Title: Offline Software Commissioning
1as from inclusive EW observables in ee-
annihilation Hasko Stenzel
- Experimental Input
- measurement
- pseudo-observables
- Determination of as
- fit procedure
- QCD/EW corrections
- Systematic uncertainties
- QCD uncertainties
- experimental/parametric
- Improvements/Outlook
3Lineshape measurements at LEP
- Measurement of cross sections and asymmetries
around the Z resonance by the LEP experiments
ADLO and SLD - interpretation in terms of pseudo-observables to
minimize the correlation - combination of individual measurements and their
correlation - inclusion of other relevant EW measurements
(heavy flavour, mW,mt,...) - global EW fits to constrain the free parameters
of the SM ... - in particular constraints on the mass of the
Higgs... - but also determination of as
- Results Phys.Rep. 427 (2006) 257
PDG 2006
4Combined lineshape results
- LEP combination of pseudo-observables
- raw experimental input from ADLO converted into
lineshape observables - unfolding of QED radiative corrections
- minimize correlation between observables
- determination of experimental correlation matrix
- errors include stat. exp. syst.
- assume here lepton universality
- not a unique choice of observables/assumptions
- Most results dominated by experimental
uncertainty, - important common errors are
- LEP energy calibration mZ , GZ, s0had
- Small angle Bhabha scattering s0had
- luminosity
5From measured cross sections...
Convolution of the EW cross section with QED
6... to pseudo-observables
Not independent observable but useful for as
Partial widths and asymmetries are conveniently
parameterised in terms of effective EW couplings
7Partial width in the SM
- g and ? effective complex couplings of fermions
to Z - mass effects explicitly embodied for leptons
- QCD corrections for quarks incorporated in the
radiator Functions RA and Rv - factorizable EW x QCD corrections in the
effective couplings - Non-factorizable EW x QCD corrections
8Sensitivity of partial widths and POs to as
ratio to as0.1185
weak sensitivity for Gl only through O(aas)
best sensitivity for s0l
- Overall rather weak sensitivity of inclusive EW
observables to as -
- for a 10 change of as a 0.3 change in the
observables is obtained with respect to a nominal
value O(as 0.1185)
9General structure of QCD radiators
NNLO massless
NNLO mq2/s
NLO mq4/s2
LO mq6/s3
In addition the effective EW couplings ? and g
incorporate mixed QCD x EW corrections i.e. O(a
as), O(a as2), O(G F m t2 as)...
10Radiator dependence on as
- as dependence of the widths dominated by the
radiator dependence - Vector part of the radiators identical for all
flavours, axial-vector part flavour-dependent
11EW couplings dependence on as
Very weak dependence on as through the mixed
corrections, e.g. running of a
H.Burkhardt, B.Pietrzyk, PRD 72(2005)057501
using here
derived from lower energy annihilation data via
the dispersion integral
12Impact of higher order corrections
- Three main ingredients of the QCD correction
- the NNLO part
- the quark mass corrections
- the mixed QCD x EW terms
- What is their
- relative impact?
13Global EW fits
Free parameters of the SM fits with ZFITTER /
- ?a2had(mZ2)
- as(mZ2)
- mZ
- mt
- mH
- experimental input
- lineshape measurements
- ?a2had(mZ2)
- asymmetry parameters
- heavy flavour measurements
- top W mass
- 18 inputs, high Q2-set
Fit results ?2/Ndof 18.3/13 w/o
common systematic errors no QCD!
14Fit results SM consistency
15Sensitivity to the Higgs Mass
16EW fit result for the Higgs Mass
- Claim
- Theory uncertainty for Higgs does not include QCD
uncertainties - these are absorbed into the value of as
- Purpose for the rest of this talk
- evaluate QCD uncertainties
17QCD uncertainties for as from EW observables
- Implementation of the renormalisation scale
dependence in ZFITTER - running of as(µ)
- running of the quark masses
- explicit scale terms in the expansion
H.S., JHEP07 (2005) 013
18Scale dependence for radiators and couplings
QCD Radiators
EW couplings
19Scale dependence for the Pseudo-observables
partial widths
Evaluation of the PT uncertainty for the POs
scale variation
Range of variation purely conventional, but
widely used.
Uncertainty for observable O defined as
Typical uncertainty 0.5 Depends obviously on
as .
20dependence of the PO uncertainty on as
Increase of the observables uncertainty by a
factor of 2 for 0.11 lt aslt0.13
21Evaluation of uncertainty for as as obtained from
an EW observable
- Technique based on the uncertainty-band Method
- Evaluate the observable O for a given value of as
- calculate the PT uncertainties for O using xµ
scale variation at given as - the change of O under xµ can also be obtained by
a variation of as - the corresponding variation range for asis
assigned as systematic uncertainty
Uncertainty band method R.W.L. Jones et al.,
JHEP12 (2003) 007
22Uncertainty for as from EW observables
For as0.119 the uncertainty is 0.0010-0.0012
Strategy adopted by LEPEWG calculate QCD
uncertainty of the observables in the covariance
matrix included in the fit. Result
23Best strategy for as
- Wealth of electroweak data from LEP and elsewhere
allows - for precision measurements of Standard Model
parameters - Constraints of the Higgs mass (upper limit)
- Indirect determinations of mW and mt
- precision measurement of as
- consistency tests of the SM
- For as from EW observables the QCD uncertainty
has been - determined to 0.0010, compared to
- as0.1188 0.0027 (exp) 0.0010 (QCD)
- An outstanding verification is expected from
event-shapes at - LEP and NNLO calculations for differential
distributions, - where an experimental uncertainty of 1 is