Title: Bernoulli Theory
1Stop Bernoulli Abuse
Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782)
It would be better for the true physics if
there were no mathematicians on earth
2This diagram appears in high school and college
text books as well as in books and website
articles on airplane lift. Although this
theory has almost universal acceptance, it
represents a misapplication of Bernoullis
3This diagram also appears in popular books that
purport to explain lift. These diagrams do not
show the motive for the flow. These diagrams
indicate only part of the loop. These diagrams
assume constant density.
4When you blow air into the top of the spool, the
card sticks to the bottom of the spool.
5Experimental setup
Detail of plenum and orifice
6Tube and Cone Experiment
7The Business Card Levitator
8Levitation disks
9Parallel flow
Radial flow
Levitation requires radial flow
10Hydraulic Jump Radial momentum produces a
hydraulic jump
11Radial momentum produces a cavitation ring
12Condensation occurs on humid days
13Lab setup showing aluminum foil spacers
14Flux vs Pressure Notice the decrease of flux
with pressure for the heavier weights.
Flow vs Pressure Detail The higher the pressure,
the lower the flow
15Simulation model showing the behavior of key
variables in the gap between plates
16For more information www.Seykota.com