Title: Ramadan and good glycemic control
1Ramadan and good glycemic control
Department, Max Fourestier Hospital Nanterre,
2Diabetes and Ramadan
- Despite
- clear religious exemption from fasting for
patients with serious disease - International consensus (Hassan II Foundation for
scientific and medical research on Ramadan,
Ramadan Advisory Board) - Many muslim diabetic patients choose to
participate to the annual fast of Ramadan - Inducing a possible deterioration of glycemic
3- In order to confirm this deterioration, we
conducted a first retrospective study in 2002 - in 46 consecutive muslim type 2 diabetic
patients - fasting or non fasting
- comparing HbA1c before (within 6 months) and
after (1.5 month after the end) the Ramadan fast. - HbA1c before 7,7 1,3
- HbA1c after 8,7 1,1
4 5A multifaceted interventionto improve quality of
- For health care providers
- In the department,
- We give general information on lifestyle
modifications during the period - We built a Religious-based argumentation in
order to explain fast exemption and diet control - We write protocols to modify treatment during the
Ramadan, including use of insulin analogs - In Réseau Diabète 92 , a network devoted to
type 2 diabetes management, we teach all members
about Ramadan management
6- For patients and their family
- Systematic explanation by the physician on the
importance not stopping treatments - Personalized advice about changes in treatment
(physician, nurse) and diet (dietetician) - Importance of family help in order not to exclude
patients during the fast and meals after. - Afterwards, this intervention was prospectively
7Patients and methods
- In 2003 and 2004,
- During the 45 days after the end of the month of
Ramadan, we included - All muslim type 2 diabetics
- Usually followed in the Department
- Exclusion criteria
- Pregnancy and gestational diabetes
- Major treatment change or hospitalization in the
6 months before the beginning of Ramadan - No visit in the 6 months before the beginning of
8- The physician collects detailled information on
- Lifestyle during Ramadan (fast, diet)
- Diabetes management (monitoring blood glucose,
treatment changes) - Acute events (hypoglycemias, and severe
hyperglycemias) - Previous information about diabetes management
during Ramadan - Weight and HbA1c (DCA2000)
- Actual
- During the last visit in the Department (within 6
9Baseline carateristics of patients
10Baseline carateristics of patients
11Baseline carateristics of patients
12Baseline carateristics of patients
13Baseline caracteristics of patients (1)
14Baseline caracteristics of patients (2)
15- Previous information about diabetes management
during Ramadan - In 2003, 21 patients (46)
- In 2004, 32 patients (56)
- Acute events
- In 2003
- Stop fasting 2 patients (1 for benign
hypoglycemia) - In 2004
- Stop fasting 3 patients (1 for acute severe
hyperglycemia and 1 for benign hypoglycemia)
16Self Monitoring Blood glucose in patients
completing fast
- Patients maintaining or increasing SMBG
- In 2003 26 (out of 35 patients) 74
- In 2004 22 (out of 31 patients) 71
- 58 of these patients performed SMBG during the
17Control of diet in patients completing fast
- In 2003, 22 patients (out of 35) ie 63
- In 2004, 17 patients (out of 36) ie 47
- spontaneously reported to follow diet counseling
on - Eating dates when breaking fast
- cakes
- carbohydrates
- Fat
18Treatment modification in patients completing fast
19Evolution of weight (Kg)
20Evolution of weight (Kg)
21Evolution of HbA1c ()
? All patients having a visit in the Department
during the same period
22Evolution of HbA1c ()
? All patients having a visit in the Department
during the same period
- Observance of Ramadan and possible fast during
the month for type 2 diabetic patients is
possible - without deterioration of glycemic control
- Without major metabolic complications
- If and only if
- information is given to patient in order that he
decide himself if fast is possible or not - The family is involved
- The patient agrees with a transient treatment
modification (diet, OAD, insulin) and to maintain
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28Versets du Coran utilisés
- Sourate 2 verset 183
- Le jeûne du Ramadan est un des 5 piliers de
lIslam, cependant, quand le jeûne peut altérer
de manière significative la santé du jeûneur ou
quand la personne est malade, lIslam lexempte
du jeûne . - Sourate 2 verset 185
- Allah cherche à vous faciliter
laccomplissement de la règle, il ne cherche pas
à vous le rendre difficile - Sourate 7 verset 31, valable tout lannée pour
les diabétiques et non diabétiques - Ô enfants d'Adam, dans chaque lieu de Salat
portez votre parure (vos habits). Et mangez et
buvez et ne commettez pas d'excès, car Il
Allah n'aime pas ceux qui commettent des excès