RiskBased Solvency Requirements

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RiskBased Solvency Requirements


Conference in 'Recent Developments in Financial and Insurance Mathematics and ... I capital requirement (required solvency margin) is defined via the -quantile ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: RiskBased Solvency Requirements

Risk-Based Solvency Requirements
  • Hansjörg Furrer, Swiss LifeConference in Recent
    Developments in Financial and Insurance
    Mathematics and the Interplay with the Industry
  • Oberwolfach, 18-24 February 2007

Agenda - Overview
  • 1. From Solvency 0 to Solvency II
  • Standard models and internal models
  • Risk measurement in a multi-period framework
  • Conclusions

Agenda - Overview
  • 1. From Solvency 0 to Solvency II
  • Standard models and internal models
  • Risk measurement in a multi-period framework
  • Conclusions

What is Solvency?
  • Solvency
  • the ability of an insurer to fullfil its
    obligations under all insurance contracts under
    all reasonable foreseeable circumstances
  • How to meet this requirement?
  • insurers establish over and above the technical
    provisions a buffer of freely available capital
    against adverse business fluctuations to meet
    their underwriting liabilities
  • Question size of the buffer? time horizon?

Solvency in Europe Solvency 0
  • 1973 / 1979 publication of the first non-life
    and life directives of the EEC (European Economic
  • mainly based on the work by Campagne 5
  • Campagne recognizes that
  • Investment risk is the most important risk for a
    life company
  • Technical provisions are the most important
    invested amount
  • Solvency margin as a percentage of the technical
  • the more prudent a company is, the more it has
    to pay for the solvency

Required solvency margin
  • Required solvency margin for life companies (EEC,
  • 1st Result 4 of the mathematical reserves (?
    investment risk)2nd Result 3 capital at risk
    (? technical risk)
  • Early warning signal, based on fixed ratios
    (wind-up barrier guarantee fund ? 1/3 of the
    solvency requirement)
  • Rationale for the 4 solvency margin figure?

Pearson type-IV distribution
The Solvency I capital requirement (required
solvency margin) is defined via the ?-quantile
(one-year VaR) of the loss ratio distribution,
where the loss ratio X is defined as
Here L denotes the one-year loss and R the
technical provisions. Campagne 5 assumed that X
has a Pearson type-IV distribution
The required solvency margin qa is thus given by
Density function of the Pearson type-IV
distribution with parameters
For the data that were used, this led to qa 4
(a 95).
Solvency in Europe Solvency I
  • 1992 2nd and later 3rd directive solvency
    margins left unchanged
  • 1994 Insurance Committee asks the European
    supervisory authorities (from 2004 CEIOPS) to
    establish a working group to investigate solvency
  • Chair of the group Helmut Müller (BAV,
    Bundesaufsichtsamt für das Versicherungswesen)
  • 1997 presentation of the Müller Report 8
  • current solvency margin structure satisfactory
  • amount of the minimum guarantee fund needs to be
    increased (inflation)
  • identification of three risk groups (technical,
    investment, non-technical)
  • 2000 Based on the Müller Report and further
    preparatory work, new life and non-life
    directives were proposed
  • 2002 New life and non-life directives were
    adopted by the European Parliament
    Solvency I directives

The Solvency I Life Directive
  • Approved in March 2002
  • Set into force as of Jan 2004

  • Available solvency margin covering the technical
    provisions must be of good quality
  • Guarantee fund may not be less than a minimum of
    EUR 3m
  • Solvency requirements for unit-linked contracts

  • Simple, robust
  • easy to understand and use
  • inexpensive to administer
  • rule-based, and not explicitly risk-based (e.g.
    differences between asset and liability profiles
    are neglected)

  • have worked well over the years
  • have significantly increased the protection of
    the policyholders
  • BUT Since the creation of these rules,
    significant changes have taken place in the
    insurance industry need to adapt the rules

Life insurance environment since the 90ies
In 1980 the life insurance industry was 150
years old, in 2000 it was 20 years old
  • Equity markets experienced a strong bull run from
  • severe underwriting losses could be disguised
  • Equity and corporate bond markets suffered falls
    in 2001-2002
  • Interest rates stabilized on a low level
  • problems with (high) guaranteed returns
  • Increasing life expectancy / costs
  • More frequent extremes / catastrophes (e.g.
    09/11, Tsunami)

Solvency in Europe towards Solvency II
  • 1999 At a meeting of the Insurance Committee
    (IC) it was agreed that a more fundamental review
    of the overall financial position of an insurance
    company should be done. This review should
    include previously neglected risk classes (e.g.
    ALM risk, OpRisk,)
  • 1999 Solvency II project was named for the first
    time in a paper entitled The Review of the
    Overall Financial Position of an Insurance
    Undertaking (Solvency II Review). Aspects
  • Technical provisions (non-life) - Reinsurance
  • Asset / investment risk - Solvency margins
    (reflecting the true risks)
  • ALM - Accounting systems
  • 2001 Launch of the Solvency II project by the
    European Commission (EC)
  • CEIOPS was asked to provide input and

The three phases of the Solvency II project
Phase 1
KPMG Report, Sharma Report
  • KPMG Report 7 criticizes that even though
    assets, provisions and solvency margins are
    connected, firm-specific risks are not explicitly
    taken into account
  • CEIOPS set up a working group of insurance
    supervisors, known as LWG (London Working Group)
    as it was chaired by Paul Sharma from the FSA
  • 2002 Publication of the Sharma Report 10
  • Risk classification and causal chain mapping
  • Survey on actual failures and near misses from
  • Discussion of 21 case studies in 17 European
  • in each case, the causal chain began with
    underlying internal causes (e.g. incompetence,
    operating outside area of expertise, inadequate
    internal controls etc.)

Current Status of the Solvency II Project
  • February 2007 Solvency II Framework Directive at
    a drafting phase
  • to be published in July 2007
  • Based on the various answers on the Calls for
    Advice that took place between 2004-2006
  • During the same time period, CEIOPS Quantitative
    Impact Studies QIS (three so far, more to come?)
    provided insight mainly into the Pillar 1
  • July 2007 Publication of the draft Solvency II
  • Political decision making process commences in
    the European Parliament and European Council of

Objective of Solvency II
Securing the benefits of the policyholders
  • Note this does not necessarily require the
    continued existence of a company. Zero-failure
    will not be the aim of prudential supervisory
    systems. In a free market, failures will occur!

Agenda - Overview
  • 1. From Solvency 0 to Solvency II
  • Standard models and internal models
  • Risk measurement in a multi-period framework
  • Conclusions

European standard models (1/2)
From formula to spreadsheet solutions
  • Major risk categories
  • Market - Credit
  • Insurance - Operational
  • Most of these main risks can be subdivided
  • into sub-risks (e.g. insurance risk into
  • u/w risk, mortality risk, sickness risk,
  • surrender or lapse risk, and expense risk)
  • Notation Capital requirement for each risk
  • Market, insurance and credit risk are measured in
    the following way
  • For OpRisk, the Basel II Standardized Approach is
    being used

European standard models (2/2)
From formula to spreadsheet solutions
  • Depending on the correlations used (usually 1 for
    high correlation and 0 for low correlation),
    the solvency capital requirements result in
    factor-based formulae like the following
  • Quantitative impact studies (QIS) serve to
    calibrate data from different countries

Insurance risk
Credit risk
The Swiss Solvency Test
  • Definition The SST is a principle-based
    framework aiming to assess an insurance companys
    financial soundness in order to ensure the
    fulfillment of its (long-term) obligations
    towards the policyholders by taking into account
    the true risks the company is exposed to
  • Risks entering the capital requirement
  • market
  • insurance
  • credit
  • emanating during a one-year time horizon
  • Note OpRisk does not enter the SST capital

Timeline of the SST development
Market crash, deterioration of insurers solvency
H Lüthy becomes new director of FOPI,
reorientation to prudential supervision
Start of Swiss Solvency Test project Mai 2003
with participation of industry, actuarial and
insurance association, consulting companies and
others, conceptual work finished end of 2003
Field test 2004 with 10 insurers, supported by
consulting companies
Further development underway on requirements on
internal models, group effects and intervention
Field test 2005 with 45 insurers covering
approximately 90 of the market
  • Insurance supervision act implemented 01/01/2006

Field test 2006, mandatory for all large life
nonlife companies
Small companies, reinsurers and groups prepare
for full SST calculations in 2008
Field test 2007, mandatory for all large life
nonlife companies
As of 2008 all companies have to implement the
SST, and as of 201, target capital requirement
will be in force
SST and Solvency II timelines in comparison
  • Phase III
  • Implementing phase
  • New insurance supervision act AVO set into force
    on 01/01/2006
  • SST for groups and financial conglomerates
  • Phase II
  • Two field test runs
  • Calibration of the model, parameters
  • Phase I
  • Conceptual work
  • Establishment of a standard model

Solvency II
  • Phase III
  • Implementing phase
  • Modeling, standard models, calibration of models
    and parameters
  • Implementation in national law
  • Phase II
  • Development of detailed rules
  • Three waves of Calls for Advice giving structure
    of the framework
  • QIS1, QIS2, Impact assessments,
  • Phase I
  • Gathering knowledge
  • General design of the system (e.g. 3-pillar
  • KPMG report, Sharma report, .

The SST principles
  • All assets and liabilities are valued market
  • Risks considered are market, credit and insurance
  • Risk-bearing capital is defined as the difference
    of the market consistent value of assets less the
    market consistent value of liabilities, plus the
    market value margin
  • Target capital is defined as the sum of the
    Expected Shortfall of change of risk-bearing
    capital within one year at the 99 confidence
    level plus the market value margin
  • The market value margin is approximated by the
    cost of the present value of future required
    regulatory capital for the run-off of the
    portfolio of assets and liabilities
  • Under the SST, an insurers capital adequacy is
    defined if its target capital is less than its
    risk bearing capital
  • The scope of SST is legal entity and group /
    conglomerate level domiciled in Switzerland
  • Scenarios defined by the regulator as well as
    company specific scenarios have to be evaluated
    and, if relevant, aggregated within the target
    capital calculation
  • All relevant probabilistic states have to be
    modeled probabilistically
  • Partial and full internal models can and should
    be used. If the SST standard model is not
    applicable, then a partial or full internal model
    has to be used
  • The internal model has to be integrated into the
    core processes within the company
  • SST Report to supervisor such that a
    knowledgeable 3rd party can understand the
  • Disclosure of methodology of internal model such
    that a knowledgeable 3rd party can get a
    reasonably good impression on methodology and
    design decisions
  • Senior Management is responsible for adherence to

The revised insurance supervision act
Old act
New act
  • Rule based
  • Product and tariff approval
  • Restrictions on products, investments and
  • Solely Solvency I capital requirements, no
    explicit consideration of investment risk
  • Consequences
  • Overexposure to risky assets
  • Under-priced long-term guarantees
  • Accounting and regulatory arbitrage
  • Compliance culture
  • Often underdeveloped risk management
  • No link between regulatory requirements and
    companies internal risk measurements
  • Principle based
  • Review of provisions
  • No restrictions on products (with the exception
    of mandatory group life and health insurance
  • Less restrictions on investments
  • Solvency I and risk-based capital requirements

The SST concept economic balance sheet
Valuation reserves
Free capital
Credit risk capt
Risk bearing capital
Market insurance risk capt (incl. scen)
Target capital
Market Value Margin
Market value of assets
Best-estimate Expected value of liabilities,
taking into account all up to date information
from financial market and from insurance. All
relevant options and guarantees have to be
valued No explicit or implicit margins Discounting
at the risk-free interest rate
Best- estimate liabilities
Market value of liabilities
The SST standard model
  • Mixture between factor- and scenario-based model
  • One-year time horizon for SCR, Cost-of-capital
    approach for MVM
  • Major risk categories
  • Market - Credit - Insurance
  • Probabilistic approach the model output shall be
    a probability distribution function from where
    risk measures can be derived thereof
  • Variance-covariance approach for market and life
    insurance risk
  • Non-life different probability distributions for
    reserve risk and current year risk. The current
    year risk is further subdivided into a large
    claims risk and a small claims regime)
  • SST already implemented in the law (Revised
    Insurance Supervision Act, set into force on

Risk measurement framework
Risk models
Valuation models
Market risk
Market value assets
Insurance risk
Best estimate liabilities
Credit risk
Market Value Margin
Output of analytical model (probability
Results from analytical model combined with
weighted average of scenario impacts
Target capital and Risk-bearing capital
Risk measurement in the SST
Average Value-at-Risk (Tail Value-at-Risk) as
risk measure
Probability distribution of the change in risk
bearing capital RBC1-RBC0
Change in market value of assets
Capital requirement
Target capital
Economic balance sheet at the valuation date t 0
Realization of theeconomic balance sheet at
time t 1
Market value margin MVM
  • Rationale A buyer needs to put up regulatory
    capital aside during the run-off period of the
    portfolio of assets and liabilities
  • The buyer needs to be compensated for the cost of
    having to put aside regulatory capital
  • Market value Margin present value of future
    regulatory risk capital costs associated with the
    portfolio of assets and liabilitieswhere
    is the annually-compounded
    yield-to-maturity and the cost of capital
  • In practice, a proxy such as the best-estimate of
    future liabilities can be used to calculate the
    future one-year risk capitals

SST standard model for market risk (1/2)
  • The SST standard market risk model is a
    RiskMetrics type model with given risk factors
    Zi such as e.g.
  • interest rates - exchange rates -
  • equity prices - implied volatilities
  • commodity prices - credit spreads
  • Assumptions
  • The risk factor changes X(t) Z(t) Z(t 1)
    are assumed to have a multivariate normal
    distribution with covariance matrix ?
  • The change in risk bearing capital is a linear
    function of the risk factor changes
  • The change in risk-bearing capital is univariate
    normally distributed

RBC(t) f (Z(t))
SST standard model for market risk (2/2)
  • 73 Risk Factors
  • 413 interest rate
  • 1 Credit spread
  • 4 FX
  • 4 Real Estate
  • 1 Hedge Fund
  • 1 Private equity
  • 1 Participations
  • 3 Implied vola

Interest rate time buckets 1,,10, 15,20,30
  • Shares
  • CHF
  • EUR
  • USD
  • GPB
  • Japan
  • Asia ex Japan
  • EMU SmallCap
  • Real Estate
  • IAZI
  • Commercial
  • Rüd Blass
  • Hedge Funds
  • Private Equity
  • Participations
  • FX

SST standard model for life risk (1/2)
  • Analytical model with the following risk factors
  • Mortality - Recovery - Expenses
  • Longevity - Surrender / Lapse
  • Morbidity - Capital option exercise
  • Assumptions
  • Risk factor changes are multivariate normally
    distributed with mean zero and covariance
    structure ? (based on expert opinion)
  • Biometric risks are assumed to be independent
    from market risk factors
  • Scenarios
  • Pandemic (Spanish flu 1918 translated to the
  • Disability scenario (short term increase
    systemic increase)
  • Mortality long term changes (to take into
    account of systemic over- or underestimation),

SST standard model for life risk (2/2)
SST standard model for credit risk
  • Definition of credit risk within the SST
  • risk of default or change in the credit quality
    of issuers of securities to whom the company has
    an exposure
  • Distinction between
  • default risk
  • downgrade or migration risk
  • Quantification
  • Basel II (standardized) approach
  • Internal models
  • Basel II IRB
  • Credit risk portfolio models provided that they
    capture the credit migration riskCreditRisk
    would not be permissible since only the default
    risk is modeled

SST standard model for scenarios (1/3)
  • Motivation during normal years, the market and
    insurance risk capital is determined on the basis
    of a variance-covariance type model, i.e.
  • the risk factor changes are assumed to follow a
    multivariate normal distributionwith mean 0 and
    covariance matrix ?
  • The change in risk bearing capital is a linear
    function of the risk factor changes (1st order
  • Poor description of extreme tail
    events(distribution of risk factor changes have
    more extreme events than would be predicted by
    the normal law)

SST standard model for scenarios (2/3)
SST standard model for scenarios (3/3)
  • The impact of a number of scenarios (both
    pre-specified and company specific) on the risk
    bearing capital has to be assessed
  • Assumptions scenario i, i 1,,m occurs with
    probability pi and causes an additional loss of
    ci (cilt0)
  • The probability of a normal year is
  • The probability distribution of the change in
    risk bearing capital during one year with
    aggregated scenarios is

Scenario aggregation an illustrative example
? 10 ? 40 c1 - 50 c2 - 150 p1 0.04 p2
0.05 p0 1 (p1 p2)
Pros and cons of standard models
  • Easy to implement in a spreadsheet
  • Allows for fast calculations
  • Easy to amend / extend
  • Suitable for management purposes
  • Easy to verify for the supervising
  • Too simplistic
  • Hidden model assumptions
  • Possibly inconsistent
  • Model mixtures (stochastic ? volume-based)
  • Valuation and risk measurement
  • Aggregation of risk classes
  • Expert opinion required at various levels
  • Subjective parameter estimates such as
    correlation coefficients between the four main
    risk categories
  • Incomplete
  • Options and guarantees not priced

Characteristics of a good risk model
  • An economic capital model should be consistent
  • between the valuation of assets and liabilities
  • between the valuation and the risk measurement
  • between the risk assessments of different time
    periods in a multi-period setup
  • With an internal model, one should be able to
    determine a level of capital that closely
    reflects the actual risks borne by the company in
    terms of
  • Exposure to non-linearities, in particular
    (embedded) options and guarantees
  • Volatilities of securities
  • Underwriting results
  • An economic capital model should be
  • clearly and comprehensively documented
  • integrated into the regular risk reporting
    process (i.e. no ad-hoc solutions for external
    parties such as regulators)
  • equipped with clear responsibilities, reviewed by
    internal and external parties

The demand for internal models
  • Regulatory perspective In October 2006, the
    Swiss regulator (FOPI) sent out a letter to all
    Swiss life insurance companies asking them to
    abstain from simplified economic capital models
    (such as variance-covariance type models) for SST
    purposes. Rather, companies should develop and
    use internal models. Companies have until 31
    March 2007 to present a project plan to the FOPI
    regarding the implementation of such a model.
  • standard model not appropriate for large
    companies, re-insurers, insurance groups and
    financial conglomerates
  • large volumes of the business may be written
    outside of Switzerland
  • there may be substantial amounts of embedded
    options and guarantees, i.e. non-linearities
  • Rating agencies SP rewards innovation within
    their ERM assessments

What makes a good model?
Internal model requirements
Process related
Corporate governance
  • Consistency (all levels)
  • Appropriate modeling of non-linearities, in
    particular (embedded) options and guarantees
  • Multi-period stochastic simulation approach
  • No ad-hoc solutions (e.g. models must be
    integrated into internal risk management
  • Comprehensive documentation
  • Regulatory assessment / review
  • Clear responsibilities

Modeling and implementation issues
  • Time discretization (continuous daily, monthly,
    quarterly, ?)
  • In a parametric framework model choice, i.e.
    tractability versus correctness (Example
    dependency structures)
  • Granularity of the asset and liability universe /
    number of model points
  • Number of simulated sample paths / scenarios
    efficiency versus statistical significance of the
    output. Confidence intervals, rare event
    simulation, .
  • Calibration
  • One-period versus multi-period approach?
  • Choice of risk measure

Complicated models will always be based on
subjective esti-mates which make the outputs at
best difficult to verify or compare across the
Agenda - Overview
  • 1. From Solvency 0 to Solvency II
  • Standard models and internal models
  • Risk measurement in a multi-period framework
  • Conclusions

  • Belgian life insurance companies are given
    exemption fromthe strengthening of their
    reserves if they can demonstratethat they have
    an excellent asset-liability management in place.
    In this regard, the Belgian control authority
    CBFA recently released a document including the
    following request
  • Lentreprise dassurances fournit la Value at
    Risk (VaR) et la Tail Value at Risk (TailVaR) à
    un horizon de 1 an, de 5 ans et de 10 ans, ainsi
    que la probabilité de ruine sur ces même horizons
    de temps.
  • Is this a well-posed problem?

One-period vs multi-period risk measurement
Risk evolving over several periods of uncertainty
?? one-period risk
  • Availability of information
  • Possibility of taking intermediate actions
    (willingly or unwillingly)
  • rebalancing the portfolio according to a
    predetermined investment strategy
  • Bonus policy
  • Raising capital
  • Selling off subsidiaries (legal structure)
  • Exercising embedded options
  • Appropriate risk measure choice
  • To be applied to the terminal values or the
    entire stochastic process?
  • Properties such as time-consistency
  • Object of interest financial position X at the
    end of the period under consideration
  • Absence of inflow of information
  • Buy and hold strategy, i.e. no intermediate
    actions are permissible

Time-consistent dynamic risk measures
cf Delbaen et. al.
  • Key question how are the risk assessments of
    financial positions interrelated in different
    periods of time?
  • Definition a dynamic convex risk measure
    is called time consistent iffor all
    financial positions X, Y ? L? and t 0, 1, ,
  • Interpretation acceptability tomorrow in any
    state of the world ensures acceptability
    today. Put another way, capital requirements
    should not contradict each other as time evolves.

Tail-VaR is not time-consistent
  • One can show that Tail-VaR is not time
  • More general risk measures that solely depend on
    the law of the terminal value can not be
  • The Belgian control authority should be careful
    when asking for multi-period Tail-VaRs this can
    lead to contradictory capital requirements.
    Assuming a holding strategy, then,
  • at time 0, the regulator may accept a companys
    risk capital
  • at time 1, however, the regulator might be forced
    to refuse!
  • Different (investment) strategies lead to
    different capital requirements (regulatory vs
    internal view)

Future challenges
  • and the role of academia
  • Modeling of group and cross-sectoral issues (no
    longer on solo level), in particular
  • Risk aggregation / diversification
  • Legal structure
  • Appropriate modeling of all the CRTIs (capital
    and risk transfer instruments such as
    reinsurance, guarantees, )
  • Fungibility of capital

Agenda - Overview
  • 1. From Solvency 0 to Solvency II
  • Standard models and internal models
  • Risk measurement in a multi-period framework
  • Conclusions

Conclusions (1/2)
  • Rapid changes in the design of insurance
    supervisory frameworks in the wake of the stock
    market crash at the beginning of the noughties
  • Key driver towards model choice as simple as
    possible, but not simpler
  • Standard models often not appropriate to capture
    all the risks taken by a company (too simple)
  • Standard models rather designed for small
    companies than large ones
  • Development of internal risk models very costly
  • Any financial model is a simplified and thus
    imperfect representation of the economic world
    and the ways in which managers perform
    (financing) decisions, investment, or trading.
    That is, be aware of the model risk!
  • Alignment of the different capital requirements
    (regulators, rating agencies)

Conclusions (2/2)
  • Complicated models always be based on subjective
    (parameter) estimates.
  • At best estimates difficult to verify (by
    investors / auditors) or compare across the
  • At worst manipulation of models to flatter the
    bottom line
  • Multi-period risk model approaches desirable, but
    leave the company with a myriad of decisions /
    assumptions to be taken
  • Lack of capacity for regulators / auditors to
    verify, validate and approve the companies
    internal risk-calculation models
  • Lack of convergence among regulatory regimes.
    Large and internationally active insurance
    companies may be faced with the problem that some
    of their (overseas) subsidiaries will be
    regulated by other, often cruder measures (A
    battle over Basel II. The Economist, 4 November

  • Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. (2005).
    International Convergence of Capital Measurement
    and Capital Standards. A Revised Framework (Basel
    II). Bank for International Settlements (BIS),
    Basel. www.bis.org/publ/bcbs118.pdf
  • Bundesamt für Privatversicherungen (2004).
    Weissbuch des Schweizer Solvenztests.
  • Bundesamt für Privatversicherungen. (2005).
    Verordnung über die Beaufsichtigung von privaten
    Versicherungsunternehmen. Aufsichtsverordnung,
    AVO, 961.011. BPV Bern. Available under
  • Bundesamt für Privatversicherungen (2006).
    Organizational Requirements for Model Use in SST.
    BPV Bern, 12 January 2006. www.bpv.admin.ch/themen

References (contd)
  • Campagne, C. (1961). Standard minimum de
    solvabilité applicable aux entreprises
    dassurances. Report of the OECE (Organisation
    Européenne de Cooperation Economique).
  • International Actuarial Association (IAA).
    (2004). A Global Framework for Insurer Solvency
    Assessment. Research Report of the Insurer
    Solvency Assessment Working Party. Available at
  • KPMG (2002). Study into the methodologies to
    assess the overall financial position of an
    insurance undertaking from the perspective of
    prudential supervision.

References (contd)
  • Müller, H. et al. (1997). Report of the Working
    Group Solvency of Insurance Undertakings. Set
    up by the Conference of the European Union Member
    States. Available under www.ceiops.org
  • Sandström, A. (2005). Solvency. Models,
    Assessment and Regulation. Chapman Hall.
  • Sharma, P. (2002). Prudential Supervision of
    Insurance Undertakings. Paper presented at the
    Conference of Insurance Supervisory Services of
    the Member States of the European Union (now
    CEIOPS) http//europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market/
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