Title: Debate Exercise
1Debate Exercise
- Debate Exercise
- Euro Disney
- Kitikorn Saicholpitak
2Should Euro Disney pour money into the project,
build one or more theme parks and really make
this another Disney World?
Debate Question?
3Euro Disneys Problems
- Culture Differences
- Lower of attendances than expected
- Lack of productivity
- Economic recession in Europe
- Prices is too high
- Short of liquidity
4Yes, because of the following reason
- To reach Public expectation and standards
- To increase market penetration and market share
- To create image, and identity
- To increase operating cash flow
5To Reach Public Expectation and Standards
- Public will no longer be satisfied with the
traditional attractions, which offered by many
European parks. Adding more top quality
attractions to keep up and those parks, which
grow and upgrade will prosper and those that
stagnate will die.
6To Increase Market Penetration and Market Share
- The European parks have traditionally had much
lower rates of penetration than the US. Building
more high quality theme parks and more
advertising will raise awareness of themed
attraction. Consequently, market penetration will
go up and gain more market share.
Moreover, if we wait for the upturn, it maybe too
late for capture the market shares because it
takes years to build and market the theme parks.
7To Create Image and Identity
- Creating more theme parks will create new kind
and experiences of attraction and identity. - Theme Park Dont the word really mean
Storyplace? - The story park is its identitya combination of
brands, stories, human values, memories, and
special meanings that public attributes to it
8To Create Image and Identity
- For example, consider if I have alternatives
between go to Six Flags or Disney world, what
would I like to go more? Absolutely, I prefer to
go to Disney World because I recognize that
Disney World is bigger and provides more fantasy
to me than Six Flags.
9To Increase Operating Cash Flow
- From the reason above, I believe that invest to
build one or more theme parks are necessary. It
will bring more people to the park, and encourage
people to stay longer. Overall businesses will
receive this benefits including hotels, parks,
restaurants, and shops. Consequently, it will
increase the operating cash flow and liquidity to
the Euro Disney.
10To Increase Operating Cash Flow
The table above shows the operational statistics
from 1992 to 1999.
11To Increase Operating Cash Flow
These figure came from Disney Pariss 1995
Financial Statement
12To Increase Operating Cash Flow
13To Increase Operating Cash Flow
Spending per Customer will increase 28
percent. Fixed Costs will increase 28 and can go
up to 36.
14To Increase Operating Cash Flow
15Attendance (Million)
- Building more theme parks are the reasonable
alternative for Euro Disney because to market and
build new theme parks may take years. Then, if we
wait for the upturn, it maybe too late to capture
the market shares. Moreover, The most important
thing is to create more cash flow into the
company. If we do not create more attractiveness,
awareness, and fantasy by building more theme
parks, people will perceive that Euro Disney is
just a theme park that they can experience at any
theme parks
- Why they have to go to Euro Disney? We can see
the evidence from the Disney World. First when
Disney World opened, it also face the massive
loss like the Euro Disney but today, Disney World
is the most profitable theme park in the US or
maybe in the world. It makes profit because it is
big and different, and when people think about
theme park in US, they think about Disney World.
Finally, The most important thing in marketing is
to create something differences from competitors,
create more satisfaction to customers, and bring
as much as cash flow into the company.