Title: A Polarimetric Method for Ice Water Content Determination
1A Polarimetric Method for Ice Water Content
Ryzhkov, Zrnic, and Gordon (JAM 98)
- Existing IWC-Z relationships stink
3Motivation cont.
- These IWC-Z relationships dont work because they
cant incorporate the fact reflectivity factor is
proportional to the product of the IWC and the
mass of the average ice hydrometeor - Thus, two independent measures are desirable.
This can be accomplished with polarimetric
variables. Ryzhkov, Zrnic, and Gordon (JAM 98)
used ZDR and KDR
- Dry snow, density is a simple function of
diameter (Matrosov et al.96) - Rayleigh scattering, derivation from van de Hulst
Lb (1-La)/2
5Assumptions cont.
- Low elevation scanning angle
- Matrosov et. al (96) classification of ice
crystal types
h smaller dimension, L larger dimension
- Relationships between mass and parameters s and
Re(fh-fv) are derived for each of the 11 crystal
types using the assumed density verses diameter
by observing that
for prolates
for oblates fh fb, fvfa, sh sb, sv sa
7Derivations cont.
- The ratio (sh-sv)/Re(fh-fv) is linearly
proportional to the mass of the ice particle.
Interestingly, the value of a3 doesnt vary
significantly with the type of ice crystal - The previous 3 equations can be used to derive
relationships for Zh, KDP, and ZDP
8Derivations cont.
- IWC is related to drop size distribution, which
is in turn related to Zh, KDP, and ZDP - Using the following formula,Zh, KDP, and ZDP can
be calculated,
and IWC can be derived
9Stability of Derived IWC Equation
- To obtain a generalized IWC equation for all ice
types, we must ensure that the IWC equation has
little dependence on ice crystal type. It turns
out that the value of C1 varies only 20 over all
the values of d (the dependence of ? on D), and
the backscattering parameters a1 and b1. A more
generalized form of the IWC equation is
10Attributes of Derived IWC Equation
- Although one of the original assumptions was low
elevation angle, the equation still holds for
higher elevation angles because the ratio KDP/ZDR
is unaffected (since both parameters have the
same dependence on elevation angle) - The equation happens to be insensitive to radar
calibration errors because the absolute value of
reflectivity is not involved (rather, a ratio is
used) - The equation begins to break down as snowflakes
aggregate because the shape becomes more
spherical and ZDR,KDP ? 0 thus small errors in
ZDR cause large biases in IWC
11IWC Equation Threshold
- There needs to be a threshold minimum value for
ZDR. At values below this threshold, it can be
assumed that the IWC estimate is inaccurate.
cold snow, sfc temp lt -5 C
warm snow
Threshold of 0.7 dB
12In Situ Observations
- The best way to find a threshold for ZDR is also
the best way to find out if the equation works at
all fly a plane around and take some
measurements! - This was done during the VORTEX experiment on May
21, 1995. A T-28 aircraft flew through an area of
high KDP in a trailing precipitation area behind
a squall line, measuring mostly pristine crystals
and small aggregates at (which conform to the
best-case scenario for the IWC equation).
13The Results
Z-IWC Relationships
Polarimetric Relationships
(using a threshold of 0.7dB for ZDR)
Heymsfield IWC 0.035Z0.51Atlas et al IWC
14Errors in Radar/Aircraft Observations
- Radar scans had to be slightly interpolated to
match up with aircraft position (radar scans had
to be virtually advected), introducing some
error in the results - Other errors arose from the aircraft sampling
equipment and the in situ IWC equation used, and
possibly the Cimarron radar itself
- Existing Z-IWC schemes have significant errors
because radar reflectivity from ice particles is
a product of the IWC and the mass of the
scatterers, and so two independent measurements
are needed - Polarimetric variables can provide the
independent measurements. For this study, an
equation was derived using Zh and the ratio of
KDP to ZDR (shown to be practically insensitive
to most shapes and densities of ice particles)
which gave reasonable values of IWC - This method works best for average-sized pristine
crystals or moderately aggregated crystals. Once
the aggregates grow to a spherical shape, ZDR
lowers to near zero and the equation falters
(overestimates the IWC)