Title: Code Generation with Jasper, a Reflective Syntax Processor
1Code Generation with Jasper, a Reflective Syntax
- Dmitry Nizhegorodov
- Oracle Corp., USA
- Dmitry.Nizhegorodov_at_oracle.com
Reflective syntax processor for Java, implemented
in Java
- Compile-Time Meta-Object Protocol
- Very high-quality pretty-printer
- Syntactic Extensions
- Macros
- Templates
3Compile-Time MOP
- Parsed Code Objects
- Better than ASTs.
Standard meta-classes Identifier Expression
Statement Type SourceField SourceClass
4Compile-Time MOP
- Abstract Meta-Object Factory
- Syntax-to-Syntax Transforms
Closure implementing interface
TSyntaxTransform T transform(T)
5Compile-Time MOP
- Pending Transform List
- Visitor Pattern Code Walkers
For each attribute a of type T or T public
T follow (T a) public T follow (T a)
class t ... ... void traverse(Visitor v)
... a v.follow(a) ...
... class V implements Visitor public t
process(t a) apply pending transforms to a
public t follow(t a) if(a ! null)
a.traverse(this) return process(a) public
t follow(t a) for(int
i0ilta.lengthi) ai follow(ai)
7Syntactic Extensions
- Parser Plugins keyword-handler pairs
- Extensibility maps guarantee syntactic type
safety - Handler a closure, a syntax transform
Handler can call back to the parser public T
parse () ... p.parseEx?ression()
p.parseStatement() ...
- Programmable
- MOP-based, Syntactic, Type-Safe
- Easy to use
MACRO defines a plugin a transform MACRO
Statement TRIVIAL (Statement s) return s
MACRO Statement TRIVIAL (Statement s) return
s --gt public class TRIVIAL_Statement
extends StatementParserExtension public
void init(Parser p) init(p, "TRIVIAL")
public Statement parse (Identifier kwd)
return new TRIVIAL_StatementExpander(p.pa
rseStatement()) class
TRIVIAL_StatementExpander extends
StatementExpander Statement s
TRIVIAL_StatementExpander(Statement s) this.s
s public Statement expand () return s
public void print(SoursePrintStream out) ...
10MACRO as a Transform
- MOP-based syntactic extension defining other
extensions - MACRO itself can be defined as MACRO
MACRO SourceClass MACRO (SourceField spec)
11MACROs body
type of the macro T, its name N, the forms to
consume from the parse-stream Pn pn MACRO T
N (PT pn...) code gt public class N_T
extends TParserExtension public void
init(Parser p) init(p, "T") public T
parse (Identifier k) return new
N_TExpander(PT pn...) ... class
N_TExpander extends TExpander PT pn ...
N_TExpander(PT pn...) this.pn pn ...
public T expand () code ...
12MACRO is meta-helical
package implemented EXTEND implementing.DefMac
ro public class DefMacro extends
ExtensionPackage ... MACRO SourceClass
MACRO (SourceField spec) body ...
13MACRO can be meta-circular
package jasper.macro EXTEND
jasper.macro.DefMacro public class DefMacro
extends ExtensionPackage ... MACRO
SourceClass MACRO (SourceField spec) body
- Syntax forms defining code patterns
- writing body becomes a as easy as cut-paste-edit
- Interpreting templates pattern is parsed and
instantiated at runtime - Compiling templates pattern is compiled into
executable code - Type-safe
15Interpreting Templates
- Closure parsing a template body from an input
stream - String x y
- File foo/bar/mytmpl1.txt
- Parameters are plugins!
- Reifying handlers
Lets take a look at how setters and getters can
be generated using an interpretive template
MACRO SourceField SLOT (Type type,
Identifier name, Statement body) return
(new Template (parser, "private
type slot" "public type setter(type v)
slot v return v " "public type
getter() " " if (slot null) slot
computeSlot()" " return slot "
"private type computeSlot() body "))
.bind("type", type) .bind("slot", name)
.bind("body", body) .bind("getter",
.bind("setter", Accessor.makeSetter(name.toString(
))) .bind("computeSlot", Accessor.makeInitia
lizer(name.toString())) .parseFields()
17Reifying Parameter Handlers
- Typed
- A handler holds a parameter as a Syntax value
public class StatementReifier extends
StatementParserExtension private Statement
reifiedValue public StatementReifier (String
nm, Statement v) reifiedValue v ...
... public Statement parse (Identifier
keyword) return reifiedValue
18Interpreting !! (or pros)
- Very flexible
- Change in a template does not necessarily require
recompilation (file, Java property)
19Interpreting ((( (or cons)
- Slow
- Error detection is deferred until macro-use time
- A macro-expansion tower materializes at at
macro-use time
20Compiling Templates
Inspired by Lisp backquote (setq ,x
5) --gt (list 'setq x 5) x 5 --gt new
new IntExpression(5))
21Compiling Templates
- Template body is converted to executable code at
template-definition time - Expansion builder is verified at template
compilation time - Error detection is early
- runtime surprises are rare and small
22Compiling Templates NEW
- Expression-domain plugin NEW builds newing
expression constructs - NEW converts a syntax-form-with-parameters to an
expression building such form
NEW Syntax --gt Expression
23NEW Syntax --gt Expression
Specification NEW ltmop-typegt ltparameter-listgt
ltsyntax-formgt Examples Expression my(Statement
body) return NEW Statement(Statement
body) for() body NEW
Expression(Expression arg) arg 1
24NEW Applies Build Conversion
- Build-conversion is a fundamental property of our
MOP - Method constructor()
public class Syntax public Expression
constructor() return buildNewingForm(this)
25NEW Applies Build Conversion
NEW ltmop-typegt ltparameter-listgt ltsyntax-formgt At
template-definition time, the handler of NEW,
class Compil- ingTemplate, consumes the syntactic
arguments of NEW and re- turns a build-conversion
of ltsyntax-formgt (0) class
CompilingTemplate extends ExpressionParserExtensio
n (1) public Expression parse (Identifier
macro) (2) Type formType p.parseType()
(3) ParameterList parms p.parseParameterList
() (4) for each (t, arg) in parms bind arg
as a handler of type t (5) Syntax
form_with_reifiers parse according to formType
(6) restore old bindings of all parms (7)
return form_with_reifiers.constructor() (8)
26Reification in NEW
NEW ltmop-typegt ltparameter-listgt
ltsyntax-formgt The parameters of NEW are
reified by-name, not by-value. The
materialization happens at build-conversion time,
line (7), not at template-parsing time, line (5),
and requires no interaction with the parser and
meta-level shifts, unlike Template class
StatementParameterReifier Expression use
StatementParameterReifier(Expression e) use
e StatementParameterReifier(Identifier
name) use new IdentifierExpression(name)
public Statement parse (Identifier name)
return this public Expression constructor ()
return use
MACRO Statement UNLESS (Expression test,
Statement body) return NEW Statement
(Expression test, Statement body) if (test
false) body --gt class
UNLESS_Statement extends StatementParserExtension
... class UNLESS_StatementExpander extends
StatementExpander Expression test
Statement body public Statement expand ()
return new IfStatement (0,
new EqualExpression(0, test, new
BooleanExpression(0, false)), body,
- Each materialized name reference is
type-checked, in the domain of standard
metaclasses, at expansion-compilation time
foo.jsl --gt foo.java --gt foo.class bar,jsl
29Statement-level NEW
- Conveniency feature for use as macro body
- Macros parameters become template parameters
MACRO Statement UNLESS (Expression test,
Statement body) NEW if (test
false) body
- Generalization of parameter reifiers
- Analogous to Lisps ,
class StatementEscapeForm extends
StatementParameter ... public Statement
parse (Identifier keyword) unbind the
template parameters Expression e
parser.parseExpression() re-bind the
template parameters return new
31Expansion-Passing Style
- Expanders operate just in time
- direct continuation
- Macro AS for expander invocation, substituting
the direct continuation
MACRO Statement UNLESS_NULL(Expression e,
Statement s) e NEW Expression(Expression
e) e null return AS Statement UNLESS(e,
32Partial Expansions Problem
Consider MACRO Statement
UNLESS_NULL(Expression e, Statement s)
NEW UNLESS(e null) s Here the expander of
UNLESS transforms parameter-reifiers of NEW, not
real syntactic forms.
33Partial Expansions Solution
Augment NEW with a transform that avoids
premature expansion of forms that are partly
specified NEW T(..ti ai,..) M form1 .. ai
.. --gt AS T M(..constructor_of_ai..).expand()
34Partial Expansions Research
- Roots in Partial Evaluation
- Online PE defining a specialized
build-conversion for N_TExpander closures - Offline PE Type analysis and Static Binding Time
Analysis (BTA) - Conservative approach expansion closure passing
style - Avoids premature expansion
- Compile-time MOP
- Syntax extensibility protocol type-safe plugins
- Syntax-to-syntax transforms
- MACRO plugintransform generator
- NEW newing code generator
- Expansion Passing semantics
- IT, CT and PSM both programmable and type-safe,
but PSM is not reflective - IT is much like MOO
- Novelty is in CTs build-convertion
PSM Weise, D., Crew, R. Programmable Syntax
Macros. In Proc. of PLDI'93, ACM SIGPLAN
Notices, 1993. MOO Chiba, S. Macro Processing
in Object-Oriented Lan- guages. TOOLS Pacific'98.
IEEE Press, 1998.
37Applications at Oracle
- Ahead of time native Java compiler written in
Java with macros - C codegen backend based on NEW
- Introspective Java source interpreter
- CLOS multimethods and generic functions for Java
- EJB deployment and publishing descriptor