Title: The Art (or Science?) of Change
1The Art (or Science?) of Change
- Presented by Felicity Mildon
- ACS NSW Branch Forum
- 27 November, 2007
2Charles Darwin said
- It is not the strongest of the species that
survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one
most responsive to change. - Charles Darwin 1809-1882, British Naturalist
3So What is Change?
- The movement of people from a current state to
a desire state, a different, improved and desired
new state, through a set of planned and
integrated interventions - (Meyer and Botha 2000, p223)
4Some food for thought
- If change is also the only constant (apart from
death and taxes) why is it that 70 - 80 of all
change initiatives fail to achieve their desired
5It was also recently said that.
- We are very good at describing the current
state of where we are now and the end state of
where we want to be its the mushy bit in the
middle that is so difficult to change.
6I agree that the change process can look like
7So why do so many change initiatives fail?
- Unrealistic expectations
- Lack of senior management support
- Resistance to change
- Insufficient resources (Time and )
- The skills of change agents
- Change fatigue
- Pace and scale of change (competing priorities)
- Others?
8Change Management defined
- A planned, managed and systematic approach to
managing change through - Defining and communicating the change
- Understanding the dynamics of the change and
selecting the most appropriate change management
strategy - Integrating the change requirements as part of
business as usual - Creating and sustaining commitment from those who
are impacted by the change
9Types of Change
- Developmental or organic
- Transitional change
- Transformational or radical change
10Models of Change
- John Kotter
- Increase Urgency
- Build the Guiding Team
- Get the Vision Right
- Communicate for Buy-In
- Empower Action
- Create Short Term Wins
- Dont Let Up
- Make Change Stick
- Awareness
- Desire
- Knowledge
- Ability
- Reinforcement
12Theory E and O (Beer and Nohria)
- Two different approaches to change
- Theory E top down, economic change
- Theory O emergent change based on increasing
capability, commitment and involvement - The authors argue that both are valid and must be
implemented for organisations to adapt and survive
13The Change Equation
- D x V x F is greater than R
- D dissatisfaction with the present
- V vision of what is possible
- F achievable first steps in reaching the vision
and - R resistance
14Enough of the theory
- Now for a story about the successful
implementation of a major technological and
cultural change
15(No Transcript)
16Factors for Successful Change
- Leadership
- Management Support
- Need for change
- Participation
- Defining Roles
- Planning
- Goal Setting
- Monitoring Control
- Training
- Communication
- Motivation
- Embedding Change
17Reasons for Resistance to Change
- Self Interest
- Fear of the Unknown
- Conscientious objection or differing perceptions
- Suspicion
- Conservatism
18Resistance can also result from
- Personal characteristics
- Personal experience
- Poor leadership change behaviours
- Poor change process
- Lack of involvement and understanding
- Lack of trust in the leader
19The Resistance Pyramid
20Overcoming Resistance to Change
- Facilitation and support
- Participation and involvement
- Negotiation
- Creating understanding
- Understanding the nature of the resistance
- Confrontation
- Tranistion
- Identify Key People
- Involve People Early
- Form Teams
- Build Relationships
- Address Not Knowing
- Address Not Able
- Address Not Willing
22So what of the role of change agents
- Someone who is able to operate across the
organisation in order to drive and lead the
23Key skills required
- Ability to solve complex business problems
- Excellent interpersonal skills such as empathy
and perseverance - Strong communication skills
- Collaboration and pragmatism
- Able to work with challenge and ambiguity
- Able to deal with conflict constuctively
24As well as
- Political skills
- Analytical skills
- People skills
- Business skills
- Visioning
- Project management and systems skills
- Attributed such as honesty, commitment and most
of all a sense of humour
25Is it possible to have all these skills and
26So is Change Management an art or a science?
27Any Questions
28A final thought.
- Ghandi said,
- We need to be the change we want to see.
- For things to change, we must change first
30(No Transcript)