Title: Distributed Programming in Java
1Distributed Programming in Java
- Space-Based Computing (2)
- Review of Space-Based Computing
- Forms of parallelism
- Supervisor-Worker pattern as an example of agenda
parallelism - Design of the sample tuple space system
3Space-Based Computing
4Space-Based Computing
- A space is a high-level coordination tool for
glueing agents into an application - Different programming paradigm
- Instead of relying on message-passing,
- applications cooperate through the flow of
objects in and out of spaces - Space-based models (JavaSpaces, TSpaces) based on
tuple space concepts
5Tuple Spaces (Linda)
- Originally designed as a persistent buffer for
communicating among parallel programs - Design goals include
- Anonymous communication
- Universal associative addressing
- Persistent data repository
- Applications post and read unstructured tuples to
a shared tuple space
- Adds new ideas to Linda
- Distributed leasing curbs resource consumption
due to failures - Distributed event notification event sources,
listeners, and objects - Distributed transactions ensures operation
ordering (2PC) - Basis of the Jini architecture for service
discovery and invocation
7Simple Set of Operations
- Basic operations on a tuple space (Linda)
- out adds a tuple to the tuple space
- in reads a matching tuple and deletes it from the
tuple space - in tuple also known as template fields are
expressions, or formal parameters - read is like in, but tuples not deleted
out("tag", expr-1, ..., expr-n)
in("tag", field-1, ..., field-n)
8Tuple Matching
- A tag (eg "camera")
- Typically, a collection of named fields
- A tuple becomes a template, if it contains formal
fields, otherwise it is actual - Templates match another tuple, if
- the tags are the same
- number of fields is the same
- all of the fields match
- Each field has
- name (eg make)
- type (a Java class, eg String.class)
- value (eg Leica)
- A field is formal if its value is a null token
(eg null), otherwise a field is actual - A formal field matches a field in another tuple,
if its name and type are the same
11Forms of Parallelism
12Result parallelism
- work units are organized around data structures
Blue workers operate on 1st element of data
structure Red workers operate on 2nd element Eg.
Image processing, vector computing
Source http//www.cs.bath.ac.uk/amb/UQC007H3/DES
- Build a data structure to represent the shape of
the result - Assign a process to each element of the result
- Identify the data sources needed to compute each
element - Determine how to obtain the values of all
elements simultaneously - Arrange termination when all values are known
14Agenda parallelism
- work units are organized around activities
- Identify the job to be performed by the workers
- Provide a master to manage the jobs
- Identify the granularity of the jobs
16Specialist parallelism
- work units organized around specialists
- decompose into appropriate specialists
- Task divided into n identical subtasks
- Supervisor creates n subtask tuples and writes
them into the tuple space - Workers read subtasks from the space and execute
them, then put the results back - Supervisor reads the space for partial results
and combines them, then finishes
18Supervisor-Worker (1)
19Supervisor-Worker (2)
20Supervisor-Worker (3)
- Pseudocode for the supervisor
- Supervisor posts tasks, then collects results
public class Supervisor for (int i0
ilttotalTasks i) Tuple task new
Tuple("task") task.add(new Field("param1",
"value1")) space.out(task) for (int i0
ilttotalTasks i) Tuple template new
Tuple("result") template.add(new
Field("value", Value.class)) Tuple result
- Pseudocode for each worker
- Repeatedly takes task, and posts result
public class Worker for () Tuple task
new Tuple("task") task.add(new Field("param1",
String.class)) Tuple result
compute(task) space.out(result)
23Mandelbrot Sets
- The Mandelbrot set is a fractal that has become
popular far outside of mathematics both for its
aesthetic appeal and its complicated structure,
arising from a simple definition. This is largely
due to the efforts of Benoît Mandelbrot and
others, who worked hard to communicate this area
of mathematics to the general public.
24(No Transcript)
25Mandelbrot Sets
- Image of Mandelbrot set is a mapping from (x,y)
coordinates to color values - Each point represents a complex numberC x y
i - Iterate over the following sequenceZ(0)
0Z(n1) Z(n)2 C - Run for a given number of iterations, or stop if
Z(n) does not converge (for Z(n) gt 2)
26Run the Example
- Start the workers first, then the supervisor
gt java -Djava.security.policyall.policy
dpj.ts.TupleSpaceServer \ -debug mandelbrot gt
java -Djava.security.policyall.policy
dpj.ts.mandelbrot.Worker \ localhost mandelbrot gt
java -Djava.security.policyall.policy
dpj.ts.mandelbrot.Worker \ localhost mandelbrot gt
java -Djava.security.policyall.policy
dpj.ts.mandelbrot.Worker \ localhost
mandelbrot gt appletviewer Supervisor.html
public class Supervisor extends Applet implements
Runnable, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
protected TupleSpace space protected int
xsize // dimensions of window protected int
ysize protected long job // id for this
computation protected int tasks // number of
tasks to generate protected int lines // of
scan lines per task protected Thread
supervisor // initial region for which
Mandelbrot is being computed protected double x1
-2.25 protected double x2 3.00 protected
double y1 -1.80 protected double y2 3.30
29 private void generateTasks() job
System.currentTimeMillis() Tuple task new
Tuple("task") task.add(new Field("job",
job)) // job identifier // region for which
application is computing Mandelbrot task.add(new
Field("x1", x1)) // starting x task.add(new
Field("x2", x2)) // ending x task.add(new
Field("y1", y1)) // starting y task.add(new
Field("y2", y1)) // ending y // slice of
region this tasks computes task.add(new
Field("width", xsize)) task.add(new
Field("height", ysize)) task.add(new
Field("lines", lines)) for (int i0 iltysize
ilines) task.add(new Field("start",
i)) space.out(task)
30 private void collectResults() while (true)
while (done) // sleep for 500
ms Tuple template new
Tuple("result") template.add(new Field("job",
job)) template.add(new Field("start",
Integer.class)) template.add(new
Field("points", Region.class)) Tuple
result result space.in(template) display
(result) progress progress lines if
(progress gt ysize-lines) done
true repaint() // graphics
code (see full code)
public class Worker protected TupleSpace
space public void run() throws
RemoteException for () Tuple task
space.in(taskTemplate()) Tuple result
compute(task) space.out(result) prot
ected Tuple taskTemplate() throws RemoteException
Tuple template new Tuple("task") template
.add(new Field("job", Long.class)) ...
32public Tuple compute(Tuple task) double x,
y, xx, a, b int start ((Integer)
// ... double da ((Double)
h double db ((Double)
ht b ((Double) task.getField("y1").getValue()
).doubleValue() int points new
intwidthlines for (int i 0 i lt start
i) b b db int k
0 for (int i start i lt end i, k)
a ((Double) task.getField("x1").getValue()).do
ubleValue() for (int j 0 j lt width
j) byte n 0 x 0.0
y 0.0
33 while ( (n lt 100) ( (xx)(yy) lt
4.0) ) xx x x - y y a
y 2 x y b x
xx n
pointsjk n // in range 0..100
a a da b b
db Tuple result new
Tuple("result") result.add(new Field("job",
task.getField("job").getValue())) result.add(new
Field("start", task.getField("start").getValue())
) result.add(new Field("points", new
Region(points))) return result
- Now for a closer look at the internals that were
operating behind the scenes - Overall design
- Representation of tuples
- Management of tuple space (an opportunity to
review concurrency mechanisms) - Use of Adapter pattern (ako Wrapper) to make
tuple space a remote object
35Tuple Space Design
public class Tuple implements Serializable
protected String tag "" protected
Hashtable fields new Hashtable() public
Tuple(String tag) this.tag tag public
Tuple(String tag, Field field0)
this(tag) add(field0) public void
add(Field field) fields.put(field.getName(),
public boolean matches(Tuple other) if
(other null) return false // null
tuple if (!tag.equals(other.getTag())) return
false // not same tag if (size() !
other.size()) return false // not same number
of fields Enumeration e fields.elements() w
hile (e.hasMoreElements()) Field field
(Field) e.nextElement() Field otherField
other.getField(field.getName()) if
(!field.matches(otherField)) return false //
fields don't match return true
public class Field implements Serializable
protected String name "" protected Object
value null protected Class type null //
Actual public Field(String name, Class type,
Object value) this.name name this.type
type this.value value //
Formal public Field(String name, Class type)
this.name name this.type type
public boolean isFormal() return value
null public boolean matches(Field other)
if (other null) return false // null
tuple if (!other.getName().equals(name)) retu
rn false // not same name if
(!type.isAssignableFrom(other.getType())) retur
n false // not same type if (!isFormal()
!other.getValue().equals(value)) return false
// not same value // matches formal field of
same name and type return true
public class LocalTupleSpace protected
Hashtable bag new Hashtable() public
synchronized Tuple in(Tuple template) throws
InterruptedException Tuple tuple while
((tuple get(template, true)) null)
wait() return tuple public
synchronized Tuple inNoBlock(Tuple template)
return get(template, true)
- Unlike in(), read() does not delete tuples
public synchronized Tuple read(Tuple
template) throws InterruptedException Tuple
tuple while ((tuple get(template, false))
null) wait() return
tuple public synchronized Tuple
readNoBlock(Tuple template) return
get(template, false)
private Tuple get(Tuple template, boolean
remove) String tag template.getTag() Vect
or v (Vector) bag.get(tag) if (v null
v.size() 0) return null // get the first
tuple from v that matches template Enumeration
e v.elements() while (e.hasMoreElements())
Tuple tuple (Tuple) e.nextElement() if
(template.matches(tuple)) if
(remove) v.remove(tuple) return
tuple return null // no matching
tuple in subbag
- Out() unblocks in() and read()
public synchronized void out(Tuple tuple)
String tag tuple.getTag() // new tuples
are appended at the end of a vector // for a
tag, and removed in FIFO order Vector v
(Vector) bag.get(tag) if (v null) v
new Vector() bag.put(tag, v) v.addEleme
nt(tuple) notifyAll()
public class TupleSpaceImpl extends
UnicastRemoteObject implements TupleSpace
protected LocalTupleSpace space //
target public TupleSpaceImpl() throws
RemoteException space new
LocalTupleSpace() public Tuple in(Tuple
template) throws RemoteException try //
delegate to target return space.in(template)
catch (InterruptedException e) throw new
RemoteException(e.toString()) ...
public class TupleSpaceServer public
static void main(String args) try
RMISecurityManager()) if (args0.startsWith("-d
")) TupleSpace server new
DebugTupleSpaceImpl() Naming.rebind(args1,
server) else TupleSpace server new
TupleSpaceImpl() Naming.rebind(args0,
server) catch (Exception e)