Title: Light scalars as tetraquark states
1Light scalars as tetraquark states
- Francesco Giacosa
- Hirschegg
- 18/01/07
2Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
- Outline
- Problems of the light scalar mesons
- Interpretation of the light scalar mesons
interpreted as tetraquark-states (Strong and e.m.
decays, hadronic d.o.f) - Mixing of tetraquark and quarkonia
configurations - Outlook and Summary
3Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
Scalar Mesons below 1.8 GeV listed in PDG
M lt 1 GeV 1
GeV lt M lt 1.8 GeV
Too many resonances than expected from
quark-antiquark states
4Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
M lt 1 GeV
Assignement has problems!!!
5List of Problems
Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
- Masses degeneracy of and
- Strong coupling of to
- The scalar quarkonia are p-wave states (L S
1), thus expected to be heavier than 1 GeV as
tensor and axial-vector mesons - Some Lattice results find
- Large behavior of light scalar not
compatible with quarkonia
from Prelovsek et al., Phys. Rev. D 70 (2004),
Burch et al., Phys. Rev. D 73 (2006)
from Pelaez, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2004),
Pelaez and Rios, hep-ph/0610397
6Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
Tetraquark interpretation
- Jaffes four-quark states can
explain the scalar states below 1 GeV
- Out of a diquark and an anti-diquark one can
build a nonet of four-quark states with suitable
- A spinless diquark in the flavor and color
antisymmetric combination (good diquark) forms a
compact object - (1-gluon exchange, instantons, NJL, DSE)
Example of a good diquark
7Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
Under SU(3)-flavor the 3 diquarks behave like
8Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
M lt 1 GeV
Tetraquark interpretation
9Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
Previous works and motivations
Strong decays of a tetraquark state
Jaffe-orig Jaffe, Phys. Rev. D 15 (1977),
Bugg-06 hep-ex/0603089 Maiani Maiani et al,
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2004)
Systematic evaluation of amplitudes My work
Giacosa, Phys. Rev. D 74 (2006)
10Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
Strong decays within a hadronic model (never see
quarks and gluons, only hadrons)
Nonet of pseduoscalar states
Nonet of scalar tetraquark states
The phys. resonances result from mixing
11Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
Write the flavor, P, C invariant interaction
Lagrangian for the scalar 4q decays
The trace structure corresponds to the
microscopic diagrams
12Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
Decay amplitudes as functions of dominant and
subdominant constants
13Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
Non-trivial agreement then all the other ratios
are determined
Imp without the subdmominant one has
14Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
For the two-photon decays proceed in a similar
Outlook decay of (and into) vector mesons.
Through VMD no new parameters.
15Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
M lt 1 GeV 1
GeV lt M lt 2 GeV
These are 4q-states!!!
These are quarkonia (with glueball-intrusion)!!!
16Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
Extension tetraquark-quarkonia mixing (sketch)
- Scalar tetraquark and quarkonia states can mix
- (Black et al, Phys. Rev. D 64 (2001),
Fariborz et al. Phys. Rev. D 72 (2005) ) - Extension of the model
consider scalar and
pseudoscalar quarkonia meson and scalar
tetraquark states (Giacosa, hep-ph/0611388)
P, S
P, S
17Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
Mixing in the isovector sector
In particular
One relates the tetraquark-decay parameters to
the mixing strenght then, one can evaluate the
The mixing is small !!!
18Francesco Giacosa
Scalar quest
- Summary
- Scenario light scalars lt 1 GeV as 4q-states,
scalars between 1-1.8 GeV as quarkoniaglueball - Strong and e.m. decays (outlook about vector
mesons) - My last result mixing of 4q and quarkonium
occurs but it is small. - Understanding of the scalar sector lt 2 GeV is
important to study the decay of states in the
charmonia region.
19Francesco Giacosa
Scalar Quest
Thank you very much!!!