Title: MedeTel, Luxemburg, April 0507 2006
1Med-e-Tel, Luxemburg, April 05-07 2006
Luca Sammartino, Nomos Sistema S.p.A.
2Key project information
- Project name Doc_at_Hand
- Project type STREP
- Consortium composition8 partners, 5 countries (5
IT Companies, 1 Academic, 2 Users) - Project Coordination TXT e-Solutions (I)
- Project duration 36 months (1/1/2004 -
3Why Doc_at_Hand?
Healthcare professionals need help in
- Reducing the time spent in collecting information
widely dispersed needed for their day-by-day
activities - Accessing heterogeneous amount of decentralised
data also reducing associated costs - Collect information remotely promptly through
portable devices, such as tablet PC accordingly
their mobility needs - Increasing the quality of their decision making
through prompt availability of relevant and
complete data
- Our goals
- To facilitate the retrieval and the understanding
of knowledge and information geographically
dispersed (indexing, knowledge elicitation) - To interrogate the System through Natural
Language queries (query-answering extended
browsing and navigation) - To improve health professionals quality of
services - To support health professionals in their
day-by-day complex problem solving and decision
making activities.
5Main features
- Transparent access to heterogeneous and
geographically dispersed databases owned by
separate, but cooperating organizations - Proactive search for relevant information, using
- push technologies complementing traditional
pull approach - domain ontology
- Collection of related knowledge and information
- Presentation through an intuitive user interface
highly customized on user profile and current
activities - Information accessible by different terminals
Desktop, Laptop, Tablet PCs
6Expected benefits
- Improved access and sharing of up-to-date
patients data and clinical documentation. - Improved overall quality in care delivery
- More information for a better informed decision
making - Reduction in patient admission times, avoiding
duplicated procedures
- Doc_at_Hand Platform is mostly application
independent - Adaptable to different organization types
- Easily extendible to different applications/domain
s - Non-intrusive integration with existing systems
IT Perspective
7Platform Architecture
- Opensource tools
- If available, opensource solutions like MySQL,
Tomcat, Lucene preferred instead of commercial
ones - Platform independent
- Modules developed with Java and Microsoft .Net
for system portability - Web Services
- Web-based distributed architecture using WS
- HL7 protocol
- Data extraction from Legacy Systems using HL7
messages - XML
- Information and modules data exchange represented
in XML standard
9Doc_at_Hand interface
10Doc_at_Hand core The Semantic Subsystem
- Description
- It is composed by a set of tools strictly
interoperating each others in order to basically
provide two features - information/knowledge retrieval (clinical
records, guidelines, clinical cases) - information management (document submission,
content parsing, knowledge mark-up, concept
extraction, document indexing ) - Key modules
- Natural language Parser
- Top, Middle and Domain Level Ontologies
- XML based Search Engine
- Main Benefits
- Ontology-based search
- Multi-lingual concept recognition
- Better recall hits results that would not have
been found by using token-based searches - Better precision avoids results that are not
relevant (through matching the token provided)
11Semantic Subsystem Example (1/2)
Clinical Record Woman 43 years with menstruation.
Non toxic habits Consults for an increased
feeling of fatigue in the past three months. No
suspicious family history. No other digestive
symptoms. No medication. Slightly distended,
soft, non-tender abdomen with active bowel
sounds. Pallor of skin and mucosa. Preliminary
Diagnose Iron deficiency.
Clinical Record (after parsing) Woman 43 years
with menstruation. Non toxic habits Consults for
an increased feeling of fatigue in the past three
months. No suspicious family history. No other
digestive symptoms. No medication. Slightly
distended, soft, non-tender abdomen with active
bowel sounds. Pallor of skin and mucosa.
Preliminary Diagnose Iron deficiency.
Concepts feeling of fatigue pallor of skin iron
12Early referral colon cancer example (2/2)
Concepts feeling of fatigue pallor of skin iron
deficiency anemia colon cancer
- Benefits
- Generated automatically
- More precise (additional tokens)
- Benefits
- Extracts correlated information
- Finds relevant documents even though they do not
contain the original tokens
13Data communication security
- EHR is first split in two distinct packages
personal data e clinical data - Unique Id has been assigned to EHR and added to
each packages header information - Each package is encrypted and submitted
separately via https - Doc_at_Hand receives both distinct packages and
recombines the original EHR such data will then
be managed entirely in memory. Packages are sent
Personal data
Pronl aa
Clnal dt
Clinical data
Data transfer (https)
Remote Hospital Information System (HIS)
Doc_at_Hand Platform
Recombined EHR
Data request
Not persistent
14HCPB case
Primary Care
Early diagnosis and referral of colon cancer
Management Centre
- Evidence Based Guidelines
- Distributed patients clinical data
- Access to updated clinical knowledge
Patients home
15GST case
Primary Care
Patient allocation to clinical trials
Primary Care
- National policy encouraging enrollment in trials
- Matching trial requirements to patients profile
16ASP model offering
- Evaluate the potential of an ASP offering for
Doc_at_Hand to - Extend Improve Doc_at_Hand visibility Web
interactive demo - Extend the potential market to new countries and
segments - Provide a light client for portable devices with
key features
17Project life cycle
Thank you Any questions?
Luca Sammartino sammartino_at_nomos.it
Doc_at_Hand website http//www.doc-at-hand.org/