Title: Distributed Power Control for Time
1Distributed Power Control for Time Varying
Wireless Networks Optimality and Convergence
Andrea Goldsmith Tim Holliday Nick Bambos Peter
Glynn Stanford University
2Ad-hoc Wireless Networks
- Each node generates independent data.
- Source-destination pairs are chosen at random.
- Topology is dynamic
- Different link SIRs based on channel gains Gij
- Power control used to maintain a target Ri value
3Power Control for Fixed Channels
- Seminal work by Foschini/Miljanic 1993
- Assume each node has an SIR constraint
- Write the set of constraints in matrix form
4Optimality and Stability
- Then if rFlt1 ? a unique solution
- P is the global optimal solution
- Iterative power control algorithms P?P
5Convergence Iterations
Feasible Region
Iterative Algorithm
These results are for fixed channels
6What about random channels?
- When the channel is random, power control cannot
maintain Ri w.p. 1 or 0. - Thus, the optimality criterion for power control
must be redefined. - For a given criteria, its not clear that a
well-behaved power control algorithm exists. - Moreover, its not clear that a distributed
version of this power control exists.
7F-M with a Random Channel
- Assume the matrices G(k) and F(k) are positive,
irreducible, and stationary ergodic processes - We show that P(k) is a geometrically ergodic
Markov chain (with appropriate conditions on F
and u)
8Power Stability of an Ad-hoc Network
- Convergence of the F-M Algorithm is determined by
the statistics of F(k) and u(k) - The Lyapunov exponent for a product of random
matrices is defined as
- If lF lt 0 and Elog(1u(k))lt ?
- Then P(k)?P(?) and EP(?)lt ?
9SIR as a Random Process
- Since P(k) is a stochastic process, R(k) will be
random as well - Ri(k) converges to a stationary random variable
- Its distribution is very hard to compute
10Performance in a Random Channel
- We can define system performance in terms of the
distribution of Ri - Average SIR
- Outage Probability
- We show that
- This doesnt tell us anything about the power
consumption - The Pis can deviate significantly from their mean
11Adaptation in a Random Environment
- Power control based on channel prediction
- Potentially provides better algorithm behavior
- Need interferers channel gains (nondistributed)
- Pointless if the channel is i.i.d.
- Power must be constantly updated.
- Can we develop a power control algorithm for
random channels with better properties - Satisfies some form of optimality
- Powers converge to fixed values
- Permits distributed power control
- Appropriate in an i.i.d. channel
12 Consider A New SIR Constraint
? Multiply out and take expectations
? Matrix form
Same form as SIR constraint in F-M for fixed
13New Criterion for Optimality
- If rFlt1 then there exists a global optimal
solution - For the SIR constraint
- Is this constraint appropriate?
- How do we find P in a distributed manor?
14Stochastic Approximation
- Re-write the optimality conditions as
- Goal find an iterative solution for P g(P)0
- We only see samples of F and u
- This is a natural setting for the application of
the Robbins-Monro algorithm
15Robbins-Monro algorithm
- Where ek is an estimate of g(P(k))
16Convergence and Optimality
- If the following conditions hold
- supRe r r is an eigenvalue of F) lt 1
- The noise terms ek satisfy
- The stochastic approximation iterations converge
to the optimal power allocation
For most cases of interest, conditions hold
17Optimal Distributed Control
- The components of the centralized algorithm are
path-wise identical to - The above distributed algorithm satisfies all of
the properties of the centralized version
18Example i.i.d. Fading Channel
- Suppose the network consists of 3 nodes
- Each link in the network is an independent
exponential random variable - Note that rF.33 so we should expect this network
to be fairly stable
20Example Correlated Fading
- The i.i.d. channel is essentially the worst case
scenario for the F-M algorithm - Define a channel matrix with memory M as
- where Giid is independent exponential
- In the following example M20, which is a
substantial amount of memory
- Power control designed for fixed channels
performs poorly in random channels - We propose an on-line distributed power control
algorithm for random channels - The algorithms meets mean SIR constraints and our
optimality criterion - Algorithm can incorporate (distributed) admission
control with active link protection