(subroot ?
left) cout ltlt subroot?data print_inorder(sub
root ?right)
How long does this take? There is exactly one
call to print_inorder() for each node of the
tree. There are n nodes, so the running time
of this operation is ?(n)
Binary Search Trees
  • A tree may also be traversed one "level" at a
    time (top to bottom, left to right). This is
    usually called a level-order traversal.
  • It requires the use of a temporary queue

enqueue root while (queue is not empty) get
the front element, f print f enqueue f's
children dequeue
Binary Search Trees
in-order 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - 12 -
14 pre-order 12 - 4 - 2 - 8 - 6 - 10 - 14 -
16 post-order 2 - 6 - 10 - 8 - 4 - 16 - 14 -
12 level-order 12 - 4 - 14 - 2 - 8 - 16 - 6 - 10
Binary Search Trees
  • Idea for sorting algorithm
  • Given a sequence of integers, insert each one in
    a BST
  • Perform an inorder traversal. The elements will
    be accessed in sorted order.
  • Running time
  • In the worst case, the tree will degenerate to a
    list. Creation will take quadratic time and
    traversal will be linear. Total O(n2)
  • On average, the tree will be mostly balanced.
    Creation will take O(nlogn) and traversal will
    again be linear. Total O(nlogn)

BSTs vs. Lists
  • Time
  • In the worst case, all dictionary operations are
  • On average, BSTs are expected to do better.
  • Space
  • BSTs store an additional pointer per node.
  • The BST seemed like a good idea, but in the end
    it doesn't offer much improvement.
  • We must find a way to keep the tree balanced and
    guarantee logarithmic height.

Balanced Trees
  • There are several ways to define balance
  • Examples
  • Force the subtrees of each node to have almost
    equal heights
  • Place upper and lower bounds on the heights of
    the subtrees of each node.
  • Force the subtrees of each node to have similar
    sizes (number of nodes)
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