Title: The Department of Geography Speaker Series presents
1The Department of Geography Speaker Series
Cities as Historical Agents
Dr. Richard Harris
Professor and Associate DirectorSchool of
Geography and Earth SciencesMcMaster University
Friday, October 06, 2006 _at_ 2 PMSocial Science
Centre, Room 2322
Cities are commonly viewed, at most, as built
environments that express our culture, notably
our affluence, individualism, and our profligate
use of resources. But, in ways that we still find
difficult to grasp, they also shape our culture.
The point will be illustrated with examples drawn
from diverse sources, including my ongoing
research on North American suburbs and British
colonial cities in the twentieth century.
For more information or to be notified of
upcoming presentations, please contact Dr.
Katrina Moser at kmoser_at_uwo.ca
Faculty of Social Science