Title: Training of Trainers for ICT Dilemmas and challenges
1Training of Trainers for ICT -Dilemmas and
- Dr. Eli EisenbergORT Israel
- German-Israeli Seminar
- Jerusalem, Nov. 10. 2003
Common perception ICT is a discipline
Common perception ICT is a tool
ICT is a LANGUAGE with its own alphabet,
vocabulary and syntax
3The changing role of the Trainer
A transmitter of information - a sage on the
One who guides and facilitates information
according to the constructive approach of
training - a guide at the
4The ICT Trainer as a Facilitator
and KNOWLEDGE to become KNOW-HOW
- Provides examples, models and practical
- Gives advice and suggestions
5The ICT Trainer as a Process Administrator
- Planning and managing the schedule
- Maintaining the pace of progress
- Setting goals and evaluating results
- Managing assignments, tasks, projects
- and exams
6The ICT Trainer as a Social Facilitator
- Facilitation of Internet and F2F group
discussions - Provision of personal and emotional support
7Essential Characteristics of ICT Trainers
- Flexible thinking
- Openness to change
- Ability to focus of the process
- Curiosity and interest
- Independence and self confidence
In short A good pedagogue
8J. Richardson (2000) a further area of
concern is the need to develop trainers of
trainers with a double expertise in pedagogy and
ICT Luxemburg Ministry of Education
9Integration of ICT in Education and Training
Induces continuous dialogues between the Trainer
and Trainees Colleagues Course
Administrators RESULT Greater burden on the
10Changes required of the ICT training environment
- Occupational
- Organizational
- Physical / Structure
11Evaluation and assessment methods dictate the
implementation of the curriculum in terms of
both content and methodology.
- Strategies to be adopted, developed and
implemented by ICT Trainers - Flexibility
- Sharing
- Evaluation and Assessment
- process
13Strategic Orientations and Developments of
Training for Trainers Strategy
- 1. Unifications or full coordination among
ministries responsible for vocational education
and training.
14- 2. Teacher and trainer of technology and
vocational education should be a favored
profession with salary benefits, while raising
the admission criteria of candidates for
technological teacher training college.
15- 3. Research, development and implementation of a
model for constant updating of technological
education and vocational training.
16- 4. Integrating ICT and eLearning applied to VET
with affirmative action plans for
under-represented population groups.
17- 5. Promotion of M.Ed at technology and
engineering teacher training academic colleges,
and establishing standard credentials for the
colleges which will be granted by a teacher
training authority.
18- 6. Creating and implementing business alike
management and organizational environment and
culture in teacher training colleges.
19- Thank you for listening !