Title: Multichart Geometry Images
1Multi-chart Geometry Images
Zoë Wood Caltech
Hugues Hoppe Microsoft Research
Steven Gortler Harvard
John Snyder Microsoft Research
2Geometry representation
completely regular
3Basic idea
4Basic idea
5Basic idea
simple traversal to render
r,g,b x,y,z
6Benefits of regularity
- Simplicity in rendering
- No vertex indirection
- No texture coordinate indirection
- Hardware potential
- Leverage image processing tools for geometric
7Limitations of single-chart
long extremities
high genus
? Unavoidable distortion and undersampling
8Limitations of semi-regular
Base charts effectively constrained to be
equal size equilateral triangles
9Multi-chart Geometry Images
piecewise regular
10Multi-chart Geometry Images
- Simple reconstruction rulesfor each 2-by-2 quad
of MCGIM samples - 3 defined samples ? render 1 triangle
- 4 defined samples ? render 2 triangles
(using shortest diagonal)
11Multi-chart Geometry Images
- Simple reconstruction rulesfor each 2-by-2 quad
of MCGIM samples - 3 defined samples ? render 1 triangle
- 4 defined samples ? render 2 triangles
(using shortest diagonal)
12Cracks in reconstruction
- Challenge the discrete sampling will cause
cracks in the reconstruction between charts
13MCGIM Basic pipeline
- Break mesh into charts
- Parameterize charts
- Pack the charts
- Sample the charts
- Zipper chart seams
- Optimize the MCGIM
14Mesh chartification
- Goal planar charts with compact boundaries
- Clustering optimization - Lloyd-Max (Shlafman
2002) - Iteratively grow chart from given seed
face.(metric is a product of distance and
normal) - Compute new seed face for each chart.(face that
is farthest from chart boundary) - Repeat above steps until convergence.
15Mesh chartification
- Bootstrapping
- Start with single seed
- Run chartification using increasing number of
seeds each phase - Until desired number reached
16Chartification Results
- Produces planar charts with compact boundaries
Sander et. al. 2001 80 stretch efficiency
Our method 99 stretch efficiency
- Goal Penalizes undersampling
- L2 geometric stretch of Sander et. al. 2001
- Hierarchical algorithm for solving minimization
- Goal Penalizes undersampling
- L2 geometric stretch of Sander et. al. 2001
- Hierarchical algorithm for solving minimization
Angle-preserving metric (Floater)
19Chart packing
- Goal minimize wasted space
- Based on Levy et al. 2002
- Place a chart at a time (from largest to
smallest) - Pick best position and rotation (minimize
wasted space) - Repeat above for multiple MCGIM rectangle shapes
- pick best
20Packing Results
Levy packing efficiency 58.0
Our packing efficiency 75.6
21Sampling into a MCGIM
- Goal discrete sampling of parameterized charts
into topological discs - Rasterize triangles with scan conversion
- Store geometry
22Sampling into a MCGIM
Boundary rasterization
Non-manifold dilation
23Zippering the MCGIM
- Goal to form a watertight reconstruction
24Zippering the MCGIM
- Algorithm Greedy (but robust) approach
- Identify cut-nodes and cut-path samples.
- Unify cut-nodes.
- Snap cut-path samples to geometric cut-path.
- Unify cut-path samples.
25Zippering Snap
- Snap
- Snap discrete cut-path samples to geometrically
closest point on cut-path
26Zippering Unify
- Unify
- Greedily unify neighboring samples
27How unification works
- Unify
- Test the distance of the next 3 moves
- Pick smallest to unify then advance
28How unification works
- Unify
- Test the distance of the next 3 moves
- Pick smallest to unify then advance
29How unification works
- Unify
- Test the distance of the next 3 moves
- Pick smallest to unify then advance
30Geometry image optimization
- Goal align discrete samples with mesh features
- Hoppe et. al. 1993
- Reposition vertices to minimize distance to
the original surface - Constrain connectivity
31Multi-chart results
genus 2 50 charts
Rendering PSNR 79.5
32Multi-chart results
RenderingPSNR 75.6
genus 1 40 charts
33Multi-chart results
RenderingPSNR 84.6
genus 0 25 charts
34Multi-chart results
RenderingPSNR 83.8
genus 0 15 charts
35Multi-chart results
singlechart PSNR 68.0
multi-chart PSNR 79.5
36Comparison to semi-regular
Original irregular
37Comparison to semi-regular
Original irregular mesh
Semi-regular mesh PSNR 87.8
MCGIM mesh PSNR 90.2
- Contributions
- Overall MCGIM representation
- Rendering simplicity
- Major zippering and optimization
- Minor packing and chartification
39Future work
- Provide
- Compression
- Level-of-detail rendering control
- Exploit rendering simplicity in hardware
- Improve zippering