Title: Weighing Truth in CDF
1Weighing Truth in CDF
- Erik Brubaker
- October 25, 2004
- UC HEP Seminar
2The Top Quark
- Feels strong, electroweak, gravitational forces.
- Short-liveddoesnt hadronize (t410-25 s).
- Especially interesting due to its mass
- Most massive particle at 180 GeV/c2.
- More massive than b quark by factor of 35.
- SM Yukawa coupling 1 Special role??
Mass (GeV/c2)
3Why measure the top quark mass?
- Fundamental dimensionless parameter of SM close
to 1. - Related to other SM parameters and observables
through loop diagrams. - Global fit (LEPEWWG) provides consistency check
and predicts mass of putative Higgs particle. - Mt (and MW) particularly poorly known in terms of
effect on MH prediction.
4Obligatory accelerator slide
- Tevatron run II vs 1.96 TeV
- Peak luminosity broke 1032!
- Currently in shutdown
5Obligatory detector slide
- Collider Detector at Fermilab
- Standard onion-like general-purpose particle
physics detector - Tracking system
- Calorimeters
- Muon system
Silicon detector ? b tagging
Excellent lepton ID and triggering
Coarse segmentation,non-linear response
6Top phenomenology
- Mass analyses use t-tbar pair events.
- s 6.7 (5.7) pb_at_ Mt 175 (180) GeV/c2.
- 85 quark annihilation,15 gluon fusion.
- Top always decays to W boson and b quark.
- Events classified by decay of W to leptons or
quarks - Identifying b quark improves S/B ratio
7Whats the big deal?
Events are complicated!
- Experimental observations are not as pretty as
Feynman diagrams! - Additional jets from ISR, FSR.
- Which jets go with which quarks?
- Dileptons 2 neutrinos, 1 ET measurement.
8Whats the big deal, part II
Measurements are not perfect!
- Missing transverse energy ? Neutrino, but pzn not
measured. - Jet energies poorly measured.
- Large resolution ? statistical error.
- Fragmentation calorimeter non-linearity
- Particles leave jet cone
- Underlying event
- Uncertain scale ? sytematic error.
- No nice resonance for in situ calibration
- Z?bb??
9Whats the big deal, part III
Tagged lepton jets channel
Background contamination!
- Top events trade-off between sample size and
purity. - Presence of background events dilutes mass
information from signal events. - Effects of background must be treated properly to
avoid bias.
Dilepton channel
10How to Weigh Truth
- Pick a test statistic
- Create templates using events simulated with
different Mtop values ( background) - Perform maximum likelihood fit to extract
measured mass
- Build likelihood directly from PDFs, matrix
element(s), and transfer functions that connect
quarks and jets. - Integrate over unmeasured quantities (e.g. quark
11Template Analysis Overview
c2 mass fitterFinds best top mass and
jet-parton assignmentOne number per
eventAdditional selection cut on resulting c2
Likelihood fitBest signal bkgd templates to
fit dataCompare to paramizn, not
directlyConstraint on background normalization
12Event-by-event Mass Fitter
- Distill all event information into one number
(called reconstructed mass). - Select most probable jet-parton assgnmt based on
c2, after requiring b-tagged jets assigned to b
Reconstructedtop mass isfree parameter
13Signal templates
Selected templates (GeV)
ParameterizationBuild signal p.d.f. as a
functionof generated mass.
Reconstructed Mass
14Background template
CDF Run II Preliminary (162 pb-1)
Constraint usedin likelihood fit.
Major contributions Wheavy flavor Wjets
(mistag) QCD
15Unbinned likelihood fit
- Free parameters are Mtop, ns, and nb.
- Profile likelihood minimize w.r.t. ns,nb, no
integration. - Extended maximum likelihood.
- Poisson factor in front means ns,nb are Poisson
mean parameters. - Inside product, likelihood sums over available
Ns, Nb around ns, nb. - Fluctuations of nb are a systematic effect.
Allowing nb to float in the fit means information
in data is used to reduce the systematic
uncertainty. - In principle, can do the same thing for jet
energy scale. Work in progress!
bkgd (mean)constraint
16Data fit
Best fit 174.9 7.1/-7.7 GeV/c2
17Systematics Summary
CDF Run II Preliminary (162 pb-1)
Systematics dominatedby jet energy scale.
CDF Run II Preliminary (162 pb-1)
18Dynamical Likelihood Method
- Maximum likelihood method, where likelihood is
built up for each event i as below.
Transferfunctionsconnectjets topartons
Quadratic eqnsgive multiplesolns for nsum
over them.
Sum overall possiblejet-partonassnmts
Matrix elementprovides completedynamical
Ad hoctreatmentof ISR
Integrateover z1, z2,y (partons)
19DLM background
- More difficult to treat background than in
template analyses. - Ideally, need matrix element for background.
- Instead, DLM uses a mapping function background
dilutes mass information in a known manner, so
correct for it.
20DLM transfer functions
- Describe probability that a jet with a given
measured ET came from a parton with particular
ET P(yx). - Detector response, P(xy), is process-independent.
- Through Bayes, P(yx) depends on P(y), therefore
on Mtop. - This dependence also taken out using mapping
21DLM results
Jet systematics smaller thantemplate
methods. Effect of transfer functions,integration
over partons? Use more event information?
22Summary of CDF results
23Templates subdivide sample
- Use 4 categories of events with different
background content and reconstructed mass shape.
0-tagSB 12RMS 35
1-tag(L)SB 21RMS 30
1-tag(T)SB 61RMS 30
2-tagSB 10RMS 26
24Templates subdivide sample
- Improves statistical uncertainty w.r.t. previous
analysis. - Adds 0-tag events.
- Pure and well reconstructed events contribute
more to result. - Systematic uncertainty is not improved.
- Most systematics, including jet energy scale, are
highly correlated between the samples.
Mtop 176.7 6.0/-5.4 (stat.) /-7.1 (syst.)
25Summary of CDF results
26Multivariate template method
- Add second test statistic SpT4jdiscriminates
signal vs background events. - Fit jet energy scale in every event using W
masstrades statistical error for systematic.
27Summary of CDF results
28Dilepton analyses
- Under-constrained kinematic system.
- Must always make extra assumptions.
- h1, h2 of neutrinos
- f1, f2 of neutrinos
- Pzttbar
- So far, all analyses in this channel use the
template approach.
29Neutrino weighting approach
- Assume top mass, W mass, determine probability of
event. - Integrate over unknowns.
- Lepton-jet pairing
- Neutrino h
- Missing energy solutions
- Mt for which event is most likely ? Mreco.
30NWA results
31Summary of CDF results
32Dilepton Reconstructed Mass
- Use c2 from the lepton jets analysis, slightly
modified. - Assume f1, f2 of the two neutrinos (scan over
plane). - Weight each point inf1-f2 space byexp(-c2/2).
- All points contribute to templates and to data
33Dilepton reconstructed mass results
- Tighter selection than NWA gives fewer events,
but smoother distrubution due to weighting
solutions. - Background peaks near signaldilutes information
in likelihood.
Mtop 170.0 16.6(stat.) 7.4(syst.) GeV/c2
34Summary of CDF results
35Kinematic reconstruction assuming Pztt
- Assume Pztt 0 180 GeV/c
- Scan over Pztt and parton energies, perform
kinematic reconstruction at each point. - Test statistic is the top mass that contains the
most likely point in this phase space (no
36Whats coming?
Maturing Analyses
General improvements
- Matrix element techniques
- Full background matrix element treatment
- Apply to dilepton channel
- All-hadronic channel
- Several algorithms in progress
- Large background, more jets, even harder
- Reduced jet systematics
- Improved detector simulation/calibration
- Remove doubly counted errors
- This will still limit our precision! Needs more
work! - Combine measurements across channels, techniques
- Hard problem. Highly correlated systematics,
non-Gaussian stat uncertainties.
CDF topquark mass
38Checks on final measurement
3.5-jet unconstrained
4-jet constrained
4-jet unconstrained
39Indirect fits two interpretations