Title: Postwar lit. Eggspert
1Postwar lit. Eggspert!
2In what years did Cold War occur?
3Who took part in the cold war?
4Why were we involved in the cold war?
5Which writer wrote an extended metaphor for the
cold war in terms of the Salem witch trials?
6Who is credited with establishing Rock n Roll?
7What civil rights court case ended with the
decision to end the separate but equal Jim Crow
8Which type of writing is defined as a factual
air of reporting to describe real events
9Which school of thought rebelled northern
materialism, science, and progress
10Which school of thought experimented with
rhythms, pauses, sounds?
11Which writer thought that poetry should be an
escape from emotion and personality
12How were the beats different from the new
13Which group of people treated the postwar era of
prosperity and stability distrust, disapproval,
and disillusionment.(the _______ generation)
14Which poem deals the failure of a family in the
15Which poet employed internal rhyme in her poem
To Black Women
16Which poet struggled with manic-depression?
17What term is defined as a poem that laments the
18Which writer grew up in Milledgeville?
19Which character in the stories was characterized
as an anti-Christ type of person?
20What term is referred to as a type of writing
that contains elements of horror, suspense,
mystery, or magic, produced or set in or around
the south.
21Which writer is known for using natural imagery
to compare life on earth to heaven.
22Why did it begin to rain on Mr. Shiftlets new
23Why was Phoenix hiking to town?
24What is Kevin Derrig trying to ask his teacher in
the poem First Period
25Which term refers to an inherited, often
unconscious, ancestral memory or motif that
reoccurs throughout history or literature?
26What were the beats opposed to people
identifying with?
27Which major beat wanted people to stop thinking
about what makes a poem and start thinking
about what life is