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Master Thesis Presentation


Note: (1) Cheung, Chinn and Pascual (2002) (2) Ordinary Least Squares ... D. Chinn; and, Antonio Garcia Pascual (2002), 'Empirical Exchange Rate Models of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Master Thesis Presentation

Order Flow Analysisand Exchange Rate
ForecastingComparison of Neural Networksand
Linear Regression
  • Master Thesis Presentation

Professor Moisa Altar, PhD
Student Furtuna Dumitru
Bucharest June 8, 2007
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Forecasting models
  • Empirical methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliography

We Forecast the Daily Exchange Rate, and Find
That the Micro Model Outperforms Other Models
Abstract and Brief Presentation of the Structure
of the Paper
Results Conclusions
Introduction Literature review
Forecasting models Empirical analysis
  • This paper tries to forecast daily exchange rate
    changes, by comparing the true, ex-ante
    forecasting performance of several models.
  • We employ the following models
  • A micro-based model
  • A standard macro model
  • A combined model
  • Random walk
  • Using the following statistical techniques
  • artificial neural networks
  • OLS
  • Micro-based model out-performs the random walk,
    the macro model, and the combined model.
  • Our results support the central idea of the
    micro-based literature
  • order flow is the mechanism by which private
    information becomes embedded in exchange rates

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Forecasting models
  • Empirical methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliography

The Paper Evaluates the Practical Value of Order
Flow Data in Terms of Their Relationship to
Exchange Rate
  • Conventional models of exchange rate
    determination state that the exchange rate is
    determined by fundamental variables such as money
    supplies, outputs, and interest rates. However,
    when analysing these models, the conclusion1) is
    that the results do not point to any given
    model/specification combination as being very
    successful. On the other hand, it may be that one
    model will do well for one exchange rate, but not
    for another.
  • The recent literature on foreign exchange market
    microstructure reflects an attempt to understand
    the mechanisms generating exchange rate
    deviations from macroeconomic fundamentals.
  • This paper tries to find out whether order flow
    has true, ex-ante forecasting power, allowing for
    the direction of Granger-causality, and the
    accuracy of derived out-of-sample exchange rate
    forecasts, using (a) OLS2) and (b) ANN3) as
    statistical techniques.

Note (1) Cheung, Chinn and Pascual (2002) (2)
Ordinary Least Squares (3) Artificial Neural
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Forecasting models
  • Empirical methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliography

Order Flow Provides the Link Between Fundamentals
and Exchange Rates by an Information Aggregation
Literature Review
Literature Review
  • Martin Evans and Richard Lyons1) were among the
    first to formulate the micro aspects of exchange
    rates, as well as to analyse the forecasting
    power of order flow
  • Evans and Lyons (2005) compare the true, ex-ante
    forecasting performance of a micro-based model
    against a standard macro model and a random walk,
    using customer order flow (1993 1999), showing
    that order flow from US corporations and US
    long-term investors has predictive content with
    respect to future exchange rate movements over
    horizons from one day up to one month.
  • Another strand of the microstructure literature
    considers the explanatory power of informed
    versus uninformed order flow for exchange rate
  • There is also a strand of the market
    microstructure literature which addresses the
    issue of whether the strength of the relationship
    between order flow and exchange rates is
    dependent upon prevailing market conditions.

The central hypothesis of micro based literature
is that order flow allows the wider market to
learn about the private information and trading
strategies of better informed participants
Note (1) Evand and Lyons, (2002) Evand and
Lyons, (2004) Evand and Lyons, (2005) (2)
Bjønnes, Rime and Solheim (2005) (3) Froot and
Ramadorai (2002)
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Forecasting models
  • Forecasting exchange rates
  • Macro model
  • Micro-based model
  • Empirical methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliography

Why are Future Changes in Exchange Rates so Hard
to Predict?
Forecasting Models
Forecasting Exchange Rates
  • If we start with the present value expression for
    the spot rateand iterate forward, we
    get where
  • With these results, it can be shown that exchange
    rates will follow a process arbitrarily close to
    a random walk if (a) at least one forcing
    variable observable fundamental or unobservable
    shock has a unit autoregressive root (b) the
    discount factor is near unity
  • Engel and West1) point out that we view as
    unexceptionable the assumption that a forcing
    variable has a unit root, while also showing
    that in some exchange rate models, the discount
    factor is near unity.
  • The new micro-based literature reoriented the
    thinking if there is little room for forecasting
    based on because is close to
    unity, and changes in fundamentals are not very
    predictable, then the focus was shifted on where
    all the action is, namely, exchange rate dynamics
    that come from expectational surprises.

Note (1) Engel and West (2005)
Macro Model is Based on UIP Equation, in Order to
Avoid the Usage of the Discount Factor
Forecasting Models
Macro Model
  • If the risk-neutral efficient markets hypothesis
    holds, then the expected foreign exchange gain
    from holding one currency rather than another
    the expected exchange rate change must be just
    offset by the opportunity cost of holding funds
    in this currency rather than the other the
    interest rate differential,
  • Rejecting the risk-neutral efficient markets
    assumptions, distorts the uncovered interest
    parity, as agents demand a higher rate of return
    than the interest differential, in return for the
    risk of holding foreign currency risk premium,
  • Thus,
  • We consider macro forecasts based on the
    assumption thatmeaning that deviations in UIP
    are perfectly correlated with the interest

Microstructure Literature is Concerned With the
Details and Importance of the Mechanics of
Foreign Exchange Trading
Forecasting models
Forecasting Power of Micro-Based Models Rests on
Two Features
Micro based models
Feature I
Feature II
Fundamentals based models
  • Delay between the time information first
    generates transaction flows and the time this
    fact is widely recognized by marketmakers
  • It takes time for the implications of aggregate
    order flow to be recognized across all
    marketmakers, and hence reflected in spot prices.
  • Transactions flows contain information relevant
    for fundamentals
  • Agents initiating trades have information they
    believe they can take advantage of.
  • Agents are trading for allocative reasons, and
    the aggregate of those trades correlates with the
    current state of the macroeconomy.

Micro-Based Models Assume that Marketmakers
Obtain Information about Fundamentals from the
Order Flow
Forecasting Models
Micro Model
  • Exchange rate dynamics in the micro-based model
    also focus on the present value relation
  • Under the assumptions that
  • , aggregate order flow during period
    , follows an AR(1) process
  • , changes in fundamentals also
    follow an auto-regressive process, but
    innovations in fundamentals growth include a
    common-knowledge component , and a component
    correlated with the innovation in aggregate order
  • It can be shown1) that
  • This equation shows that lagged order flows can
    have forecasting power for spot rates even as the
    discount factor approaches unity

Note (1) Evans and Lyons (2005)
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Forecasting models
  • Empirical methodology
  • Data
  • Neural Networks
  • Forecast comparisons
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliography

Data Span a Period of One Year and One Month
Empirical Methodology
  • In the empirical analysis, we utilize a data set
    that comprises daily values of end-user
    transaction flows, F/X rates, and EURIBOR and
    BUBID interest rates over one year and one month
    starting from December 5, 2005, till December
    29 2006.
  • Data were obtained from
  • NBR order flow1)2) RON/EUR exchange rate and
    BUBID interest rate.
  • Two points deserve further notice
  • The transaction flow data used here is of a
    fundamentally different type than in other papers
    that analyse this kind of data, as it is the
    aggregated national transaction flow.
  • Due to data unavailability, EURIBOR rates were
    used as an approximation of EURIBID rates, under
    the plausible assumption that the Euro zone
    financial market is a mature and competitive one,
    and thus EURIBOR EURIBID spread is almost
    constant, and/or changes slowly.

Note (1) Order flow is defined as transaction
volume signed according to the initiator of the
trade, positive for a buy order, negative for a
sell order (2) We were unsuccessful in our
attempt to obtain more data/information regarding
this indicator from NBR, due to confidentiality
We Used a Single-Layer Feedforward Network, With
one Hidden Layer, and Two Neurons
Empirical Methodology
Artificial Neural Networks
Additional Inputs
  • We employ this simple architecture1) (a) to
    provide a simple neural network alternative (b)
    As a result of the short data span
  • We had as additional inputs two indicators3)
  • one for the inertia
  • one for the driving force.

  • The chosen transfer function tan-sigmoid chosen
    learning rule Levenberg-Marquardt
  • Scaling procedure DeLeo transformation2).

Note (1) For comparative purposes, we note that
Gradojevic and Yang (2000) employ three-layer and
four-layer backpropagation ANNs. (2) McNealis
(2005). (3) Zimmermann and Neuneier (2000)
We use Projection Statistics, MSER, Modified
Diebold Mariano and Success Ratio Statistics to
Compare Models
Empirical Methodology
Forecasts Comparison
  • We perform Granger-causality test to examine
    whether order flow tends systematically to
    precede exchange rate movements or follow them.

  • We can compare forecasting performance of a model
    against the random walk benchmark, simply by
    testing for the significance of the coefficient
    , in the equation
  • Also, estimates the contribution of the model
    forecasts to the variance of spot rate changes
    over the forecasting period, since

The projection statistics1)
  • For comparison purposes we report MSER
  • For assess the statistical significance of the
    improvement in forecast accuracy, we calculate
    the MDM2) statistics .

MSER statistics, with MDM2) test
  • We employ this statistics, in order to test the
    sign of the future exchange rate returns
    predictions, rather than the exact value.

Directional Accuracy test3)
Note (1) Evans and Lyons (2005) (2) Modified
Diebold Mariano test, Harvey, Leybourne, and
Newbold, (1997) (3) Pesaran,and Timmermann (1992)
We Calculated The Interest Rate Differential on a
Daily Basis, and Adjusted Coefficients of OLS
Empirical Methodology
Model Estimation
  • Macro Model
  • Micro Model
  • Combined Model

Note (1) Svensson, (1994) (2) We correct for
AR(1) and AR(2) case of residuals
autocorrelation, following Greene (2003) procedure
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Forecasting models
  • Empirical methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliography

Correlation Test Shows that there is a
Relationship Between Order Flow and Future
Exchange Rate Returns
For a first test, we compute the correlation
Correlation coefficient
The results look assuring, as there is a
significant negative relationship (-0,25) between
historical order flow, cumulated for ten trading
days, and exchange rate returns over ten future
There is Strong Evidence of Simultaneous
Causality Between Daily Exchange Rate Returns and
Order Flow
One-day exchange rate returns
Customer order flow
Granger-causality shows that we could speak about
a feedback system1). These results also provide
support to correlation tests.
Note (1) A feedback system simply shows that the
variables are related.
Projection Statistics Shows a Strong Support for
ANN Against OLS, While the Micro Model is the
Projection Statistics Shows a Strong Support for
ANN Against OLS, While the Micro Model is the
Projection Statistics Results Comments
  • Neural networks are better at explaining
    variance contribution of the model forecasts to
    the variance of spot rate changes, drops from 30
    when using neural networks, to 16 when using
    linear regressions.
  • The results for the micro model are comparable
    with the results from the combined model.
  • The macro model outperforms the micro model in
    the linear regression case, while neural networks
    are capable of exploiting better the
    non-linearity from the order flow data, where
    micro model provides better results than the
    macro one.

MSER and MDM Statistics Show Support for Micro
Model Against Macro Model, and for OLS Against ANN
MSER and MDM Statistics Show Support for Micro
Model Against Macro Model, and for OLS Against ANN
MSER and MDM Statistics Results Comments
  • The micro model clearly outperforms macro and
    combined models. However, with the exception of
    day 17, OLS technique (MSER 68), the MDM
    statistics does not indicate a significant
    improvement between this model and the RW model.
  • Linear regressions provide better forecast
    accuracy, as specified by MSE statistics, when
    comparing with neural networks.
  • The combined model estimated with ANN performs
    very poorly when compared with micro model.

MSER Statistics Favours OLS Technique, Because it
Contains a Smaller Number of Outliers
OLS Outperforms ANN Technique
The causes for these results are the greater
number of error outliers when estimating the
models with ANN
ANN Technique has Smaller Errors, But More
Outliers as Compared With Linear Regressions
ANN Technique has Smaller Errors, But More
Outliers as Compared With Linear Regressions
Errors Analysis Results Comments
  • This fact could have the following explanations
  • The neural network model is inappropriate for
    this kind of data. We support this idea, as
    feed-forward neural networks with more layers,
    recurrent neural networks, or dynamical
    consistent neural networks have proven very
    robust in other studies1).
  • A small number of observations We remind that
    the moving window for parameters estimation had
    only 127 observations.

Note (1) Gradojevic and Yang, (2000) employ
three-layer and four-layer backpropagation ANNs
while Zimmermann et. al, (2006) find significant
information content in the order flow, employing
Dynamical Consistent Recurrent Neural Networks
Success Ratio Shows Support for ANN Against
OLS,While Macro Slightly Outperforms Micro Model
Success Ratio Shows Support for ANN Against
OLS,While Macro Slightly Outperforms Micro Model
Success Ratio Results Comments
  • The micro model performs better than or
    comparable with the combined model performance.
  • In the case when the models were estimated with
    linear regressions, the macro model has a larger
    number of statistical significant success ratios,
    although, none of it passes the 60 benchmark,
    used in other studies1).
  • The macro model performs slightly better than the
    micro model, when using neural networks.

Note (1) McNelis, (2005)
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Forecasting models
  • Empirical methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliography

Order Flow Represents the Channel Through Which
Marketmakers Obtain Information About Fundamentals
  • When comparing the true, ex-ante forecasting
    performance of a micro-based model against both a
    standard macro model and a random walk, we find
    that the micro-based model consistently
    out-performs both micro-based forecasts account
    for roughly 30 percent of the variance in spot
    rate changes1). Thus, in this paper, we show
    support for the central hypothesis of micro
    literature, that order flow is the mechanism by
    which private information becomes embedded in
    exchange rates.
  • When applying ANN to this type of data, we find
    that ANN spot nonlinearities, and thus could
    explain a greater portion of the F/X rate
    variance, as shown by Projections and SR
    statistics, outperforming OLS. Also, it should be
    noted that, at least for our architecture, ANN
    also provided a greater number of outliers.

Exchange rate
OF Marketmaker j
OF Marketmaker i
Note (1) These results are stronger than the
ones obtained by Evans and Lyons (2005). However
when taking into account that we used national
aggregated order flow, our results look, somehow,
disappointingly. These might be due, to the fact
that Romanian order flow has a significant
component which runs outside national borders,
and which is not included in the data used here
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Forecasting models
  • Empirical methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliography

Selected Bibliography
  • Cheung, Yin-Wong Menzie D. Chinn and, Antonio
    Garcia Pascual (2002), Empirical Exchange Rate
    Models of the Nineties Are Any Fit to Survive?
    mimeo, Department of Economics, University of
    California, Santa Cruz.
  • Engel, Charles and West, Kenneth (2005),
    Exchange Rates and Fundamentals, National
    Bureau of Economic Research (Cambridge MA),
    Journal of Political Economy, volume 113, pages
  • Evans, Martin D.D. and Lyons, Richard K. (2007),
    Exchange Rate Fundamentals and Order Flow,
    National Bureau of Economic Research, Working
    Paper Series, Working Paper 13151.
  • Evans, Martin D.D. and Lyons, Richard K. (2005),
    Meese-Rogoff Redux Micro-based Exchange-Rate
    Forecasting American Economic Review, American
    Economic Association, vol. 95(2), May, pages
  • Evans, Martin D.D. and Lyons, Richard K. (2004),
    A New Micro Model of Exchange Rate Dynamics,
    National Bureau of Economic Research, Working
    Paper Series, Working Paper 10379.
  • Evans, Martin D.D. and Lyons, Richard K. (2002),
    Informational Integration and FX Trading,
    Journal of International Money and Finance, 21,
    pages 807-831.
  • Harvey, David Leybourne, Stephen Newbold,
    Paul, (1997), Testing the equality of prediction
    mean squared errors, International Journal of
    Forecasting, Elsevier, vol. 13(2), pages 281-291.
  • Kilian, L. and M.P. Taylor (2003), Why is it so
    Difficult to Beat the Random Walk Forecast of
    Exchange Rates? Journal of International
    Economics, 60, 85-107.

Selected Bibliography
  • Lars E.O. Svensson, (1994), Estimating and
    Interpreting Forward Interest Rates Sweden 1992
    1994, National Bureau of Economic Research,
    NBER Working Papers 4871.
  • Lyons, Richard K. (2001), The Microstructure
    Approach to Exchange Rates, MIT Press Cambridge
  • Mark, N.C. (1995), Exchange Rates and
    Fundamentals Evidence on Long Horizon
    Predictability, American Economic Review, 85(1),
  • McNelis, Paul D. (2005), Neural networks in
    finance gaining predictive edge in the market,
    Elsevier Academic Press.
  • Meese, Richard, and Rogoff Kenneth (1983),
    Empirical Exchange Rate Models of the
    Seventies, Journal of International Economics,
    14, pp. 3-24.
  • N. Gradojevic, J. Yang (2000), The application
    of artificial neural networks to ex- change rate
    forecasting the role of the market
    microstructure variable, Bank of Canada Working
    Paper 23.
  • Pesaran, M.H., and A. Timmermann (1992), A
    Simple Nonparametric Test of Predictive
    Performance Journal of Business and Economic
    Statistics 10, 461465.
  • Stambaugh, R., (2000), Predictive regressions.
    Journal of Financial Economics 54, 375-421.
  • William H. Greene, (2003), Econometric
    Analysis, 5th Edition, Prentice-Hall.
  • Zimmermann H.G., Bertolini L., Grothmann R.,
    Schäfer M.A., Tietz C. (2006), A Technical
    Trading Indicator Based on Dynamical Consistent
    Neural Networks, Int. Conference on Artificial
    Neural Networks 2006, 654-663.
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