Title: Euro Design Study
1Euro? Design Study
- FP7 Design Studies - call 22nd
December - deadline 5pm 2nd May -
electronic submission - Focus new infrastructure
- Main deliverable - CDR - in
preparation for next step (CNIs) - no
requirement re ESFRI list - EU funding - 29MEUR total in 1st
call - mean 2-3MEUR/proposal - maximum
lt5MEUR/proposal - Partners - at least 3 in at least 3
different countries - minimum 25 matching funds
2Euro? Design Study
- Original idea separate NFSB and BB DS
- But - unlikely both approved -
limited resources for BB - New idea combine into one High Intensity
Neutrino Oscillation Facility in Europe - Writing committee formed Marcos Dracos
(Strasbourg) Rob Edgecock (RAL) Mats
Lindroos (CERN) - Main task deliver proposal (approved) by 2nd May
3Aims of DS
- Deliver three CDRs
- Make cost-performance comparison
- Make recommendations for next step (CNIs)
- Resources are very limited
- DS must be self-contained - all information
required provided internally - Our solution - focus work on key
questions - have limited resources to include
missing information, including from
elsewhere - have (small) physics and detector
4Selected WP Structure
- Part A 3 tables A1 Summary of
proposal A2 one/participant A3
summary of costs - Part B proposal itself 1 ST quality
relevance to call (20 pages) 2 Implementation
(2 pages) 3 Impact (10 pages) 4
Ethical issues 5 Gender issues (1 page) - Main focus so far 1.3 S/T methodology and
WP - WP list - Deliverables
list - WP description - Effort
table - Milestones
Coming later
6WP1 - Management
Tasks - Coordination task coordination
of the contractual, financial and administrative
aspects of the Design Study, including delivery
of annual reports and control of the funds (Inst
1). - Oversight task oversight of the
technical and scientific aspects of the Design
Study, including the monitoring of milestones and
ensuring that deliverables are produced on time
(Inst 1, Inst 2, Inst 3). - Knowledge
task management of the knowledge generated by
the Design Study, including its protection, use
and dissemination (Inst 1). - Comparison
task comparison between the three facilities,
based on their physics reach and cost, taking
into account the knowledge of the neutrino
oscillation parameters available at that time.
Determination of the criteria to be used.
Production of a priority list, based on this
comparison (Inst 1, Inst 2, Inst 3).
7WP1 - Management
8Work Package Proposal 1
- WP1 Management Coordinator Edgecock Lead
lab CCLRC Consortium Board
Membership DS coordinators WP
coordinators 1 member/institute
Purpose Oversight of DS Meetings
Twice per year or as required Steering
Committee Membership DS coordinators
WP coordinators IDS representatives
Others ex-officio as required Purpose
Running the DS Meetings Every two months
9WP2 - Neutrino Factory
Tasks - Coordination task Institute 1
leads the task and is responsible for ensuring
that the specification of the muon front-end and
acceleration systems are compatible. It is also
responsible for ensuring that an appropriate
framework for the end-to-end simulation is
available. - Muon front-end task The
muon front-end task will provide a detailed
evaluation of the performance of the muon
front-end and determine its cost. -
Acceleration task The acceleration task will
develop a detailed definition of the acceleration
scheme that is matched to the muon front-end and
evaluate both its performance and its cost. -
Proton-beam handling task will develop a
detailed concept for the handling of the spent
proton beam that emerges from the target taking
into account health and safety issues and
determining a baseline cost. -
Integration task The integration task will
deliver an appropriate end-to-end simulation of
the accelerator complex that will allow the
performance of the facility to be determined.
10WP2 - Neutrino Factory
11WP3 - SuperBeam
Tasks - Coordination task Inst 1 leads
the task, is responsible for the parameter list
and for the overall coherence of the baseline
scenario. - Review task The work will start
with a review of the base line design for the
proton driver, the target and the hadron
collector by Inst 1, Inst 2 and Inst 3. -
Proton Driver This facility is mainly studied in
the framework of other projects (LHC upgrade) and
must be followed by our project. Inst 1 will
identify special requirements for neutrino
beams. - Target This work will be done by
Inst 3. - Cross sections The cross section of
hadron production in the interactions between the
protons and the target will be studied by Inst
3. - Collection system The design of a hadron
collection system will be done taking into
account the severe operation conditions (Inst
1). - Hadron collector pulsing system A study
of possible lay-out for the collector pulsing
system will be done by Inst 1 and a baseline
design will be identified. - Target/Collector
integration A study of the target/collector
integration due to the vicinity of the two
devices has to be carefully considered. This task
will be carried out by Inst 4.
12WP3 - SuperBeam
13WP4 - Beta Beam
Tasks - Coordination task INST1 leads
the task, is responsible for the parameter list
and for the overall coherence of the baseline
scenario. - Review task The work will start
with a review of the base line design for the new
isotopes 8B and 8Li performed by INST1 and INST4.
- Bunching task The work at INST3 with the 60
GHz ECR source for bunching studies of 6He and
18Ne started within EURISOL DS will continue with
the objective of reaching the high efficiencies
needed for the beta-beam. Furthermore, a study
and first tests will be done at INST3 of
necessary modification to bunch 8Li and 8B. -
Cross sections and collection device task The
cross section for the reaction channels of
interest will be (re-)measured and a prototype
for the collection device will be built and
tested with stable beams at INST2. -
Superconducting magnets, magnet protection and
collimation task A pre-study of possible lay-out
for superconducting dipoles for the beta-beam
will be done at INST1 and a baseline design will
be identified. The work started on beam
collimation and magnet protection in EURISOL DS
will be adapated for 8Li and 8B at INST1 and
14WP4 - Beta Beam
15WP5 Detector Performance Cost
Tasks - Coordination task Inst 1 leads
the task, is responsible for the coordination of
the work of the different participants. - MIND
task (Inst 1,25) Simulation of the magnetic
iron neutrino detector (MIND), which is the
baseline for a neutrino factory, including
implementation of a toroidal field, optimisation
of the geometry, event selection, efficiency as a
function of threshold, background evaluation and
a realistic cost estimate. - Water Cherenkov
task (Inst 3) Define performance of water
Cherenkov detectors for super beam and beta
beams. - Near detector task (Inst 14) Design
for the near detector in order to measure the
absolute flux normalisation, differential
neutrino cross sections and backgrounds to the
far detector (eg. charm production, p0
production). - Beam instrumentation task (Inst
56) Beam instrumentation for the muon
accelerator at a neutrino factory, including the
design of a beam current transformer, a
divergence monitor (eg. a Cherenkov detector) and
a polarimeter. - ECC task (Inst 7) Performance
of a hybrid Emulsion Cloud Chamber (ECC) to study
the silver channel (tau detection). - TASD task
(Inst 8) Evaluate possibility of improving the
baseline performance by considering a Totally
Active Scintillator Detector (TASD), including an
evaluation of the feasibility and cost of a
magnetic field in the TASD. - Shielding task
(Inst 9) Shielding needed for a near detector
16WP5 Detector Performance Cost
17WP6 Physics Reach Comparison
Tasks - Coordination task Inst 1 leads
the task, is responsible for the coordination of
the work of the different participants. -
Evaluation of physics performance task the
physics potential of different facilities will be
evaluated in a coordinated work by all the
participants. Inst 1 and Inst 3 will be
responsible for that of the beta-beam and
superbeam, while Inst 1 and Inst 2 will be
responsible for that of the Neutrino Factory. -
Optimization task the distance to detector and
boost factors need to be optimized for all
facilities taking into account the constraints
from the accelerator WP. Similarly the synergies
of the combination of two or more experimental
setups at the same facility need to be
quantified. - Evaluation of systematic
uncertainties task a fair comparison of physics
potential requires including all systematic
uncertainties, some related to the experimental
setup (to be quantified by WP 5) and some related
to theoretical unknowns. WP 6 will include all
these uncertainties in the physics analysis in a
unified fashion. - Comparison task the
different facilities will eventually be compared
in terms of their physics performance.
18WP6 Physics Reach Comparison
Includes material
20Next Steps
- Get feedback
- Sharpen up work plan tables
- Complete participants contributors lists
- Get official approval for these
- Determine actual FTE costs
- Revisit budget tables
- Draft other text
- Draft Part A forms