BMI 731 Winter 2005 Chapter1: SNP Analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BMI 731 Winter 2005 Chapter1: SNP Analysis


Cells are fundamental working units of every living systems ... 1.Random mating or panmixia: the choice of a mate is not influenced by his/her ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: BMI 731 Winter 2005 Chapter1: SNP Analysis

BMI 731- Winter 2005Chapter1 SNP Analysis
  • Catalin Barbacioru
  • Department of Biomedical Informatics
  • Ohio State University

Biological Background
  • Cells are fundamental working units of every
    living systems
  • The nucleus contains a large DNA
    (Deoxyribonucleic acid) molecule, which carries
    the genetic instructions
  • A DNA molecule consists of two strands that wrap
    around each other to resemble a twisted ladder.
  • Each strand is composed of one sugar molecule,
    one phosphate molecule, and a base.
  • Four different bases are present in DNA - adenine
    (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G).
  • The particular order of the bases arranged along
    the sugar - phosphate backbone is called the DNA

Biological Background
Biological Background
  • Each strand of the DNA molecule is held together
    at its base by weak hydrogen bonds.
  • The four bases pair in a set manner Adenine (A)
    pairs with thymine (T), while cytosine (C) pairs
    with guanine (G). These pairs of bases are known
    as Base Pairs (bp). 
  • The DNA is organized into separate long segments
    called chromosomes, where the number of
    chromosomes differ across organisms (46 for
    humans or 23 pairs, each parent contributes 23

  • Allele Alternative form of a gene. One of the
    different forms of a gene that can exist at a
    single locus.
  • Genotype The specific allelic composition of a
    cell, either of the entire cell or more commonly
    for a certain gene or a set of genes.
  • Haplotype A set of closely linked genetic
    markers present on one chromosome which tend to
    be inherited together (not easily separable by

  • Locus A point in the genome, identified by a
    marker, which can be mapped by some means.
  • Marker Also known as a genetic marker, a segment
    of DNA with an identifiable physical location on
    a chromosome whose inheritance can be followed. A
    marker can be a gene, or it can be some section
    of DNA with no known function.
  • Mutation A permanent structural alteration in

  • Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium The stable frequency
    distribution of genotypes, AA, Aa, and aa, in the
    proportions p2, 2pq, and q2 respectively (where
    p and q are the frequencies of the alleles, A and
    a) that is a consequence of random mating in the
    absence of mutation, migration, natural
    selection, or random drift.
  • Linkage disequilibrium When the observed
    frequencies of haplotypes in a population does
    not agree with haplotype frequencies predicted by
    multiplying together the frequency of individual
    genetic markers in each haplotype.

A Little Population Genetics
  • Population genetics (and evolutionary genetics)
    deal with groups of organisms and families,
    usually natural populations.
  • We can discern two strands of thought in the
    area. One is the study of very large ("ideal")
    idealized groups or populations, where models can
    be deterministic.
  • The other is dealing with smaller populations,
    where the role of chance can play a larger role
    (so called genetic drift).

Genotype and allele frequencies
  • One question of crucial interest is this how
    common are the different alleles at a given locus
    in a given population.

The percentages are our best estimate of the
probability that an individual will carry that
genotype in the population of London, Oxford and
Cambridge. The observed heterozygosity is 49.6.
There is another population described in this
table. It is the population of gametes that gave
rise to individuals tested
The percentages here are our best estimate of the
probability that a sperm or egg taken from that
population will carry that particular allele. If
the frequency of the commonest allele at a
particular locus is less than 99, we call this a
polymorphic locus or polymorphism.
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
  • Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium describes the
    relationship between the gametic or allele
    frequencies, and the resulting genotypic
    frequencies. It holds if the following properties
    are true for the given locus,
  • 1.Random mating or panmixia the choice of a
    mate is not influenced by his/her genotype at the
  • 2.The locus does not affect the chance of mating
    at all, either by altering fertility or
    decreasing survival to reproductive age.

  • If these properties hold, then the probability
    that two gametes will meet and give rise to a new
    genotype is simply the product of the allele
    frequencies (a la binomial)
  • P(AA) P(A) x P(A) pA2
  • P(aa) P(a) x P(a) pa2
  • P(Aa) 1 - P(AA) - P(aa) 2 x P(A) x P(a)
  • 2pApa.

Tests for HWE
  • For a two-allele case, disequilibrium coefficient
  • D PAA pA2
  • where PAA P(AA) the probability of AA genotype
  • pA P(A) is the probability of allele A.
  • If nAA, nAa, naa are the numbers of individuals
    with genotypes AA, Aa and aa respectively, from a
    total of n individuals, then estimators of the
    above probabilities are
  • PAA nAA/n, PAa nAa/n, Paa naa/n, where n
  • pA (2nAAnAa)/2n, pa (2naanAa)/2n and pa
    pA 1

Chi-square testfor HWE
  • Then under HWE

Chi-square testfor HWE
  • The goodness-of-fit chi-squared statistic is
  • XA2 Sgenotypes (Obs-Exp)2/Exp
  • (nD)2/npA2 (-2nD)2/2npApa (nD)2/npa2
  • nD2/pA2(1-pA)2
  • and the test rejects (H0) the assumption of HWE
  • XA2 gt 3.84
  • The usual problems associated with this test that
    it is sensitive to small expected values. An
    alternative version (Yates), which overcomes
    continuity assumptions is
  • XA2 Sgenotypes (Obs-Exp-0.5)2/Exp

Fisher (exact) test for HWE
  • Under HWE hypothesis, the probability of the
    observed set of genotypic counts nAA, nAa and naa
    in a sample of size n is

whereas the allele counts nA and na are
binomially distributed if HWE holds
Fisher (exact) test for HWE
  • Putting together, the probability of the observed
    genotypic frequencies, assuming HWE, conditional
    on the observed allele frequencies is

which can be expressed in terms of the allele A
number and Of the number of heterozygotes nAa. We
reject the HWE hypothesis if the above
conditional probability is less than the
significance level of type I error (a), usually
HWE test - Example
Causes rejection of HWE at 5 significance level
Power and sample size of tests for HWE
  • Statistical tests of hypothesis are subject to
    two kind of errors a true hypothesis may be
    rejected (type I error or a or significance level
    or p-value) or a false hypothesis may not be
    rejected (type II error or ß or 1-power of the
  • For the chi-square test, theory provides that, in
    large samples, X2 is distributed approximately as
    a chi-square with 1 d.f. when the hypothesis is
    true and as a noncentral chi-square when the
    hypothesis is false i.e.
  • X2 ?2(1) when H0 is true
  • X2 ?2(1, ?) when H0 is false
  • where ? is the noncentrality parameter (see

Power and sample size of tests for HWE
  • The disequilibrium coefficient, D, required for
    attaining 90 power and a 0.05 significance level
    for the chi-square test is

Alternatively, the number of samples required in
order to attain 90 power and a 0.05
significance level for the chi-square test when
the disequilibrium coefficient is D, is
If the required power is 50 or 80, then 10.5
is replaced by 3.84 or 8.7
Linkage disequilibriumGametic disequilibrium at
two loci
  • Measures the association of two alleles at two
    different loci.
  • Given two biallelic loci with alleles A, a and B,
    b respectively, let the disequilibrium
    coefficient be
  • DAB pAB pApB.
  • The (ML) estimator of DAB is DAB pAB pApB.
  • A chi-square statistic for the hypothesis of no
    disequilibrium, H0 DAB0, is the test statistic

and the test rejects H0 if XAB2 gt 3.84 .
Linkage disequilibriumGametic disequilibrium at
two loci
  • An exact test for gametic linkage disequilibrium
    depends on the probabilities of all possible
    samples of gametic numbers for the observed
    allele numbers. Under the assumption of no
    linkage disequilibrium

and the allele probabilities are
Linkage disequilibriumGametic disequilibrium at
two loci
  • Taking the ratio between these quantities gives
    the probability of gametic numbers conditional on
    allele numbers

which depends on n, nAB, nA and nB only. As in
the case of HWE, this probability is compared
with the chosen significance Level (p-value).
Linkage disequilibrium Genotypic disequilibrium
  • When genotypes are scored, it is often not
    possible to distinguish between the two double
    heterozygotes AB/ab and Ab/aB, so that the
    gametic frequencies cannot be inferred. Under the
    assumption of random mating, in which genotypic
    frequencies are assumed to be the products of
    gametic frequencies, it is possible to estimate
    gametic frequencies. A measure of (digenic)
    linkage disequilibrium between alleles A and B

Linkage disequilibrium Genotypic disequilibrium
  • If the 9 genotypic classes are numbered as

then an (ML) estimator for ?AB is
Linkage disequilibrium Genotypic disequilibrium
  • The chi-square test statistics for LD is

Note the explicit way in which departures from HW
are Included in this expresion.
  • ?2 represents the statistical correlation between
    two sites, and takes value 1 if only two
    haplotypes are present. It is arguably the most
    relevant measure for association between
    susceptibility loci and SNPs. For example,
    suppose SNP1 is involved in disease
    susceptibility, but we genotype cases and
    controls at a nearby site SNP2. Then, to achieve
    the same power to detect associations at SNP2 as
    we would have at SNP1, we need to increase our
    sample size by a factor of 1/ ?2.

  • These measures are defined for pairs of sites,
    but for some applications we might instead want
    to measure how strong LD is across an entire
    region that contains many polymorphic sites for
    example, for testing whether the strength of LD
    differs significantly among loci or across
    populations, or whether there is more or less LD
    in a region than predicted under a particular
    model. Measuring LD across a region is not
    straightforward, but one approach is to use the
    measure ?, which measures how much recombination
    would be required under a particular population
    model to generate the LD that is seen in the
    data. The development of methods for estimating
    is now an active research. This type of method
    can potentially also provide a statistically
    rigorous approach to the problem of determining
    whether LD data provide evidence for the presence
    of hotspots.
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