Quantum Gravity Phenomenology and Lorentz violation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Quantum Gravity Phenomenology and Lorentz violation


Quantum Gravity Phenomenology and Lorentz violation. Stefano Liberati. SISSA/ISAS, Trieste 2004 ... A true messenger of QG phenomenology will arrive? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Quantum Gravity Phenomenology and Lorentz violation

Quantum Gravity Phenomenology and Lorentz
  • Stefano Liberati
  • SISSA/ISAS, Trieste 2004

T. Jacobson, SL, D. Mattingly PRD 66, 081302
(2002) PRD 67, 124011-12 (2003) T. Jacobson,
SL, D. Mattingly Nature 424, 1019 (2003) T.
Jacobson, SL, D. Mattingly, F. Stecker
Collaborators D. Mattingly, T. Jacobson, F.
The Quantum Gravity problem
  • Why we need it?
  • Philosophy of unification QM-GR (reductionism in
  • Lack of predictions by current theories (e.g. GR
  • To eventually understand QG, we will need to
  • observe phenomena that depend on QG
  • extract reliable predictions from candidate
    theories compare with observations

Old dogma we cannot access any quantum gravity
Possible QG Phenomena?
Motivated by tentative theories, partial
calculations, potential symmetry violation,
hunches, philosophy
  • Primordial gravitons from the vacuum
  • Loss of quantum coherence or state collapse
  • QG imprint on initial cosmological perturbations
  • Scalar moduli or other new field(s)
  • Extra dimensions and low-scale QG Mp2Rn
  • dev. from Newtons law
  • collider black holes
  • Violation of global internal symmetries
  • Violation of spacetime symmetries

Lorentz violation as the first evidence of QG?
  • LI linked to scale-free spacetime unbounded
    boosts expose ultra-short distances

Suggestions for Lorentz violation come from
  • need to cut off UV divergences of QFT BH
  • tentative calculations in various QG scenarios,
  • semiclassical spin-network calculations in Loop
    QG (caveat not solutions of the Hamiltonian
  • string theory tensor VEVs
  • spacetime foam
  • non-commutative geometry
  • some brane-world backgrounds
  • possibly missing GZK cutoff on UHE cosmic rays

Milestones in LV investigations
  • Is there an Aether? (Dirac 1951)
  • Dispersion LV (Pavlopoulos, 1967)
  • Emergent LI in gauge theory? (Nielsen Picek,
  • LV modification of general relativity
    (Gasperini, 1987, Jacobson and coll.)
  • Spontaneous LV in string theory (Kostelecky
    Samuel, 1988)
  • LV Dispersion Hawking radiation
    (Unruh-Jacobson, 1994-1995)
  • Possibilities of LV phenomenology
    (Gonzalez-Mestres, 1995-)

The turning LV tide
Standard model extension lab. experimental
limits (Colladay Kostelecky, 1997, many
experimenters) High energy threshold
phenomena photon decay, vacuum Cerenkov, GZK
cutoff (Coleman Glashow, 1997-8) GRB photon
dispersion limits (Amelino-Camelia et al,
1997) Trans-GZK events? (AGASA collab. 1998)
GZK cut-off
Since the sixties it is well-known that the
universe is opaque to protons (and other nuclei)
on cosmological distances via the interactions
In this way, the initial proton energy is
degraded with an attenuation length of about 50
Mpc. Since plausible astrophysical sources for
UHE particles (like AGNs) are located at
distances larger than 50-100 Mpc, one expects the
so-called Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) cutoff in
the cosmic ray flux at the energy given by
  • The data collected show about twenty cosmic ray
    events with energies just above the GZK energy.
  • Yet, the whole observational status in the UHE
    regime is controversial.
  • HiRes collaboration claim that they see the
    expected event reduction
  • A recent reevaluation of AGASA data seems to
    confirm the violation of the GZK cutoff.

A GZK cutoff puzzle?
The observational status is not settled, but it
is clear that if the GZK violation is confirmed,
the origin of the super-GZK particles constitutes
one of the most pressing puzzles in modern
high-energy astrophysics. We need better
statistic Future crucial role of the Auger
observatory. Approximately 100 times higher
event rate, better systematics
Some proposed explanations to super-GZK events
  • Bottom-Up scenarios
  • UHECR accelerated in objects (AGN, GRBs, SNR)
    within the GZK range
  • Top-Down scenarios
  • decay of ultra-heavy particles cosmic strings,
    topological defects,
  • Wimpzillas! (109-1019 GeV)
  • Particles without GZK cut-off
  • Z-bursts true UHECR are neutrinos that finally
    hit relic DM neutrinos and produce hadrons via a
    Z-resonance p???Z? p (problem needs very large
    initial energy for p)
  • Lorentz violating dispersion relations
    threshold shift due to modified dispersion

The years of the boom
  • GRB photon dispersion limits (Amelino-Camelia et
    al, 1997)
  • LV dispersion from Loop QG (Gambini Pullin,
  • Are we at the dawn of quantum gravity
    phenomenology? (Amelino-Camelia, 1999)
  • Photon pair creation threshold shift (Kifune,
    Kluzniak, 1999)
  • Infrared-TeV gamma ray crisis? (Protheroe
    Meyer, 2000)
  • Probably not!
  • Thresholds limits (Aloisio et Al. 2000
    Amelino-Camelia, Piran 2001, Jacobson, SL
    Mattingly 2002)
  • Birefringence limits (Gleiser Kozameh, 2001)
  • Primordial fluctuation imprints? (Martin
    Brandenberger, Niemeyer, 2001)
  • At most H/M, perhaps even (H/M)3
  • Synchrotron constraint (Gonzalez-Mestres 2001
    Jacobson, SL Mattingly 2002)

Theoretical Framework for LV?
EFT? Renormalizable, or higher dimension
operators? Stochastic spacetime foam?
Rotational invariant? Lorentz Violation or
Doubly Special Relativity? (i.e. preferred frame
or possibly a relativity with two invariant
scales?, c and lp) Universal, or species
EFT, all dimension ops, rotation inv.,
  • Not because it must be true, but because
  • EFT
  • well-defined simple
  • implies energy-momentum conservation (below the
    cutoff scale)
  • covers standard model, GR, condensed matter
    systems, string theory ...
  • All dimension ops who knows?
  • Rot. invariance
  • simpler
  • cutoff idea only implies boosts are broken,
    rotations maybe not
  • boost violation constraints likely also boost
    rotation violation constraints
  • Non-universal
  • EFT implies it for different polarizations
  • different particle interactions suggest
    different spacetime interactions
  • "equivalence principle" anyway not valid in
    presence of LV

QG phenomenologyvia modified dispersion relations
Missing a definite prediction from QG one
approach can be to consider dispersion relations
of the kind
We presume that any Lorentz violation is
associated with quantum gravity and suppressed by
at least one inverse power of the Planck scale M
and we violate only boost symmetry
Constraints at lowest orders
  • In a such a framework the n1,2 terms will
    dominate at low energies p?.
  • At high energies, p?, the p3 term, if present,
    will dominate.
  • If p3 is absent then the p4 term will dominate
    if p2?M and so on

A large amount of both theoretical and
experimental work has been carried out in the
case n2 which includes the standard model
extension proposal and models like those
proposed in VSL and by Coleman-Glashow
  • Compared to Planck-suppressed expectation
  • (with ?relevant mass scale for
  • Laboratory 1-2 orders weaker
  • High energy astrophysics 1-2 orders weaker
  • GZK (if confirmed) comparable
  • Vacuum birefringence few orders stronger

So is it n3 the next relevant order?
An open problem un- naturalness of small LV.
Renormalization group arguments might suggest
that lower powers of momentum in will be
suppressed by lower powers of M so that n3 terms
will be further suppressed w.r.t. n2 ones. I.e.
one could have that
This need not be the case if a symmetry or other
mechanism protects the lower dimensions operators
from violations of Lorentz symmetry Of course we
do not know at the moment if this is indeed the
Observability of O(E/MP)Lorentz violations
Lab experiments
  • Time-dependence of spin resonance frequencies

Astrophysical observations
  • Accumulation over long travel times dispersion
  • Purely kinematical effects (presume only modified
    dispersion relation and standard definition of
    group velocity).
  • Anomalous threshold reactions or threshold shift
    in standard ones
  • Need assumptions on energy/momentum conservation
    and dynamics.
  • Reactions affected by speeds limits (e.g.
    synchrotron radiation)
  • Need assumption of effective quantum field theory

Constraining n3 Lorentz violations in the QED
Times of flight
First idea Just constrain the photon LIV
coefficient ? by using the fact that different
colors will travel at different speeds. On long
distances one expects different time of flight
corresponding to different speed of propagations.
Best constraint up to date is Schaefer (1999)
using GRB930131, a gamma ray burst at a distance
of 260 Mpc that emitted gamma rays from 50 keV to
80 MeV on a time scale of milliseconds. The
constraint is ?lt122. Very recently (Oct. 2003)
Corburn et al. using GRB021206 obtained
?lt77 However, probably GRB are not good
objects (different enrgies emission at different
times), then best constraint is Biller (1998,
Markarian 421) ?lt252.
Threshold reactions
Key point the effect of the non LI dispersion
relations can be important at energies well below
the fundamental scale
Corrections start to be relevant when the last
term is of the same order as the second. If ? is
order unity, then
For n3
Threshold reactions new phenomena
  • New threshold reactions
  • Vacuum Cherenkov e-?e-?
  • Moreover now possible Cherenkov with emission of
    an hard photon
  • Gamma decay ??ee-
  • These reactions are almost instantaneous
    (interaction with zero point modes)
  • If allowed the particle wont propagate.
  • Anomalous thresholds (modification of standard
    threshold reactions)
  • Shift of lower thresholds (Coleman-Glashow, )
  • Emergence of upper thresholds (Klusniak, JLM)
  • Asymmetric pair production (JLM)
  • So far constraints from
  • Photon pair creation using AGN
  • Best limit so far from Mkr 501
  • For proton-pions GZK reaction p?CMB? p?-

Novelties in threshold reactions why
  • Asymmetric configurations
  • Pair production can happen with asymmetric
  • of the final momenta
  • Upper thresholds
  • The range of available energies of the incoming
    particles for which the reactions happens is
  • Lower threshold can be shifted and upper
    thresholds can be introduced

The synchrotron radiation
Nature 424, 1019 (2003)
e - electron charge, m - electron massB -
magnetic field
LI synchrotron critical frequency
Naively, corrections important when
If synchrotron source electrons have Egt10 TeV,
sensitive to LV!
To get a real constraint one needs a detailed
re-derivation of the synchrotron effect with LIV.
One needs to presume that EQFT holds. This leads
to a modified formula for the peak frequency
The key point is that for negative ?, ? is now a
bounded function of E! There is now a maximum
achievable synchrotron frequency ?max for ALL
electrons! So one gets a constraints from asking
?max (?max)observed
Stronger constraint for smaller B/?observed Best
case is Crab nebula...
The Crab nebula a key object for QG
The Crab Nebula A supernova remnant SNR at about
2Kpc. Appeared on 4 July 1054 A.D.
The EM spectrum of the Crab nebula
From Aharonian and Atoyan, astro-ph/9803091
Crab alone provides three of the best
constraints. We use
Inverse Compton
Crab nebula (and other SNR) well explained by
self-synchrotron Compton model. SSC Model 1.
Electrons are accelerated to very high energies
at pulsar 2. High energy electrons emit
synchrotron radiation 3. High energy electrons
undergo inverse Compton with ambient photons
We shall assume SSC correct and use Crab
observation to constrain LV.
Observations from Crab
  • Gamma rays up to 50 TeV reach us from Crab no
    photon annihilation up to 50 TeV.
  • By energy conservation during the IC process we
    can infer that electrons of at least 50 TeV
    propagate in the nebula no vacuum Cherenkov up
    to 50 TeV
  • The synchrotron emission extends up to 100 MeV
    (corresponding to 1500 teV electrons if LI is
  • LIV for electrons (with negative ?) should allow
    an Emax?100 MeV.
  • B at most 0.6 mG

Constraints from Crab
No photon annihilation up to 50 TeV
No vacuum Cherenkov up to 50 TeV
Synchrotron photons up to 100 MeV
Photon absorption of gamma rays from Markarian 501
Gamma rays
Blazar- Mkn 501 147 Mpc
TeV photons are expected to loose energy by
pair-production due to scattering with the far
infrared background (FIRB) photons ? ?FIRB ?ee-
Observational evidence
It was recently shown by Konopelko et al. (2003)
that the observation is fully consistent with a
synchrotron-Self-Compton origin of emission and
the best available model for the FIRB spectrum at
least up to 20 TeV.
  • Requirements
  • We do not want to lower the standard threshold
    at 10 TeV
  • We assume incompatible with observation to shift
    the threshold of 20 TeV to the region were the 10
    TeV are normally absorbed.

We shall assume that observations are in fair
agreement with standard expectations at least up
to 20 TeV.
Stecker-de Jagger 2001, Stecker 2002
Dispersion relations from EFT
The constraints just shown were obtained by
making use of simple dispersion relations
considered on a purely phenomenological basis.
Are this the more general obtainable within a
EFT framework? No
Lets consider all the Lorentz-violating
dimension 5 terms (n3 LIV in dispersion
relation) that are quadratic in fields, gauge
rotation invariant, not reducible to lower order
terms (Myers-Pospelov, 2003). For Em
All violate CPT
photon helicities have opposite LIV coefficients
electron helicities have independent LIV
Moreover electron and positron have inverted and
opposite positive and negatives helicities LIV
Electron spin resonance in a Penning trap yields
Consequences of helicity dependence on previous
  • Photon time of flight the opposite coefficients
    for photon helicities imply larger dispersion
    2?p/M rather than ?(p2-p1)/M. Now best limits
    (using Biller. 1998) ?lt63
  • (or, using Boggs et al. 2003, ?lt34).
  • Photon decay and photon absorption (i.e. pair
    creation processes) one needs new analysis but
    order of magnitude of the constraint remains the
  • Synchrotron we can constraint at most only one
    of the electron parameters ?R,L since we cannot
    exclude that all the synchrotron is produced by
    electrons of one helicity.
  • Vacuum Cherenkov neither photon helicities can
    be emitted so ? is bounded but we cannot
    exclude that one electron helicity is
    cherenking and the other produces the spectrum
    IC. So we can say that at least one electron
    helicity is bounded.

New constraints using EFT New
Cherenkov-Synchrotron constraint
  • The logic Consider larger and larger values of
    the one ? such that ? gt-7?10-8. Lets call it ?s
  • For any ?s calculate the electron energy required
    to get 100 MeV synchrotron.
  • Calculate the value of ? for which vacuum
    Cerenkov starts to happen
  • ?s, ? must lie on the line segment between ?,-?
    since electroncannot Cerenkov with either
    helicity photon.
  • Joining the Synch Cerenkov with IC Cerenkov (why
    ?s is the same that satisfies the Cherenkov
  • As ?s becomes more and more positive, the
    required electron energyfor 0.1 Gev synch.
    radiation becomes lower and lower.
  • Beyond the IC Cerenkov line it is below 50 TeV.
    Producing the observed amount of radiated energy
    with lower energy electrons requires many more
    electrons(in LI case electron energy is 1500
  • Different electron populations would be producing
    IC radiation and synch.radiation. Problems with
    population tuning, i.e. 30 times IC producing
    electrons would be too numerous to match
    observed spectrum. Future work?

New constraints using EFT New Birefringence
  • Opposite ? for the photon helicities imply
    different phase velocities birefringence of
  • There is a rotation of linear polarization
    direction through an angle. For a plane wave of
    wave-vector k
  • Observation of polarized radiation from distant
    sources can hence be used to constraint ?
  • The difference in rotation angle for two
    different energies is
  • The constraint araises from the fact that if the
    difference is too large over the range of the
    observed polarized flux, then the instantaneous
    polarization at the detector would fluctuate
    enough to suppress the net polarization well
    below the observed value.

Birefringence constraint from GRB021206
Recently polarized gamma rays in the energy range
0.15--2 MeV were observed (Coburn-Boggs, 2003) in
the prompt emission from the ?-ray burst
GRB021206 using the RHESSI detector. A linear
polarization of 80?20 was measured by analyzing
the net asymmetry of their Compton scattering
from a fixed target into different directions.
The Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopy
Major portion of flux from 0.1-0.5 MeV, require
??lt 3?/2 in this range, take conservatively z
?0.1 (0.5 Gpc)
This then yields the constraint
where d0.5 is the distance to the burst in units
of 0.5 Gpc.
N.B. This constraint could be improved with
detailed analysis. N.B.II Recently Boggs and
Coburn was criticized by Ritledge and Fox.
Boggs-Coburn defended their analysis. If this
observation not correct best limit so far from
Birefringence is obtained by Gleiser and Kozameh
using observed 10 polarization from distant,
z1.82, radio galaxy 3C 256
Combined constraints
The vast improvement in the birefringence
constraint overwhelms the new synchrotron-Cherenko
v constraint, while the latter improves the
previous birefringence constraint
(Gleiser-Kozameh, 2001) by a factor 102. The
allowed region is defined above and below by the
birefringence bound O(10-14), on the left by the
synchrotron bound O(10-7), and on the right by
the IC Cherenkov bound O(10-2).
For negative parameters minus the logarithm of
the absolute value is plotted, and a region of
width 10-18 is excised around each axis. The
synchrotron and Cherenkov constraints are known
to apply only for at least one ?R,L. The IC and
synchrotron Cherenkov lines are truncated where
they cross. Prior photon decay and absorption
constraints are shown in dashed lines since they
do not account for the EFT relations between the
LV parameters.
The future?
The combined constraints severely limit first
order Planck suppressed LV, making any theory
that predicts this type of LV very unlikely.
Constraints of n4 LIV
  • If GZK confirmed (Auger observatory)
  • Proton Cerenkov h lt O(10-5)
  • GZK threshold h gt - O(10-2)
  • Neutrino vacuum Cerenkov IF 1020 eV detected
    AND rate high enough h lt O(10-21)
  • (Amanda, IceCube)
  • Neutrino/photon/GW time delay?
  • Better measures of energy, timing, polarization
    from distant ?-ray sources

Whats next?
  • Definitively rule out n3 LV, O(E/M), including
    chirality effects
  • Strengthen the positive ? and ?R- ?L bounds
    e.g. via helicity decay.
  • (a) Rule out or (b) see LV at O(E2/M2), n4
  • A true messenger of QG phenomenology will arrive?

Well be there!
A possible new constraint helicity decay
  • If ?R and ?L are unequal, say ?Rgt?L then a
    positive helicity electron can decay into a
    negative helicity electron and a photon,
  • even when the LV parameters do not permit the
    vacuum Cherenkov effect.
  • Such helicity decay" has no threshold energy,
    so whether this process can be used to set
    constraints on ?R,L is solely a matter of the
    decay rate which depends on ?R- ?L
  • With the current constraints on ?R- ?L the
    transition energy is approximately 10 TeV and the
    lifetime for electrons below this energy is
    greater than 104 seconds. This is long enough to
    preclude any terrestrial experiments from seeing
    the effect.
  • The lifetime above the transition energy is
    instead of about 10-11 seconds for energies just
    above 10 TeV. The lifetime might therefore be
    short enough to provide new constraints. From
    Crab might get

Constraint on electron helicities
  • Electron spin resonance in a Penning trap yields
    (Myers-Pospelov, 2003)
  • Nuclear spins give stronger constraints, but
    involves more parameters
  • Constraints can be improved using RG analysis

Standard Model Extension
(Colladay Kostelecky, 1997)
Add to the Standard Model Lagrangian all possible
Lorentz-violating terms that preserve field
content, gauge symmetry, and renormalizability.
E.g., leading order terms in the QED sector
If rotationally invariant
Why now QG phenomenology?Observational
By increasing detector size, or going into
space, or using technological improvement, or
technique improvement, observations are probing
  • Higher energies
  • Weaker interactions
  • Lower fluxes
  • Lower temperatures
  • Shorter time resolution
  • Longer distances
  • Gravitational waves

Phenomenology of Lorentz Violation
  • Time-dependence of spin or hyperfine resonance,
    or energy levels as lab moves w.r.t. preferred
    frame or directions
  • Long baseline dispersion (GRBs, AGNs, pulsars)
    and vacuum birefringence (e.g. spectropolarimetry
    of galaxies)
  • New thresholds (photon decay, vacuum Cerenkov)
  • Shifted thresholds (photon annihilation from
    blazars, GZK, )
  • Maximum velocity (synchrotron peak from SNR)
  • Gravitational effects (static fields, waves)
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