Title: The Power of a Quarter
1The Power of a Quarter
Kilifi Kids Education Project, KenyaMichael Olsen
2EPD Extremely Preventable Diseases
- Child deaths every year in developing world
- 1.4 million kids die every year from diseases
that can be prevented with widely used vaccines - 1.5 million kids die every year from lacking
3EPD Extremely Preventable Diseases
- 2.9 million kids die from EPD
Twice the population of Manhattan each year
4One Solution Power of a Quarter
5Low Cost Treatments
6On a Personal Note
- I heard these same statistics when I was in
college, and Ive set out to do something about
it Ive created the project called Kilifi Kids - Received amazing support from Rotary even though
Im not a Rotarian - My experiences are a great example of how
anyone can contribute
7Rotary in Action Kilifi Kids
- Kilifi, Kenya Rural town with problems endemic
to communities beset by poverty
- Health and High School Improving education by
improving health in primary school and improving
educational access to secondary school
8Kilifi Kids - Tackling Parasites in Kids
- Intestinal Parasites - Great Infection of
Mankind - One of the most evil of infections in its
frequently unrealized production of human misery,
disability and inefficiency in the tropics - Dont usually kill, but they sap nutrients
- Learning is harder, growth is slower, kids are
more susceptible to fatal disease - Estimates put the toll on par with that of Malaria
9Kilifi Kids - Health Hookworm
10Kilifi Kids - Health Schistosomiasis
11Kilifi Kids - Treatment
Power of a Quarter
Treatment for these parasites is safe, effective
and 25 The plan is to treat 10,000 kids in
Kilifi. Rotary makes this possible.
12Kilifi Kids
- The Project
- Project with lots of impact, but still manageable
by part-time leaders - Were pairing with experts, but were not experts
ourselves you dont have to be either - Most of our funding comes from Rotary
International. It takes work to spread the word,
but theres great response within the Rotary
13Unsolicited Advice
When you get home, participate in an
international project.
- You can fundraise (car washes, bagel sales, craft
fairs), spread awareness, help do research, etc - Get others involved. Do your part, but keep it
manageable - Become knowledgeable
You can make a huge difference.
14Unsolicited Advice (Cont.)
- Consider Kilifi Kids - a perfect project for an
Interact, Key Club, etc to adapt - Enthusiastic high school clubs already on board
- Lots of opportunities for correspondence/exchange
with students in Kilifi - Large impact, and youll know who you are helping
15Unsolicited Advice (Cont.)
- If you want to strike out on your own, great
places to start - International Project Databases at rotary.org
Kiwanis will have one after July 7 - Idealist.org
- Talking with local service clubs. Dont stop at
one. - Enthusiasm is Infectious
- See below for info on Kilifi Kids. Ill also be
putting together a list of resources to hopefully
assist your efforts in international health in
general - http//www.kilifikids.org/was.html