Title: Hot Quarks 2004
1Electrons (and Electron Pairs) in STAR
- Charm (onium) and Bottom (onium!) in STAR
2Heavy Flavor Program In STAR
- Learn about charm/beauty physics (Peter and Matt)
- Suppression? Potential for direct probe of
deconfinement? - Very long term quarkonium spectroscopy
- Measurements
- Open Charm via Ds H. Zhang (yesterday)
- Single electrons Access charm (and bottom at
higher pt!) - ee- pairsQuarkonium J/Y, ?
- Electron ID capabilites
- Single electron data
- Electron pairs towards quarkonium
- Run IV data
3Electron Identification, dE/dx
- Use TPC for dE/dx
- Look at pgt1.5 GeV/c
- Can see a region where the electron band sits.
- Not ideal, but
- LARGE acceptance
- h?1, 0ltflt2p
- TOF in limited f
4Electron Identification dE/dx
- Can select two regions
- around electron band
- signal
- Outside electron band
- Background
- e/h 500 (p dependent)
5Electron Identification, Barrel EMC
- Run IV acc
- 0lthlt1, 0ltflt2p
- Distance from track to center of a tower
- Tower Energy
- High-granularity Shower Maximum information
6Barrel EMC Electron ID
- p/E for electron and hadron candidates
- p is the track momentum, E is the tower energy
- Peak position depends on the distance to the
center of the tower - EMC e/h 250
- (pT-dependent)
- Combined EMCTPC e/h105
7High-pT electron trigger
- EMC provides a Level 0 high-pT electron trigger
- Runs for every RHIC crossing (10 MHz)
- Two ET thresholds
- 2.5 and 5 GeV
- Enhancement as high as 1000 for pT gt 5 GeV/c
8Deconstructing the spectrum
- Total electron spectra
- Background
- Instrumental sources
- ? convertion
- Hadron background
- Dalitz decays (p0, ?)
- Kaon decays
- vector meson decays (? ? F)
- Signal
- heavy quark semi-leptonic decay
- Drell-Yan, Thermal, etc
9Background finding efficiency
- Need knowledge of background finding efficiency
vs. p - Shape of p0 spectrum
- Measure most of the background (avoids cocktail)
10Inclusive spectrum
- Awaiting final reproduction of dAu data
11Non-Photonic spectrum
- EMC TOF analysis agree
- Can calculate e from Open Charm
- Charm could be dominant source below 4-5 GeV/c
- Also see Cronin for e in dAu (Cronin for charm)
- PYTHIA 6.22
- width of primordial kT distribution 1.5 GeV/c
- mc 1.25 GeV/c2, mb 4.8/5.0 GeV/c2
- K-factor ? obtain from fit
- Definition in 2?2 hard parton scattering Q2s
- HF production MSEL 4
- parton virtuality PARP(67) 1
- Vary parameters
- for each parameter set fit measured spectrum with
either common or separate K factor for c and b
components - Match measured scc
- Extract?bb cross-section
- sbb rather stable against variation
- sbb ? 5 mb
In Progress
14Electron Pairs Quarkonium Trigger
- Divide f in 6 sections
- Find a tower above a threshold
- Look in the 3 opposite sections in f
- If another tower above threshold, trigger!
15AuAu Production Rates
- (BR x s) in pp _at_ ?s200 GeV
- Rates per event, into ee-, per unit y at y0
16So, How many in Run IV?
? Yield 0.02 ? ? ee-, pgt3 GeV per 1M min-bias
events 0.1 ? ? ee-, pgt3 GeV per 1M 10 central
events (Triggered event central)
J/y Yield 12 J/y ? ee-, pgt1.2 GeV per 1M
min-bias events 50 J/y ? ee-, pgt1.2 GeV per
1M 10 central events
- Run IV
- Min bias
- 30M 12x30 360
- Central
- 50x30 1500
Include - fAB (hard fraction) - 1 unit ? 4p -
Acceptance (1/2 Barrel) Assuming 0.5x(3/4
Barrel) - momentum cut
17Did the trigger work?
minimum bias 7854 events Central 26581 Upsilon
triggers 1159
- BEMC analysis electrons in STAR is on shell!
- Single electron results in pp, dAu soon to be
finalized - E seem to show Cronin
- Beauty starts to dominate 4-5 GeV/c (model dep.)
- sbb 5mb
- Electron pairs can be accessed in STAR
- Trigger on J/Y in pp offline search in AuAu Run
IV - Trigger on ? in all systems caveat small s
- Getting ready for the production of Run IV data
- For theorists in the house predictions!
19(No Transcript)
20Trigger Bias
- Sufficient overlap between minimum bias and EMC
triggered data - Can combine all 3 datasets