Title: Sperm usage patterns and sexual selection in Drosophila Melanogaster
1Sperm usage patterns and sexual selection in
Drosophila Melanogaster
2What I will be talking about
- What is Drosophila Melanogaster?
- How do they live and mate?
- What was my experiment?
- Results and conclusions.
3What is Drosophila Melanogaster ?
Also known as the fruit fly, pomace flies or
vinegar flies. Life cycle fertilization laying
of the egg Hatching of larvae Larva growth
(instars) Pupation Adult
4What is Drosophila Continued...
One of the most valuable organisms in biological
research. -Genetics and developmental
biology Why work on Drosophila? Practical as
well as historical.
Keeping Drosophila in the lab. -media
preparation -examining the flies
5My experiment Sexual selection within the
drosophila female
Is there an order to fertilization of the egg
within the female? -Path of sperm after
fertilization -Multiple mates -Which male is
more likely to fertilize the egg? -Shuttle
system proposal refer to handout
6What is my experiment continued...
Procedure Mate female with male 1 then with
male 2 Remove males and study the offspring But
how do you tell the difference? Red eyed (wild
type) and White eyed phenotypes see board
Taking a look at the graphs sums of all of the
progeny from both crosses Cross A White
females X White males then X Red Males
Cross B White females X Red Males then X
White males
- Arnold SJ. (1994). Multivariate inheritance and
evolution A review of concepts. InBoake,
C.R.B(ed.) Quantative Genetic Studies of
Behavioral Evolution, pp. 17-49. The University
of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL. - Pitnick S, Markow TA, Spicer GS. (1999).
Evolution of multiple kinds of female sperm
storage organs in Drosophila. Evolution, 53