Title: Proposed Amendments to the Coastal Marshlands Protection Rules
1Proposed Amendments to the Coastal Marshlands
Protection Rules New Regulations for Upland
Component of Project Permitted Under Coastal
Marshlands Protection Act Chapter 391-2-3-.03
- Department identified the need for clarity on
upland issues - Proposal originated from a Board of Natural
Resources directive to the Department - Tasked to undertake a citizens stakeholders
process - Stakeholders charge
- Develop recommendations for rule-making
associated with - stormwater management measures,
- impervious surface coverage standards, and
- buffer design and maintenance
- for waterfront developments subject to permitting
under the Coastal Marshlands Protection Act
3- Stakeholders convened during summer
- Report provided to Board in September
- Board tasked CRD to draft a proposed rule for
consideration in December - Foundation for Rule Coastal Uplands
Stakeholders Report Sections I, II, and III - Legal review ref. Board authority
4- Proposal inserts new Rule 391-2-3-.02
- Establishes procedures and criteria through
rulemaking, to be applied to projects applying
for Coastal Marshlands Protection Act permits. - Imposes marshlands buffer, stormwater
management, and impervious cover standards for
projects permitted under the Coastal Marshlands
Protection Act, so as to protect this vital area
of the State and to protect the public interest. - Brings clarity, definition, and explanation
where the statute has uncertainty.
5 (1) Findings and Purpose Establish the
declarations of the Board which serve as the
foundation for these Rules.
- Saltmarshes are vital area of the state.
- Important to all citizens of the State.
- Board and Coastal Marshlands Protection Committee
(CMPA) can regulate to - prevent impairment of marsh values and functions
- protect the public interest
- Stormwater management, impervious cover standards
and buffer measures are warranted.
6 (2) Definitions Adds 18 definitions for terms
referenced throughout the Rule
- Applicant
- Coastal Marshlands
- Committee
- Effective Impervious Cover
- Estuarine Area
- Greenspace
- Impervious Surface
- Marshland Buffer
- Marshlands Component of a Project
- Nonstructural Stormwater Management Practice
- Person
- Project
- Stormwater Treatment
- Total Impervious Area
- Untreated Stormwater
- Upland
- Upland Component of a Project
- Wetlands
7Rule 391-2-3-.02 (2) (l) Project means the
activity which is being permitted pursuant to the
Coastal Marshlands Protection Act. The project
may consist of both a marshlands component and an
upland component. Rule 391-2-3-.02 (2)
(i) Marshlands component of the project means
the part of the project proposed for permitting
that is located in, on, or over the estuarine
8- Rule 391-2-3-.02 (2) (q)
- Upland component of the project is all those
service areas, amenities, and recreational areas
located inland of the marsh upland interface that
service or aid the functioning of the part of the
project being constructed in, on or over
marshlands, such as the examples enumerated. - The area subject to these regulations is the
upland area directly associated with the
marshlands component of the project. - The Committee can include a facility adjacent
to/in proximity to the marshlands component if
facility - is intended to serve exclusively/primarily
users of the marsh component - is likely to alter marshlands
9- (3) Procedure for Determining Project Boundaries
- Applicant delineates boundaries in the
application materials - Identifies areas to be used in connection with
the project - Staff review and validate the boundaries
10(4) Marshlands Buffers for Uplands Component of
the Project
- Marshland buffer regulations associated with the
CMPA require a project certify adherence to soil
and erosion control responsibilities. -
- Proposed Rule establishes
- 50 marshlands buffer for upland component of
project - how to measure that buffer
- requirement that the buffer remain naturally
vegetated and undisturbed. -
- Exceptions for
- temporary construction and maintenance
- permanent structures essential to function or
permanent access to marsh component of project - landscaping to enhance stormwater management
- pedestrian access for passive recreation.
11- Requires buffer restoration and maintenance in
natural vegetation or in a vegetative state
equally protective or better than
pre-construction condition, following land
disturbance allowed for. - Existing impervious surfaces and structures can
be maintained in their existing footprint
provided improvements do not encroach further
into the buffer. - Requires buffer design, installation and
maintenance achieve stormwater treatment that
meets standards of the most recent edition of the
Georgia Stormwater Management Manual, and
forthcoming coastal-specific standards. - The Rule recognizes the authority of the EPD
Director to administer the ES requirements.
12- (5) Stormwater Management Standards for the
Upland Component of the Project - Untreated stormwater may not be discharged from
the upland component of a project . - Provides for waiver from Committee due to site or
project characteristics, lack of a feasible
alternative, and minimal impact. - Discharged stormwater must meet Georgia
Stormwater Management Manual standards. - Greenspace must be retained where practicable and
appropriate. - Non-structural stormwater management better
site design practices as those in the Georgia
Stormwater Management Manual, must be utilized to
the maximum extent practicable.
13(6) Impervious Surface
- Pervious surfaces must be maximized and total
impervious area minimized, with a goal of no more
than 15 effective impervious cover where
practicable. - Consideration given to existing structures in
project area and available land in upland
component of the project.
14(7) Required Information
The Coastal Marshlands Protection Committee must
establish an application checklist to assist
permit applicants. The checklist can be obtained
from the Committees administrative headquarters
at Coastal Resources Division.
15- Economic Impact
- Anticipated increased costs for applicants
- Buffer design, restoration and maintenance
- Meeting stormwater management performance
standards - Achieving limits on impervious coverage
- Costs variable by project
- Economic impact justified for future benefits
- December 5th - DNR Board briefed on draft
proposed Rule revised based on Board Input - January 9th 11th - Public hearings in
Brunswick Savannah - January 23rd - Rule presented to the Boards
Coastal Committee proposed Rule further revised - January 26th Revised proposed Rule re-noticed
- February 6th Public hearing in Savannah
- February 27th 28th - Presentation of final
proposed Rule for adoption by DNR Board -
17(No Transcript)