Title: Butterflies
2Table of Contents
- What is a Butterfly
- Body Parts of the Butterfly
- Fly, Fly Butterfly
- Life Cycle of the Butterfly
- Egg
- Larva
- Pupa
- Adult
- Is It A Butterfly Or A Moth
- Conclusion
3What Is A Butterfly?
- Butterflies are beautiful flying insects with
large scaly wings. - Like all insects, they have six jointed legs,
three body parts, a pair of antennae, compound
eyes and an exoskeleton.
4Body Parts of the Butterfly
- The three body parts of the butterfly are the
- Head
- Thorax (chest)
- Abdomen (tail end)
5Fly, Fly Butterfly
- Butterflies are good fliers
- They can only fly if their body temperature is
86. - They sun themselves to warm up in cool weather
- As butterflies age their wings fade and become
ragged. - Flying speed varies.
- The fastest butterflies fly about thirty miles
per hour or faster. - Slow flying butterflies fly about five miles per
6Life Cycle of the Butterfly
- Butterflies and moths undergo complete
metamorphasis in which they go through 4
different stages.
- The butterfly starts its life as an egg, often
laid on a leaf.
- The larva(caterpillar) hatches from the egg and
eats leaves or flowers almost constantly. - The caterpillar molts (loses the old skin) many
times as it grows. - The caterpillar will increase its size up to
several thousand times before pupating.
- It turns into a pupa (chrysalis) this is the
resting stage.
- A beautiful butterfly emerges,
- This adult will continue the cycle.
11Is It A Butterfly Or A Moth?
Butterflies Moths Antennae Clublike, swollen
tip Feathery Color Usually bright
colors Usually less color than
butterflies Resting Stance Wings erect and
held together Wings open and folded while
resting over its back Period of
Activity Usually during the day Usually during
the night and attracted to
light Pupa Pupate as an unprotected Protected
by a cocoon Chrysalis hanging from a
underground or on the branch or other
object ground
- Next time someone asks you will know the
difference between the butterfly and the moth.