Managing the Environmental Impacts of Hydropower Scottish R - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Managing the Environmental Impacts of Hydropower Scottish R


Mixed juvenile (fry, parr) Passageway (torrent, glide, pool) Not useable (e.g. too shallow) ... Smolt 2 : 50% survival parr to smolt. 1,650. Smolt trap data ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Managing the Environmental Impacts of Hydropower Scottish R

Managing the Environmental Impacts of
HydropowerScottish RD ProgrammeIWRMStockholm
November 2008
Overview of thePresentation
  • Background
  • RD Needs and Scope
  • Methods Techniques
  • Conclusions

SSE Hydropower Generation
  • Limited hydro development late 19th early 20th
  • NOSHEB formed in 1943 to provide electricity to
    highland communities
  • NOSHEB were privatised in 1989 and became part of
    SSE in 1998
  • SSE operate 72 hydropower stations (incl. 84
    major dams hundreds of intakes)
  • We generate around 3,200 GWhrs/yr (? 40 of
    current UK renewables)
  • Mitigation was highly developed for the time
  • These measures focussed largely on salmon
  • A new large storage scheme currently being

Examples of Existing Mitigation
  • There is already significant mitigation on our
  • These include
  • compensation flows
  • hands off flows
  • freshets
  • fish passes
  • fish counters
  • smolt screens
  • smolt traps
  • tailrace screens
  • adult fish traps
  • a hatchery

Why does Hydropower matter?
  • Plays an important role in combating climate
  • very low CO2 lifetime emissions
  • storage schemes help manage intermittent supplies
    (e.g. wind)
  • European targets have been set for renewable
  • UK Scottish Governments have set ambitious
    targets for renewable electricity and renewable
  • Any reduction in output from existing sites will
    inevitably be made up by fossil fuel fired
  • A recent Scottish Govt. sponsored study
    identified gt650 MW of financially
    environmentally viable new schemes
  • Balance of global environmental benefits vs.
    local environmental impacts

WFD and Hydropower
  • For waterbodies affected by large scale
    hydropower WFD has an objective of Good
    Ecological Potential (GEP)
  • GEP is the best ecological outcome that can
    reasonably be achieved given the existing type
    and scale of use
  • UK environment agencies are defining GEP in terms
    of the alternative approach (see next slide)
  • This means considering if missing measures are
    consistent with the existing scale of use
  • This approach is an admission that the basic
    science is not sufficiently well developed
  • Even using this approach we are not able to fully
    define measures for some problems (e.g. sediment

Definition of GEP
RD Needs and Scope¹
  • There is a general recognition that
    hydro-morphology is linked to ecology
  • But a lack of empirical data means we are not
    able to predict the ecological effects of changes
    in hydro-morphology with any confidence
  • We want to be sure that any measures we implement
    really do work
  • This will require
  • baseline hydro-morphology and ecological surveys
  • long term monitoring following any changes
  • SSE has initiated a number of projects to begin
    collecting this data

Collaborative RD
  • We are in the process of setting up a
    collaborative research programme
  • We hope that collaboration will
  • pool expertise and resources
  • build confidence with regulators and stakeholders
  • deliver a better research programme
  • Partners include the Scottish EPA and other
    research and academic organisations
  • The initial aim is to fund a long term (5yr)
    post to co-ordinate the research and support
    publication of peer reviewed papers

Site Based Methods¹
  • Geomorphic conditions
  • Grain Size Distribution
  • Armouring
  • Sediment Deficits
  • Material finer than 64 mm (gravel) missing from
    many areas
  • Clearly some very degraded rivers but tributary
    inputs rapidly improve conditions
  • Natural rivers are also armoured need for
    reference conditions

Site Based Methods²
  • Input data to hydraulic models and equations to
    calculate critical discharges
  • This can identify geomorphically effective flows
  • Discharges needed to mobilise current beds
    (coarse, stable and armoured) can be extremely
    large (lt700 m3s-1)
  • Clear need to look at parallel flow restoration
    and sediment augmentation
  • Links to aerial sediment size mapping

Aerial Photography Techniques
1. Aerial grain size maps
2. Aerial bathymetry (depth) maps
Sediment Grain Size Maps
High resolution digital aerial photography
(e.g. 3cm resolution)
Aerial photo-sieving Can be performed
post-survey. Ground samples / geo-referencing
not strictly necessary. Can be performed on
back-dated imagery.
Ground truth data (grain size samples)
Ground data Requires images and ground samples
to be geo-referenced with differential GPS.
Cannot be performed on back-dated imagery.
Calibrated aerial grain size maps
Bathymetry (Depth) Maps
High resolution digital aerial photography
(e.g. 3cm resolution)
Ground Data Requires images to be geo-referenced
with differential GPS. Depth profiles of river
must be taken at site of geo-referencing.
Profiles must be taken on day of aerial survey to
ensure that river level is same as
imagery. Bathymetry maps cannot be produced
without accurate ground control or river level
Ground truth data (river depth profiles)
Calibrated aerial bathymetry maps
Habitat Maps
Aerial grain size maps
Aerial bathymetry maps
Other Species? Requires habitat requirements to
be defined
Salmonid habitat requirements (e.g. optimal
spawning grain size of 25-60mm and depth of
Salmonid habitat map
Example Salmon Habitat Map
DetailedHabitat Map
Salmon Smolt Productivity
Eggs c. 5000 eggs per female
Fry 0 10 survival egg to fry
Parr 1 33 survival fry to parr
Smolt trap data
Smolt 2 50 survival parr to smolt
(Figures used are for illustrative purposes only)
  • There is a clear need to improve our
    understanding of the links between
    hydromorphology and ecology
  • We are attempting to combine traditional ground
    based methods with aerial survey / remote sensing
  • The initial results look very positive
  • The next steps will be to
  • compare habitat map based predictions with field
    data (e.g. smolt numbers)
  • try to develop habitat maps for other flora /
  • try to develop the aerial techniques further
    (e.g. flow velocity)
  • If the method works we will apply it at more
    sites and revise our operational practice where
    we can
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