Title: Philosophy of Science 8 PoS Revisited
1Philosophy of Science 8PoS Revisited
- Catching up Critical realism revisited
- Paradigms in socio-cultural science
- An example Confident cross-paradigmatic studies?
- Engaging disengagement? Research, values and
truth - Course evaluation
2Critical RealismWhat's new, what's (un)cool ?
- realist ontology an assumption ?
- basic scepticism about knowledge claims
- knowledge as negotiated meeting of
realities/concepts - neither empiricism nor relativism
- science as a particular form of knowledge
- risk of functional explanation through systemic
focus? - hermeneutics plus in study of socio-cultural
3Paradigms in socio-cultural science- An overview
- Positivism
- knowledge through direct experience /
generalisation - science potentially useful
- Hermeneutics
- understanding through constructed ideal types
- rationality and comparison sustain knowledge
- Constructivism
- understanding of socio-cultural rules
- language define realities
- Critical realism
- fallible knowledge produced via 'means of
representation' - stratified reality tendencies, events,
- Permanent inter-dependency
- no rules without agency
- no agency without rules
- pervasive risk of dislocation
- Two-dimensional research strategy
- understanding actors from within
- explaining patterns from without
5Identities, Rationalities andASSUMPTIONAL ORDERS
- Topographical
- inside/outside
- up/down
- Temporal
- past/future
- cause/consequence
- Strategic
- subject/object
- assistant/opponent
Source Henrik Halkier (2003) Discourse,
Institutions and Public Policy Change - Theory,
Methods and a Scottish Case Study, Spirit
Discussion Papers 23. (Inspirered by Koselleck
and Åkerstrøm Andersen) Can be downloaded from
7Engaging disengagement?Research, values and truth
Hollis says... The fact that concepts are
theory-laden, does not necessarily mean that they
are value laden ... and (Halkier) adds
therefore truth cannot be reduced to normative