Title: Theory Program for the 12 GeV Upgrade
1Theory Program for the 12 GeV Upgrade
- Two Initiatives
- Lattice QCD
- Phenomenology Marc Vanderhaeghen
- Lattice QCD
- Exploiting advances in Lattice QCD
- Science Milestones White Paper to DOE
- Moments of GPDs at physical pion mass
- Nucleon Form Factors at high Q2
- Pion form factor
- Hybrids spectrum and couplings
- Computational program
- Research synopsis Theory and 12 GeV
- Gluonic Excitations and origin of confinement
- Fundamental structure of nuclear building blocks
- Physics of Nuclei
- Standard Model and beyond
3Advances in Lattice QCD - I
Actions with exact chiral symmetry
Advances in high-performance computing
4Advances in Lattice QCD - II
- Achievable precision limited by lightest pion
mass attained.
Momentum fraction carried by valence quarks
Detmold et al, PRL87, 172001 (2001)
5Advances in Lattice QCD - III
- Exact chiral symmetry at Finite Spacing a
Domain-wall fermions (DWF) action in 5-D
Computationally 20-30 times as demanding
6State of the Art
- Current resources enable us to begin exploiting
these advances in full QCD - Employ computationally efficient full QCD
lattices generated by MILC Collaboration using
staggered fermions for sea quarks - Employ DWF for valence quarks
- Pion masses down to less than 300 MeV to yield
- Moments of GPDs and PDFs
- Elastic form factors
- Resonance spectrum of baryons and mesons
- Approach requires introducing multiplicity of
pions and approximation to fermion determinant
Fully consistent treatment of chiral symmetry for
both sea and valence quarks
7Moments of Flavor-NS PDFs and GPDs - I
- Lattice QCD can compute both moments of GPDs
with respect to x, and t-dependence
Lattice data m? 740 MeV
Decrease slope decreasing transverse size as x
! 1 - Burkardt
8Moments of Flavor-NS PDFs and GPDs - II
- Nucleon axial charge benchmark computation
- DWF computation removes uncertainty in matching
to continuum. - Chiral behavior expected to be mild
DWF Data Two volumes
LHPC Preliminary
Systematic errors on lowest moments lt 5 by 2012
9Elastic Nucleon Form Factors Gp(n)E,M(Q2) - I
- Magnetic Moments, obtained at Q2 0, known
experimentally to high precision - Lattice computation at physical quark masses and
large volumes - Large Q2 behavior controlled by lattice spacing a
- Need to work on fine lattice
- Importance of pQCD Corrections
- Brodsky
- pQCD computation
- Belitsky, Ji, Yuan
m? 750 MeV
m? 900 MeV
LHPC/SESAM, hep-lat/0404005
10Elastic Nucleon Form Factors Gp(n)E,M(Q2) - II
- Cross-over in ? GpE(Q2)/GpM(Q2) not yet observed.
- Reach Q2 ' 6 GeV2 by 2010
- Reach Q2 ' 10 GeV2 by 2012
11Pion Form Factor I
- Laboratory for observing interplay between
perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of QCD - Asymptotic normalization determined
- Small Q2, vector-meson dominance provides
faithful description - Free of disconnected contributions
straightforward lattice calculation
12Pion Form Factor II
- Current and Projected Experimental Situation
13Pion Form Factor III
LHPC, Bonnet et al hep-lat/0411028
- Pion Form factor over Q2 commensurate with
experiment - Pion GPDs and transition form factors
14Resonance Spectrum
- Spectrum of hybrids composed of heavy quarks has
been important lattice focus - Adiabatic Potentials
- Spectrum of charmonium
- 1 GeV Excitation Energy associated with excited
string - 1- lightest hybrid
- Does this interpretation persist to light-quark
MILC Collaboration
15Photocouplings and Transition FF - I
Alexandrou et al. (2005)
- REM should approach 1 Ji, Yuan
- Compute in Lattice QCD at high Q2
discrepancy currently under theoretical study
16Photocouplings and Transition FF - II
- Photocouplings between hybrid and conventional
mesons - GlueX proposal to produce hybrid mesons using
real photons supported by flux-tube model
calculations - No suppression of conventional-hybrid
photocouplings for hybrids near 2 GeV
Close and Dudek, PRL91, 142001 (2003) PRD 69
034010 (2004)
- Investigate and attempt to verify prediction
using lattice QCD
17Computational Advances - I
- Program of lattice studies with milestones
linked to 12 GeV Whitepaper to DOE, Feb 05.
Coarse a 0.11 fm
fine a 0.09 fm
Tflop-year m?-7 a-6
18Computatonal Advances - II
- Cluster Trends
- 1 Tflop-scale clusters currently offering
1/Mflops price-performance - Cluster hardware price-performance increasing at
least as fast as Moores Law (performance/price
doubling every 18 months) - Ramped funding model tuned to physics goals
- Each ensemble requires at most 2 years running on
largest cluster - Funding above current 1.2M SciDAC NP
19Theory Research Synopsis - I
- Gluonic Excitations and origin of confinement
- Lattice QCD
- Phenomenological quark models
- Chiral dynamics and large Nc QCD
- Properties of exotics relevant to phase-shift
analysis - Fundamental structure of nuclear building blocks
- QCD Factorization and GPDs
- EM corrections to hadronic processes
- Lattice QCD
- Models of nucleon structure
- Quark-hadron duality
20Theory Research Synopsis - II
- Physics of Nuclei
- Nuclear effects in DIS
- Effective field theory approaches
- Relativistic description of few-nucleon systems
- Nucleon-nucleon force from QCD
- Standard Model and beyond
- Constraints on lepton-flavor mixing from
experiments - Effects of TeV-scale
- Signals for new light particles such as gluinos
- Phenomenology Marc Vanderhaeghen
- Lattice QCD
- Emerging computational resources allowing
exploitation of theoretical advances - Schedule of computations commensurate with the
physics goals of the 12 GeV program - Precise computations of low moments of PDFs and
GPDs - Pion form factor and transition form factors
- Spectrum, transitions and decays of exotic mesons
- Understanding of nucleon-nucleon force from
lattice QCD - Strong theory effort on the campaigns of the 12
GeV upgrade
22Theory Research Synopsis - III
How Theory Group research matches the JLab 12 GeV
23JLab Theory Center Associate Staff
- Numerous sabbatical visitors (supported by JLab)
D. Diakanov (Nordita) - from Apr 04 (9
months) - J. Tjon (Utrecht) - from Aug 03 (6 months) J.
Laget (Saclay) from May 04 (4months) D.
Leinweber (CSSM) from Aug 04 (2 months) - 1 postdoctoral fellow (external funding)
- Vladimir Pascalutsa (WM, Gross/Vanderhaeghen
DOE) - from Oct 03 - 8 graduate students3 supported by JLab 2 LSU
(one LSU support, one SURA Fellowship) 3
Adelaide University (with AWT)
24Strange Form Factors of Proton - I
- Flavor-separated quantities more demanding than
those of flavor non-singlet - Requires computation of disconnected diagrams
25Strange Form Factors of Proton - II
- Recent computation of magnetic moment using
amalgam of Lattice QCD and Phenomenology
D. Leinweber et al, hep-lat/0406002
Ab initio computations of magnetic moments and
form factors at non-zero Q2.
26Resonance Spectrum - II
MILC, PRD68, 074505 (2003)
- Particles unstable in full QCD at light pion
masses - multiparticle contributions
- Method for investigating multiparticle states
known - Variational methods
- Basis of interpolating operators
- Determine scattering lengths
27Resonance Spectrum - III
- Higher resonances provide information about
dynamics and confinement - Aim to compute masses of lowest few states of
given quantum number, and learn about their
- Morningstar and Peardon
- PRD60, 034509
- Quenched glueball calculations provide road-map
- Method more demanding for particles containing
28Hybrid Meson Photocouplings - II
- Desire to minimize sources of uncertainty leads
us to work at the charm quark mass - no need for chiral extrapolation (poorly
constrained for hybrids) - smaller effects due to quenching
- conventional charmonium radiative transition data
is mature
- Flux-tube model has only small relativistic
corrections for charmonium hybrids direct test
of the model