Title: Building the Future: Sustainable and Social Learning Spaces
1Building the FutureSustainable and Social
Learning Spaces
2From This
I think the photos fail to convey the feeling of
the room. It really seemed to suck any spirit of
enjoyment or fun out of you - as if it had been
designed by one of Harry Potter's Death Eaters!
3To This
4Todays Session
- Developing Learning Spaces for the future
- Sustainability and Learning Spaces
- Citizenship and Learning Spaces
- The Welsh Context
- Discussion
5The infoKit - Anticipation
6The infoKit - Imagination
7The infoKit - Implementation
8The infoKit - Evaluation
9The infoKit Resource Collection
- Case Studies searchable
- Photo Gallery text and hotspots
- Virtual Campus 3600 tour
- www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk
10Sustainable Innovation
11Sustainable Financially
13Sustainable Curriculum
14Sustainable Communities
'A network of colleges that put customers first.
A network famous for its world class buildings
and technologies... and a sector that plays a
broad role in enhancing local communities The
Learning And Skills Council
16The Welsh Context
17Further Information
- www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk
- gill.ferrell_at_northumbria.ac.uk
- e.j.parcell_at_swansea.ac.uk