Title: Russian Media Model: New Economic Structures
1Russian Media ModelNew Economic Structures
- Professor Elena Vartanova
- Faculty of Journalism
- Moscow State University/
- Aleksander Institute, Helsinki University
2Lecture 3. Evolution of Media Market
- Nature of economic changes
- Progress of advertising industry
- New consumers
3Media in Russia How to Assess?
- Change? - Yes
- Transformation? - Yes
- Evolution?
4Russian Economy afterthe Soviet Union
- Basic changes
- privatization,
- liberalization of economy,
- rise of resource-based economy,
- stagnation in industrial production,
- growing poverty,
- decline in system of social security system,
health care and education system
- Recent trends
- Economic growth based on oil export
- Rise of telecommunication industry,
- Rapid growth of the Internet 14 of population
(2005) - Boom in mobile telephony estimates between 54 -
83 (2005
5Economics of the Soviet Media
- Combined state - party ownership
- Planned financing through redistribution of the
Communist party and state money - Top-down subordination of media outlets
- Surveillance and coordination of information
flows - Heavy investments into some sectors of
infrastructure (post, TV terrestrial network,
satellite communications) - No attention to audience needs
- Immature advertising
6Major Factors of Change in Russian Media
- Disappearance of plan(partial withdraw of the
state), introduction of private ownership
(privatization) and free market relations (does
journalism sell?) - Lack of industry resources for strategic
investments into infrastructure and therefore
dependence upon resource oligarchs - Digital revolution uneven pressures from the
7Economic History of Russian Media Industry
- Privatization (1991-1996) emergence of
integrated political-business elite
privatization of media by journalists TV as a
political party financed by loyal oligarchs
illegal mechanisms to ensure manipulative use of
mass media (corruption, bribery, concealed
advertising) - Oligarchization (1996-2000) structurization and
redistribution of ownership among loyal business
elite (NTV case) growth of media-industrial
conglomerates with low interest to media as
business rise and fall of advertising industry
(1998) - De-Oligarchization/Etatization (since 2000)
withdraw of oligarchs from media industry
professionalization of media management
consolidation of financial resources (growth of
advertising) cross-media concentration (Gazprom
media, Prof-media)
8Russian Media Industry Post-Industrial Realities
- Multiplication of channels consequences of being
private and digital - Need for profits as a result of
commercialization of content concepts
(tabloidization, infotainment tainments) - Emergence of leisure industries in which media
holds the central role - New actors that were silent in times of planned
Soviet media economy play a role advertising,
technology, audiences
9Advertising in Russian Media
10Structure of Russian Advertising Market in 2005
11Dreaming with BRIC
- Brazil(11), Russia(7), India (6), China (8) the
highest growth of advertising markets - Rapid development of national economies and GDP
- Rapidly growing consumer sector more positive
attitude to advertising by audience
12Advertising Expenditure in GDP, (2004)
- China 1,57
- USA 1,37
- UK 0,98
- Japan 0,85
- Brazil 0,76
- Germany 0,74
- Russia 0,73
- Italy 0,62
- France 0,6
- India 0,42 ZenithOptimedia
13Consumers Profile in Russia
- Low spending to media and communication - about
1,4 of family budgets - 2000-2005 growth of consumer spending 257,
annual inflation rate - not more than 20 - Core spending - food, housing, drinkstobacco
- Growth of spending for drugs, transportation,
14Advertising / Media Relations Russian Case
- Restriction for advertising in print media 40
(Russian Mass Media Law) - Strong presence of the state at the TV sector
the state broadcaster VGTRK got 300 mln. in
2004 as state subsidies (82,5 of all state money
invested in the media sector) - Oligopoly at the national TV advertising market
Video International and NTV-Media hold
dominant position an selling advertising at the
national level
- Predictions still impossible media market is not
self-sufficient - Integration of Russia into WTO will change
economic structures of Russian mass media - Globalization will minimize peculiarities of
Russian media market