Title: Quarkonium correlators and spectral functions
1 Quarkonium correlators and spectral
functions at finite
Péter Petreczky
- Introduction screening in QGP and quarkonium
melting - Quarkonium correlators and spectral functions
- Quarkonium spectral functions in potential
models - Summary
ECT, Trento, May 25-29, 2009
2Color screening in lattice QCD
RBC-Bielefeld Collaboration
Does this imply quarkonium melting ? Matsui and
Satz PLB 178 (86) 416 see also Digal et al, PLB
514 (01) 57 PRD 64 (01) 094015,
3Meson correlators and spectral functions
Imaginary time Real time
Experiment, dilepton rate
4Quarkonium spectral functions above deconfinement
P.P., Teaney, PRD 73 (2006) 014508
calculate the area under the peak using lattice
E.g. free theory
quark number susceptibility
5Charmonia spectral functions at T0
Jakovác, P.P., Petrov, Velytsky, PRD 75 (07)
For the spectral
function is sensitive to lattice cut-off Strong
default model dependence in the continuum region
6Charmonia correlators at Tgt0
temperature dependene of
If there is no T-dependence in the spectral
Datta, Karsch, P.P., Wetzorke, PRD 69 (04) 094507
7Charmonia correlators at Tgt0
zero mode contribution is not present in the time
derivative of the correlator Umeda, PRD 75 (2007)
P.P., arXiv0810.0258
8Charmonia correlators at Tgt0
zero mode contribution is not present in the time
derivative of the correlator Umeda, PRD 75 (2007)
P.P., arXiv0810.0258
9Estimating the zero mode contribution
P.P., arXiv0810.0258
10Heavy quark susceptibility in quasi-particle
P.P., arXiv0810.0258
11Zero mode contribution in quasi-particle picture
P.P., arXiv0810.0258
12Charmonium spectral functions at finite
Jakovác, P.P., Petrov, Velytsky, PRD 75 (07)
no large T-dependence but details are not resolved
13Quarkonium spectral functions in potential models
? MJ/? , s0 nonrelativistic
? ?? s0 perturbative
many gluon exchanges important near threshold
use lattice data on the quark anti-quark free
energy to construct the potential
PRD77 (08) 014501, EPJC ST 155 (08) 101
Mócsy, P.P., PRL 99 (07) 211602,
- resonance-like structures disappear already by
1.2Tc - strong threshold enhancement above free case
indication of correlations
- resonance-like structures disappear already by
1.2Tc - strong threshold enhancement above free case
indication of correlations - height of bump in lattice and model are similar
- The correlators do not change significantly
despite - the melting of the bound states
16ground state bottomonium survives deconfinement
other states dissolved medium modification of
the 1S peak is small agreement found with lattice
17- all P-states disappear already by 1.2Tc
- but the derivatives of the of the correlators don
not show any significant T-dependence
18Quarkonium binding energy and thermal width
Using lattice data on the static quark anti-quark
free energy in 21f QCD the binding energy of
different quarkonium states can be estimated
Kharzeev, McLerran, Satz, PLB356 (95) 349
Mócsy, P.P., PRL 99 (07) 211602
19Summary and outlook
- The temperature dependence of quarkonium
correlators in Euclidean time - is dominated by the zero mode contribution and
are not sensitive to the change - in the spectral function related to melting of
the bound states - Spectral functions extracted from the lattice
data using MEM are compatible with - the threshold enhancement
- The zero mode contribution can be very well
described by a quasi-particle model - Potential models at finite temperature predict
melting of all charmonium states, - yet are consistent with lattice data on the
Eulcidean correlators - Most quarkonium states dissolve in QGP
- at temperatures not much larger than the
- transition temperature
20Back-up slides
The color octet correlator only fixes the
relative color orientation of static quark
anti-quark pair.
Juge et al, hep-lat/0103008
Perturbative relation between to the color
singlet free energy at high temperatures