Title: Using climatecaucus.net
1Using climatecaucus.net
Easy Instructions to navigate the website
For questions, write to Larry Roeder, Editor in
Chief, Climate Caucus at lroeder_at_wspausa.org.
Mr. Roeder is also the UN Affairs Director at
WSPA, the World Society for the Protection of
Animals, associated with UN/DPI, ECOSOC, DPI/NGO
and CONGO, ICVA and InterAction.
The effort is partly about creating a Report to
the Secretary General and other world leaders on
what civil society is doing about climate change
and what they ask be achieved in the future. It
is also about creating a network of civil society
players that continue the work of fighting
climate change beyond submission of the Report.
To create a report, you need material and
recommendations. The material and
Recommendations are generated by Working Groups
who create each substantive chapter of the
Report. Each Working Group has a home page on
the web site. This brief navigation guide shows
you how the web site is divided, how to find the
Working Group Home Pages, the main sections of
the Report itself and various sections that help
with participation in the project.,
3The Organization of the Site
The website has three sections, each represented
by a button on every page.
4Step ONE Double Click Welcome
This section of the Website has Five Pages, each
with its own button.
5Step Two Double Click ADMIN
This section of the Website has Three Pages, each
with its own button.
6Step 3 Double Click Chapters Working Groups
This section of the Website has Five Pages, each
with its own button.
7The Report Chapters are in Four Sections
Section One Includes an introduction to the
report, explaining its link to the 60th UN
DPI/NGO Conference. The conference
recommendations are summarized and there are
links to participating Editors, experts and
Section Two This contains three chapters that
cluster the recommendations of the participants
into useful packages Risk Reduction, Cleanup and
Section Three Chapters Covering Specific
Thematic Recommendations -- Many topics were
raised during the 60th DPI/NGO Conference that
participants felt should be considered for
specific thematic Report chapters. These form
the foundation of the Report by providing
specific recommendations to civil society from
civil society on what needs to be done to adapt
to climate change and in the long term, reverse
the threat.
Section Four Resources Bibliography, Links,
other tools
There is no fee. The website is a gift of the
World Society for the Protection of Animals,
WSPA, the worlds largest alliance of animal
welfare NGOs, with over 850 member societies.
WSPA has associated status with ECOSOC and DPI,
and is a member of DPI/NGO, CONGO, InterAction
and ICVA.
The website is managed by an Editorial Working
Group under the supervision of the Executive
Committee of DPI/NGO and CONGO