Title: Trees and shrubs of the upland Clayplain forest
1Trees and shrubs of the upland Clayplain forest
2Species Listare the most common species
- White oak Basswood
- Swamp white oak Red maple
- Bur oak Sugar maple
- Red oak White ash
- Shagbark hickory SHRUBS
- American Beech Witch Hazel
- Hophornbeam Maple-leaf viburnum
- Musclewood Arrowwood
- White Pine Gray Dogwood
- Eastern Hemlock
3White OakQuerces alba
- Leaf arrangement alternate/simple
- Leaf margin smooth
- Shape Obovate/oblong-obovate
- Rounded deep lobes
4Swamp white oakQuerces bicolor
- Leaf Arrangement alternate/simple
- Leaf margin smooth
- Shape obovate
- Shallow lobes almost look like big rounded teeth
5Bur oakQuerces macrocarpa
- Leaf arrangement alternate/simple
- Leaf margin smooth
- 5-9 lobes with a pair of deep sinuses about half
way up the leaf
6Northern red oakQuerces rubra
- Leaf Arrangement alternate/simple
- Leaf margin smooth
- Long, pointed lobes
7Shagbark HickoryCarya ovata
- Leaf arrangement alternate/compound
- 5-7 leaflets
- Leaflet margin finely toothed
- Terminal leaflet is often much larger than side
8American BeechFagus grandifolia
- Leaf arrangement alternate/simple
- Leaf margin coarse teeth curve inward and have a
very fine point - Veins are parallel and end at the tip of each
9HophornbeamOstrya virginia
- Leaf arrangement alternate/simple
- Leaf margin doubly toothed
10MusclewoodCarpinus caroliniana
- Sometimes called American hornbeam
- Leaf arrangement simple/alternate
- Leaf margin doubly toothed
- Bark is smooth and looks like muscle tissue
11Eastern White PinePinus strobus
- Coniferous tree keeps its needles over the winter
- 5 needles in each bundle (same number as the word
white) - Can perform photosynthesis year round
12Eastern HemlockTsuga canadensis
- Coniferous tree keeps its needles over the winter
- Needles are short and flat
- Can perform photsynthesis year round
13American BasswoodTilia americana
- Leaf arrangement simple/alternate
- Leaf margin coarsely toothed
- Leaf base unequal and heart-shaped
14Red mapleAcer rubrum
- Leaf arrangement opposite/simple
- Leaf margin coarsely toothed
- Leaf shape 3 lobes
- Leaf margin is not smooth like Sugar maple
15Sugar mapleAcer saccharum
- Leaf arrangement opposite/simple
- Leaf margin smooth
- Leaf shape 3 lobes
- Looks like the Canadian flag
16White AshFraxinus americana
- Leaf arrangement opposite/compound
- Leaflet margin smooth (sometimes fine teeth)
- 7-9 leaflets
- Only opposite/compound tree family in New England
17Witchhazel Hamamelis virginiana
- Shrub with multiple stems instead of one trunk
- Leaf arrangement opposite/simple
- Leaf margin wavy, not toothed
- Leaf shape ovate
18Mapleleaf viburnumViburnum acerifolium
- Shrub with multiple stems instead of one single
trunk - Leaf arrangement opposite/simple
- Leaf margin coarse teeth
- Leaf shape 3 lobes
- Leaf very similar to the Red maple, only much
19ArrowwoodViburnum dentatum
- Shrub with multiple stems instead of one single
trunk - Leaf arrangement opposite/simple
- Leaf margin coarsely toothed
- Leaf shape almost oval and arrow-shaped
- Leaf is tiny, 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 inches long
20Gray DogwwodCornus racimosa
- Shrub with multiple stems instead of one trunk
- Leaf arrangement opposite/simple
- Leaf margin smooth
- Veins of leaf run somewhat parallel to leaf
margin - White berries in fall are easy to see